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Searching for "deciduous shrubs"

Creating an Eastern Deciduous Forest Food Web -- Vibrant Clubs
In every ecosystem, all living beings are connected. All species, from the smallest bacteria to the largest mammal, rely on one another. In each habitat, all species occupy their own specific niche or position within the system. The niche each species occupies is determined, in part, by the food they eat. A food web shows the connections between species based on the food(s) they eat. Like humans, most species will not eat the same food for every meal, meaning species may have multiple things they eat or multiple species that eat them.

In this activity, youth will demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of food webs in an eastern deciduous forest ecosystem by creating their own webs and reflecting on what they came up with.
Riparian Forests -- Vibrant Clubs
Let’s look closely at an important part of our land that needs trees! These areas, called riparian forests, are located beside lakes, streams, and wetlands. Early settlers called these areas “willow thickets” because thick trees and shrubs made them hard to get through. Trees and shrubs next to water grow fast and have root systems that tolerate wet soils. They are very important in maintaining healthy soils!
Insect Galls on Trees and Shrubs
Galls are distinctive swellings or abnormal growths of plant tissue caused by an attack of a living organism. This publication discusses tree and shrub galls caused by insects and mites. It talks about the damage galls create and how they can be controlled. It also provides a detailed list of common galls and gallmarkers that includes color photos.

Previously known as IC 0417.
Viburnums: Ideal Shrubs for Iowa Landscapes
Learn about the best viburnum species and cultivars for mid-Iowa (hardiness zones 4 and 5); also site selection and care and maintenance.
Deciduous Shrubs
More than 110 photos plus descriptions of 75 deciduous shrubs (organized by height) will simplify your hunt for the right shrub for your landscape. A comparison chart identifies those with the most ornamental value. Recommendations also are given for specific planting needs, such as dry or wet soils, shaded sites, and food for birds and other wildlife.
Pruning Ornamental Shrubs
Understand how plants grow, why pruning is necessary, and which tools to use to remove the mystery surrounding this routine horticulture practice.
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