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FM 1896
Days Suitable for Fieldwork in Iowa
The number of days available to complete tillage, crop protection, planting, and harvesting is an important consideration in selecting farm machinery. This publication discusses estimated days suitable for fieldwork in Iowa in each of the nine crop reporting districts in Iowa, based on records dating back to 1964.
CROP 3175
Carbon Science for Carbon Markets: Emerging Opportunities in Iowa
Credible carbon credits are a precondition for carbon markets. Unlike two decades ago, when voluntary carbon markets were just being developed, much is known today that supports credible carbon credits, including those that are agriculturally based. This report addresses ways to further improve the credibility of agricultural carbon credits and reduce the cost of carbon programs by assessing the underlying science and adding transparency to how carbon markets function. We assess the history and structure of carbon markets; carbon credit measurement, reporting, and verification protocols; the impacts of land—especially cropland—and livestock management practices on greenhouse gas and soil organic carbon dynamics, and adoption of these practices; existing and emerging engineering technologies that could reduce greenhouse gas emissions or enhance carbon removal; and quantitative tools that could help facilitate carbon market development. The geographic scope is primarily focused on the state of Iowa. The report furthermore highlights ways multisectoral collaborations—for example, between farmers, scientists, industry, government, and civil society organizations—could remove barriers and further market development.
The Carbon Sequestration Task Force was authorized on June 22, 2021, by Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds under Executive Order Number 9. Task A of this executive order states: "Reviewing the research on carbon sequestration, considering any gaps in current assessments, and determining whether new research, standards, or definitions should be developed."
As part of the analysis provided to the Task Force, researchers at Iowa State University (ISU) were asked by the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) to undertake an assessment of the science supporting agriculturally based carbon markets. This report includes the work of 51 faculty members, staff, postdoctoral associates, and graduate student scholars associated with four colleges, four institutes and centers, and 13 departments throughout ISU.
CLG 110
What is anaerobic digestion?
Anaerobic digestion is the natural breakdown of organic matter by microbial life in the absence of oxygen. Usable products – biogas, digestate, and soil amendments – are formed.
CLG 113
Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy: Frequent Asked Questions
The Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy is focused on reducing nitrogen and phosphorus in Iowa waters. This publication addresses frequently asked questions and answers regarding the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy and how Iowans are collaborating towards nutrient reduction goals.
CLG 112
Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy: Aiming to Improve Water Quality
This publication highlights the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy’s efforts to improve water quality in Iowa. To reach the Strategy’s goal of reducing nutrient loading to the Gulf of Mexico by 45%, large scale implementation of conservation practices and significant financial investment are needed.
AE 3524
Severe weather tips for farmers -- Safe Farm
Information on dealing with tornadoes, winter storms, excessive heat, and thunderstorms.
CSCAP 198 2017
Project and Research Management: Integrating Systems, Data, and People in Multidisciplinary Work, Vol. 5 of 5
This technical report summarizes the experiential and technical knowledge in project and research management from the Sustainable Corn Coordinated Agricultural Project team. The management infrastructure, processes, outcomes, lessons learned, and insights presented in this report will be particularly relevant to directors and managers of other large teams.
CSCAP 197 2017
Climate and Managing Corn-Soybean Agroecosystems, Vol. 2 of 5
It is critical, given an increasingly variable climate and occurrence of extreme weather events, to develop and test management approaches that increase the adaptive capacity of corn-based agriculture, and equip farmers and land managers to be functionally resilient.The findings, implications and recommendations in this report represent research conducted over the last five years (2011-2016) and is focused on improving understanding of the complex interactions among weather-climate, water cycles, nitrogen, soil carbon, and human-social systems of corn-based systems. This work reflects experimentation and assessments of in-field management practices, such as drainage, tillage, cover crops, extended rotations, and nitrogen sensing to determine how farmers can better utilize these practices to meet crop productivity and environmental goals under increasingly variable weather.
SOC 1048
Climate, Weather and Sweet Corn
This preliminary report offers a snapshot of Iowa sweet corn growers’ observations, thoughts, concerns, and priorities for their crops and businesses. Using the concept mapping process, growers identified social and biophysical areas where uncertainty makes managing their production systems difficult.
SOC 1043
Climate, Weather and Wine Grapes
This preliminary report offers a snapshot of Pacific Northwest wine grape growers’ observations, thoughts, concerns, and priorities for their crops. Using the concept mapping process, they identified a set of seven key areas where uncertainty makes managing their production systems difficult: pest & pathogen dispersion; pest & disease management; government oversight; labor; vineyard micro climate; harvest logistics; and winemaker relations.
SOC 1045
Climate, Weather and Hops
This preliminary report offers a snapshot of Pacific Northwest hop growers’ observations, thoughts, concerns, and priorities for their crops and businesses. Using the concept mapping process, they identified social and biophysical areas where uncertainty makes managing their production systems difficult. Although Oregon and Washington growers raise crops in different climates, both groups identified issues of labor, markets, and weather concerns that affect plant stress and crop quality and management decisions.
SOC 1046
Climate, Weather and Apples
Apples are a perennial crop that is highly sensitive to temperature (frost and excessive heat), prolonged periods of wetness or drought, high winds, hail, and long-term shifts in climate. The increasing uncertainty about future near and long-term weather conditions is one of specialty crop growers’ largest challenges. This preliminary report offers a snapshot of Northeast U.S. apple growers’ observations, thoughts, concerns, and priorities for their crop.
SOC 1047
Climate, Weather and Strawberries
Emerging and unknown risks associated with increasingly variable local and regional weather are reverberating throughout U.S. agriculture. Strawberries are biennial crops that are highly sensitive to temperature (frost and excessive heat), prolonged periods of wetness or drought, high winds, hail, and long-term shifts in climate. This preliminary report offers a snapshot of Florida strawberry growers’ observations, thoughts, concerns, and priorities for their crop.
CSCAP 196 2016
Agri-Climate Education: Preparing the Next Generation, Vol. 4 of 5
This technical report provides observations and recommendations by faculty and others who participated on the Education Team of a 5-year research, extension and outreach project, which partnered 10 universities and was led by Iowa State University. The USDA-NIFA Climate and Corn-based Cropping Systems CAP was funded to explore ways to increase resilience and adaptability of Midwest agriculture to more volatile weather patterns by identifying farmer practices and policies that increase sustainability while meeting crop demand. The Education Team provided climate and agriculture training and education to groups that represent the future of agri-climate research and discoveries - the next generation scientists and middle and high school teachers who will train the next generation of scientists.
CSCAP 195 2016
Climate and Managing Corn-Soybean Agroecosystems, Vol. 1 of 5
Corn is the major cereal crop of the United States, with two-thirds of national corn and soybean acreage concentrated in the upper Midwest. Farmers in the region have highly specialized knowledge and experience with these crops and considerable capital and infrastructure investments. It is critical, given an increasingly variable climate and occurrence of extreme weather events, to develop and test management approaches that increase the adaptive capacity of corn-based agriculture, and equip farmers and land managers to be functionally resilient.
CSCAP 194 2016
Midwest Farmer Adaptive Management Responses to Perceptions of Excess Water-related Risks
A helpful handout for discussing variables that may influence farmer decisions regarding on-farm management practices, such as the decision to plant or not plant cover crops. This handout is based on research by the social science team of the USDA Sustainable Corn Project, led by Iowa State University.
More details specific to this research and handout can be found online at:
, in a paper authored by Lois Wright Morton, Jon Hobbs, J.G. Arbuckle Jr., and Adam Loy
CSCAP 192 2016
Climate Change and Agricultural Extension, Vol. 3 of 5
This report describes lessons learned from social science research and the experiences of a team of university extension and outreach educators. The research and educators were a part of two USDA-NIFA climate projects, which were funded to help increase Corn Belt agriculture's capacity to adapt to and to assist in mitigating the impacts of climate change. The research findings provide a deep understanding of the beliefs and knowledge of farmers and other agricultural stakeholders at the intersection of climate and agriculture. The experienced extension educators also provide insights into how to talk with farmers and other agricultural stakeholders about climate change.
CSCAP 192EX 2016
Climate Change and Agricultural Extension - Executive Summary
Excerpted from the 40-page technical report entitled, Climate Change and Agricultural Extension, this Executive Summary provides a quick overview of the report's recommendations.
CSCAP 193 2016
Climate Change in the Corn Belt
Understand how climate change is impacting and will continue to impact the weather in the Corn Belt. Raymond Arritt's research encompasses mesoscale meteorology, regional climate, and aerobiology in the Departments of Agronomy and Geological and Atmospheric Sciences at Iowa State University.
CSCAP 185 2015
Build Soil Organic Matter to Improve Your Crop Production System
A resource for farmers, teachers, and extension educators and agricultural advisors for understanding the benefits of building soil organic matter and how to build soil organic matter. This publication was written by extension educators working in the Corn Belt.
CSCAP 170 2014 VIDEO
Views From the Field: Farmers on Changing Weather Patterns (Video)
In 2014, farmers across the Midwest were stepping up to the challenge of a more variable climate and extreme weather events. Hear several of them talk about their experiences and the practices they have adopted to mitigate the impacts to their farm production.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 184 2015
Farmer Perspectives on Agricultural Practices, Information, and Weather Variability in the Corn Belt: A Statistical Atlas, Volume 2
This second atlas (Volume 2) provides additional results from a 2012 survey of 4,778 farmers in 11 Corn-belt states. Here, the focus is upon farmers' specific behaviors, beliefs about climate and weather, and the tools they utilize to make farm decisions. You will find information covering timing of farming practices and farming decisions, whether and how farmers use weather information when making farming decisions; a detailed look at the influence of agricultural advisors in farmer decision making processes; farmers' personal experiences regarding weather and risks; and plans and efforts of farmers to adapt to and manage for weather and climate variability and risk.
CSCAP 180 2015
Corn Belt farmers' concerns about water-related threats to farm viability
This brief summarizes key results from a 2012 survey of 4,778 farmers in 11 Corn-belt states. Here, the focus is upon farmers' concerns about how climate change and variable weather might affect soil moisture and precipitation needed for farm viability.
CSCAP 181 2015
Corn Belt farmers' concerns about drought and heat-related threats to their farm operations
This brief summarizes key results from a 2012 survey of 4,778 farmers in 11 Corn-belt states. Here, the focus is upon farmers' concerns about drought- and heat-related threats to their farm operations.
CSCAP 182 2015
Corn Belt farmers' concerns about pest and disease related threats to their farm operations
This brief summarizes key results from a 2012 survey of 4,778 farmers in 11 Corn-belt states. Here, the focus is upon farmers' concerns about how climate change and variable weather might affect pests and disease and potentially threaten their farm operations.
CSCAP 161 2014
Farmer attitudes toward farm-level adaptation to increased weather variability
This four-page fact sheet provides a summary of answers to four questions posed to farmers, about the need for farm-level adaptation to increased weather variability.
The questions were a part of a USDA-NIFA-supported survey, conducted in 2012, of 4,778 farmers in 11 Corn-belt states.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 163 2015
Corn Belt farmers' attitudes toward institutional support for adaptation to increased weather variability
This four-page fact sheet provides a summary of answers to four questions posed to farmers, about the need for institutional support for adaptation to increased weather variability.
The questions were a part of a USDA-NIFA-supported survey, conducted in 2012, of 4,778 farmers in 11 Corn-belt states.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 164 2015
Corn Belt farmers' attitudes toward actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
This four-page fact sheet provides a summary of answers to two questions posed to farmers, about the need for government and/or farmers to take actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The questions were a part of a USDA-NIFA-supported survey, conducted in 2012, of 4,778 farmers in 11 Corn-belt states.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 165 2015
Corn Belt farmers' beliefs about climate change and its causes
This four-page fact sheet provides a summary of answers to five questions posed to farmers, about climate change and its causes.
The questions were a part of a USDA-NIFA-supported survey, conducted in 2012, of 4,778 farmers in 11 Corn-belt states.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 172 2015 VIDEO
Woodchip Bioreactors: removing nitrate from field tile lines (Video)
This video explains how woodchip bioreactors remove nitrates from field tile lines.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
SOC 1039
Midwest Climate and Specialty Crops
Specialty crop agriculture in the Midwest is an important and diverse industry, valued at $4.7 billion in 2012. The Midwest produces a wide variety of specialty crops including fruits, vegetables, and greenhouse and nursery crops. The 2014 United States Third National Climate Assessment reports that climate disruptions to agriculture have been increasing, and are projected to become more frequent and extreme. Increased variability in annual and intra-seasonal Midwest weather is already evident with heavier rainfall events and drought. Temperature and precipitation fluctuations are affecting frost dates, weed management, soil erosion, crop productivity, and pest and disease life cycles. This variability increases the uncertainty and risks associated with planting schedules, quantity and quality of crops harvested, timing of labor needs, and the entire value chain from product storage and processing to marketing. While US agriculture has continually adapted to changing weather and climate conditions, the magnitude of future change is expected to pose increased challenges and new opportunities.
To develop a plan of work that responds to Midwest specialty crop needs, twenty-five specialty crop leaders, research and extension faculty from Michigan State University and The Ohio State University participated in a planning process using a concept mapping methodology. Researchers Lois Wright Morton, professor of sociology at Iowa State University, and Anna Johnson, a graduate student at Iowa State, offer this report on crop leader views and priorities shared during the planning process. The findings in this 19-page report will be used to focus future research and inform individuals developing a region-wide plan of work for the Midwest Climate Hub. This is just a beginning.
CSCAP 159 2014
Resilient Agriculture
This publication for farmers, farm advisors and agricultural teachers contains articles about some of the findings of a USDA-NIFA-funded project researching ways to make corn-soybean systems more resilient to the impacts of climate change.
This publication won a 2014 Extension Education Materials Award Certificate of Excellence from the American Association of Agronomy and the 2014 Gold Award for technical publications from the Association for Communications Excellence.
Individual articles from within this publication are available for download below as well.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 159A 2014
Corn Growth and Development: Climate Matters
The author describes how and at what stages temperature, extreme rainfalls and other weather stresses can affect corn growth. Lori Abendroth is the project manager of the USDA-NIFA Sustainable Corn Project and has expertise in crop physiology and production and years of in-field agronomic research experience.
She is lead author of the guide,
Corn Growth and Development
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 159B 2014
Climate Change Impacts in the Corn Belt
Dennis Todey details the agricultural impacts of climate change occurring within the Corn Belt.
Todey is the South Dakota State Climatologist at South Dakota State University, an associate professor of agricultural and biosystems engineering at SDSU, and a principal investigator of the USDA-NIFA Sustainable Corn Project.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 159C 2014
Predicting the Impact of Increasing Temperatures on Corn Yield
Two scientists explain their research findings which predict the impacts of warmer temperatures on corn crops.
Bruno Basso, Ph. D., is an associate professor of agroecosystems sciences at Michigan State University and a principal investigator for the USDA-NIFA Sustainable Corn Project. Ryan Nagelkirk is a graduate student on the Project and working on his Ph.D. at Michigan State.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 159D 2014
Corn Belt States Create Nutrient Reduction Strategies to Address Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia
Based on an interview with Catherine Kling and some of her writings on the topic, this article summarizes the problem of hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico and actions needed to address the problem.
Kling is a distinguished professor of agricultural economics at Iowa State University, a member of the National Academy of Sciences and a principal investigator on the USDA-NIFA Sustainable Corn Project.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 159E 2014
Drainage Water Management in the Corn Belt
Holding back drainage water in a field, with a water control structure, allows water to flow through longer pathways and seep into deeper soil layers. In addition to water quality benefits, it's possible that drainage water management also can boost crop yields and store water for times of drought stress.
Jane Frankenberger, a professor of agricultural and biological engineering at Purdue University and a principal investigator for the USDA-NIFA Sustainable Corn Project shares her research on this topic.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 159F 2014
Cover Crops Produce Benefits in Wet and Dry Times
In this publication, Lynn Laws describes how farmers and researchers are finding that cover crops provide benefits in both wet and dry seasons.
Laws is a communications specialist for Iowa State University and for the USDA-NIFA Sustainable Corn Project.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 159G 2014
Understanding Water Needs of Diverse, Multi-year Crop Rotations
Crop rotation diversification is a tool farmers have to reduce economic risk, disrupt pest cycles, increase soil resilience, and improve water quality. Investigators with the Sustainable Corn Project are conducting studies to determine if diverse, multi-year rotations also can help crops thrive as precipitation patterns change in the Corn Belt.
Author Jeff Strock is a professor and soil scientist at the University of Minnesota. Co-author Brent Dalzell is a research associate and biogeochemist at the University of Minnesota.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 159H 2014
Farmer Perspectives on Climate Change
These three articles and graphs summarize one project's social science research to develop a better understanding of farmer perspectives on climate change and what they think should be done to prepare for predicted changes.
Author J. Gordon Arbuckle Jr. is professor of sociology at Iowa State University and a principal investigator on the USDA-NIFA Sustainable Corn Project.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 159I 2014
Corn Belt Farmers' Adaptation to Increased Precipitation
Authors discuss and illustrate the complexity of on-farm management decisions and what influences their decisions, based on their research for the USDA-NIFA Sustainable Corn Project.
Lois Wright Morton, Ph.D., is a professor of sociology at Iowa State University and the project director of the Sustainable Corn Project; J. Gordon Arbuckle Jr. is the lead sociologist on the team; Jonathan Hobbs and Adam Loy were graduate students assisting in the analysis.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 159J 2014
Scientists Explore Crop Management Options for Storing Soil Carbon
Article explains how some researchers are studying on-farm practices that are likely to increase carbon storage in soil.
Lynn Laws is a communications specialist for Iowa State University and for the USDA-NIFA Sustainable Corn Project.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 159K 2014
Lifecycle Benefits and Costs of Inorganic Nitrogen Fertilizer
A lot has been written about the downstream environmental costs of inorganic nitrogen fertilizer.
Through an interview with Robert Anex, professor at the University of Wisconsin, this article explores its environmental costs upstream and downstream--from cradle to grave.
Lynn Laws is a communications specialist for Iowa State University and for the USDA-NIFA Sustainable Corn Project.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 159L 2014
In-season N Applications Increasing in Response to More Frequent Wet Springs
Peter Scharf makes a case for in-season applications of nitrogen, for corn systems.
Scharf is a plant sciences professor at the University of Missouri and a principle investigator on the USDA-NIFA Sustainable Corn Project.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 159M 2014
Winter Rye Cover Cropping System: A Long-term Investment
The benefits of cover crops are becoming well known, but researchers also want to know more about the long term impacts of cover crops on corn and soybean yields.
Based on an interview with John Sawyer, professor of agronomy at Iowa State University, this article provides an overview of what one research study is finding. Lynn Laws is a communications specialist for Iowa State University and for the USDA-NIFA Sustainable Corn Project.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 159N 2014
Research Shows Soybeans Provide Consistent Reduction in Nitrous Oxide Emissions
Michael Castellano shares his research findings that soybean crops reduce field emissions of nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas.
Castellano is an assistant professor of agronomy at Iowa State University and a principal investigator for the USDA-NIFA Sustainable Corn Project.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 159O 2014
Cover Crops Shown to Suppress Soybean Diseases
Darin Eastburn shares the results of studies that show use of cover crops tend to suppress diseases in soybean crops.
Eastburn is an associate professor of Plant Pathology at the University of Illinois and a principal investigator for the USDA-NIFA Sustainable Corn Project.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 159P 2014
Cover Crops Shelter Beneficial and Harmful Insects
Matthew O'Neal shares preliminary results of his studies of the response of both pests and beneficial insects to cover crops.
O'Neal is an associate professor of entomology at Iowa State University and a principal investigator for the USDA-NIFA Sustainable Corn Project.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 173 2013 VIDEO
Pitfall Tutorial (Video)
Michael Dunbar, PhD graduate student at Iowa State University, demonstrates how to prepare a pitfall for collection and study of insects/pests in corn fields.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 153 2013
Farmer Perspectives on Agriculture and Weather Variability in the Corn Belt: A Statistical Atlas, Volume 1
A resource for extension educators, agricultural advisors and others, for understanding regional perspectives of corn-soybean farmers about climate change. Delineated by watershed, this collection of tables and maps provides the results of a USDA-NIFA-supported survey, conducted in 2012, of 4,778 farmers in 11 Corn-belt states.
Learn about farmer beliefs and concerns about climate change, attitudes toward adaptation and mitigation, perceived capacity to deal with the impacts and recent experiences with extreme weather events.
CSCAP 169 2013 VIDEO 1
Cover Crop Selection and Management Part 1 of 3 (Video)
Tom Kaspar discusses how to select and manage cover crops for corn-based cropping systems in the upper Midwest.
Dr. Kaspar is a Plant Physiologist at the USDA-ARS National Soil Tilth Laboratory in Ames, IA. He also serves as a USDA Collaborator/Professor with the Agronomy Department at Iowa State University.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 169 2013 VIDEO 2
Cover Crop Selection and Management Part 2 (Video)
Tom Kaspar discusses how to select and manage cover crops for corn-based cropping systems in the upper Midwest.
Dr. Kaspar is a Plant Physiologist at the USDA-ARS National Soil Tilth Laboratory in Ames, IA. He also serves as a USDA Collaborator/Professor with the Agronomy Department at Iowa State University.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 169 2013 VIDEO 3
Cover Crop Selection and Management Part 3 (Video)
Tom Kaspar discusses how to select and manage cover crops for corn-based cropping systems in the upper Midwest.
Dr. Kaspar is a Plant Physiologist at the USDA-ARS National Soil Tilth Laboratory in Ames, IA. He also serves as a USDA Collaborator/Professor with the Agronomy Department at Iowa State University.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 174 2013 VIDEO
Cover Cropping at the Homestead (Video)
Jason Jones, Iowa farmer, discusses selection and rotation of cover crops to complement different vegetable crops.
Jones farms at The Homestead's 8-acre CSA farm. The Homestead is a human resources organization that provides a variety of programs for people with autism.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 175 2013 VIDEO
Plot Design Options for On-Farm Cover Crop Trials (Video)
Mark Licht, extension field agronomist, Iowa State University, discusses recommendations and considerations when setting up cover crop field trials. This is an informational video for field specialists and others who want to work with farmers to set up cover crop field trials.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 176 2013 VIDEO
Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategies (Video)
Matthew Helmers, professor, Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering, Iowa State University, talks about the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy and the practices that help to reduce nitrate loss. Presented at a seminar on cover crops in 2013.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 109 2012
Soil Nitrogen Cycle
Great teaching resource as well as a handout for use with the video: CSCAP 0109 2012 VIDEO
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 109 2012 VIDEO
Soil Nitrogen Cycle (Video)
John Sawyer, professor, Iowa State University explains the nitrogen cycle with references to nitrogen management in corn-soybean cropping systems and current research issues.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 110 2012
Cover Crops
Great teaching resource as well as a handout for CSCAP 0110 2012 VIDEO. Potential benefits of cover crops outlined.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 110 2012 VIDEO
Cover Crops (Video)
Eileen J. Kladivko, Purdue University, discusses the potential benefits of cover crops and how they could contribute to increased resiliency of our corn-soybean production systems, in response to the effects of climate change.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 112 2012
Exploring Climate Change Beliefs
This fact sheet describes some research findings about how farmer beliefs and perceptions about climate change influence on-farm decisions.
Great teaching resource as well as a handout for use with the video: CSCAP 0112 2012 VIDEO
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 112 2012 VIDEO
Exploring Climate Change Beliefs (Video)
Jonathan Hobbs, PhD Graduate Student, Iowa State University, describes his research regarding farmer beliefs and perception about climate change and how those influence on-farm decisions.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 113 2012
Greenhouse Gases and Agriculture
A great teaching resource as well as a handout for CSCAP 0113 2012 VIDEO where Michael Castellano, assistant professor, Iowa State University, explains how agricultural greenhouse gases (GHGs) are measured in agricultural systems, what agricultural GHGs are significant and why, and strategies to reduce them.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 113 2012 VIDEO
Greenhouse Gases and Agriculture (Video)
Michael Castellano, assistant professor, Iowa State University, explains how greenhouse gases (GHGs) are measured in agricultural systems, what agricultural GHGs are significant and why, and strategies to reduce them.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 114 2012
No-Tillage Impacts on Soil Carbon, Nitrogen, and Water
Great teaching resource as well as a handout for CSCAP 0114 2012 VIDEO. The benefits of no-tillage in a corn-soybean system explained.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 114 2012 VIDEO
No-Tillage Impacts on Soil Carbon, Nitrogen, and Water (Video)
Warren Dick, professor, Ohio State University, gives a history and explains the potential negative and beneficial impacts of no-tillage in a corn-soybean system.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 115 2012
Integrated Pest Management, Filling in the Cracks
How climate change is impacting plant diseases, pests and weeds in corn-soybean systems in the Midwest.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 115 2012 VIDEO
Integrated Pest Management, Filling in the Cracks (Video)
Daren Mueller, assistant professor, Iowa State University, explains how crop insects, diseases and weeds can be affected by temperature, moisture and crop production practices.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 116 2012
Understanding the Dynamics of Soil Diversity and Variability in the Field
Handout for use with the video: CSCAP 0116 2012 VIDEO
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 120 2012
Climate and Climate Change
Fact sheet about climate change and handout for use with the video: CSCAP 0120 2012 VIDEO
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 120 2012 VIDEO
Climate and Climate Change (Video)
A primer on climate change, presented by Raymond Arritt, professor, Iowa State University.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 121 2012
Soil Organic Carbon Cycle
Fact sheet about soil organic carbon and a handout for use with the video: CSCAP 0121 2012 VIDEO
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 121 2012 VIDEO
The Soil Carbon Cycle (Video)
Dr. Sasha Kravchenko, Associate Professor, Michigan State University, discusses soil organic carbon cycle and crop management practices that increase and store carbon in the soil, while improving soil quality.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 123 2012
The Water Balance
Fact sheet about field scale water balance and handout for use with the video: CSCAP 0123 2012 VIDEO
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 123 2012 VIDEO
The Water Balance (Video)
Dr. Laura Bowling, Associate Professor, Purdue University, discusses the importance of understanding, measuring and managing field-scale water balances.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 124 2012
Nitrogen Sensing and Impact on C, N, H2O
Fact sheet about using nitrogen sensing for precision application of nitrogen and handout for use with the video: CSCAP 0124 2012 VIDEO or its abridged version, CSCAP 0124 2012 VIDEO ABRIDGED
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 124 2012 VIDEO
Canopy Sensors & Nitrogen: Contributions to Adaptation & Mitigation to Climate Change (Video)
Dr. Peter Scharf, Professor, University of Missouri, discusses the use of nitrogen sensing equipment to maximize efficiency and minimize loss of nitrogen fertilizer, and nitrogen management’s potential to decrease production costs, increase crop yield and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in corn-based cropping systems.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
Canopy Sensors & Nitrogen: Contributions to Adaptation & Mitigation to Climate Change (Video) Abridged version
Abridged version (3:33 minutes) of CSCAP 0124 2012 VIDEO
Dr. Peter Scharf, Professor, University of Missouri, discusses the use of nitrogen sensing equipment to maximize efficiency and minimize loss of nitrogen fertilizer, and nitrogen management’s potential to decrease production costs, increase crop yield and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in corn-based cropping systems.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 179 2012
Climate Change and Farm Producer Needs and Costs
Handout for use with the video: CSCAP 0179 2012 VIDEO
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 179 2012 VIDEO
Climate Change and Farm Producer Needs and Costs (Speed Science Video)
John Tyndall, assistant professor, Iowa State University, discusses qualitative research being conducted to better understand farm producer needs and costs associated with adopting management practices that help crops thrive in response to variable and extreme weather.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 116 2012 VIDEO
Understanding the Dynamics of Soil Diversity and Variability in the Field (Video)
Jeanette Goodman, PhD Graduate Student, Purdue University, discusses research being led by Dr. Phillip Owens, to understand the dynamics of soil diversity and variability in corn-based cropping systems.
This resource is part of the USDA-NIFA funded project for
climate and agriculture
that gathered data from 35 field sites and thousands of farmers in 9 Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems.
CSCAP 117 2012
Qualitative Farmer Assessment of Adaptive Management
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