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Pop-up! A Toolkit for (fun, invigorating, life-affirming) Temporary Experiences
What is a Pop-up Event? Unlike a mural, sculpture, or public-art project defined by material, pop-up events are a bit difficult to define. However, they do have three characteristics in common: they are public, temporary, and unexpected. Pop-ups also provide opportunities to build connections and enhance the quality of life in your community.

In this toolkit, you will find information about:
  • Benefits of pop-up events
  • Material, site, and space needs
  • Community engagement strategies
  • Potential funding strategies
  • Evaluation methods
  • A “Taking Action Checklist” and a “Best Practices Cheat Sheet”
  • Many project examples to get your creative juices flowing
This toolkit aims to show that creative community collaborations are so much more than the final product itself: the process can aid in building bridges among diverse groups and create stronger networks wherever you live.

To supplement this toolkit, consider downloading POW!: A Plan of Work Template for Creative Community Projects. POW! will help you organize your goals, tasks, budgets, and track of your project success. Our Community Mural Toolkit and Yarn Bomb! A Toolkit for Community Fiber Projects are great sources for sparking ideas for a pop-up event.
Housing Readiness Fact Sheet: Rental Housing Inspection Programs
This fact sheet describes the importance of rental housing inspection programs in helping a community maintain a minimum quality standard for the existing housing stock. It describes why cities should require landlords to register rental properties, the types of rental housing inspection programs, and how to fund such programs.
Housing Readiness Fact Sheet: Annexation
This fact sheet describes the different types of annexation cities can use to encourage development outside current city boundaries, references the sections of the Iowa Code that address annexation, and provides resources where more can be learned about the process.
Housing Readiness Fact Sheet: Building Codes and Restrictions
This housing fact sheet presents information regarding building codes and provides helpful links to chapters of the Iowa Code related to building codes, restricted-residence districts, flexibility in dimensional requirements, code updates, and code enforcement. Links to additional resources are also included.
Housing Readiness Fact Sheet: Childcare
This Rural Housing Readiness Assessment fact sheet has suggestions for dealing with the shortage of childcare facilities and providers, links to useful resources, and an example of a childcare success story from Hamilton County, Iowa.
Housing Readiness Fact Sheet: Downtown Revitalization
This Rural Housing Readiness Assessment fact sheet outlines different strategies and resources for downtown revitalization, including the Main Street Iowa Program, the Community Visioning Program, and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) opportunities.
Housing Readiness Fact Sheet: Incentives for Developers/Builders
Housing is developed where and when it is profitable. This fact sheet outlines incentives that city governments can implement to prepare them for rural development, along with financial incentives to entice developers and builders to rural communities.
Housing Readiness Fact Sheet: Incentives for Home Buyers
Offering incentives aimed at home buyers is an effective way to encourage new constructions and reduce the risks of unsold properties or value gaps that make new housing unaffordable. This fact sheets provides information on homeownership programs, down-payment assistance programs, and other opportunities, and presents examples of assistance programs created by Iowa communities.
Housing Readiness Fact Sheet: Marketing and Communication
Marketing and communication are crucial to the success of a community’s housing-development strategy. This fact sheet offers strategies for marketing to both home builders and the public and provides useful links to feature on a city’s website.
Housing Readiness Fact Sheet: New Construction: Rental Housing
Homeownership is not an option for all demographic groups; therefore, rural communities need to diversify their housing options to accommodate residents’ range of income. This fact sheet provides information about both federal and state resources designed to address multifamily and low-income housing.
Housing Readiness Fact Sheet: Nuisance Abatement
This fact sheet describes nuisance abatement and offers tips and tricks for how communities can deal with nuisance properties. Links are provided to relevant chapters of the Iowa Code, as well as programs and information from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, the Iowa Economic Development Authority, and the Iowa League of Cities.
Housing Readiness Fact Sheet: Housing Rehabilitation
This fact sheet describes how rehabilitating existing housing can contribute to improving a community’s housing situation, presents strategic considerations, and lists funding sources at the federal, state, and regional levels for housing rehabilitation.
Housing Readiness Fact Sheet: Housing for Older Adults
Because nearly one-third of Iowans are 55 years old or older, developing housing for this demographic is a smart investment for communities. This fact sheet describes opportunities and challenges related to housing development for older adults, identifies several funding sources available, and present examples of older-adult housing developments in three Iowa communities.
Housing Readiness Fact Sheet: Parks & Recreation Amenities
This fact sheet lists several parks and recreation amenities that help communities attract and retain residents and families, along with a number of examples of successful development of outdoor recreation opportunities in rural Iowa communities.
Iowa Retail Initiative
The Iowa Retail Initiative, a part of ISU Extension and Outreach, is a program designed to strengthen independent retail in Iowa communities.

Our two-part program:
  • IRI Champions workshop provides training and resources for the community and small business supporters on topics from social media and retail district amenities to understanding your town’s retail data analysis.
  • The IRI Snapshot trains local leaders to create a snapshot of their retail district and to assess information about their retail districts, mapping, and decision-making.
Sentiment Survey on Current Conditions for Housing Development in Iowa
The Sentiment Survey on Current Conditions for Housing Development in Iowa is an annual survey that captures the opinions of real estate professionals regarding current conditions for housing development across the state. Respondents are asked about their sentiment on housing in general, as well as what factors drive either their positive or negative views on housing-development prospects. This year’s survey is the first iteration of an annual study that will track how sentiment in terms of housing development changes over time.
Housing Readiness Fact Sheet: Rural Housing Readiness Assessment Process
This fact sheet describes the four steps for completed the Rural Housing Readiness Assessment (RHRA) process, a program offered by the ISU Extension and Outreach Community and Economic Development unit. The goals of the RHRA process are to help communities understand the complexities of the housing market and the challenges to improving housing quality, quantity, and affordability; to plan a road map that aligns strategies for addressing these housing challenges; and to act on those plans.
Housing Readiness Fact Sheet: Assembling a Housing Steering Committee
This fact sheet describes how a community should create a housing steering committee as part of the Rural Housing Readiness Assessment (RHRA) process. Included is information about committee makeup, members' roles and responsibilities through the RHRA process, meeting guidelines, and samples of a resolution and an ordinance to establish the committee.
Housing Readiness Fact Sheet: Open Meetings and Open Records Laws
This fact sheet will help housing steering committees understand the requirements under open meetings and open records laws and operate accordingly as they work through the Rural Housing Readiness Assessment (RHRA) process.
Housing Readiness Fact Sheet: Updating City Ordinances
This fact sheet defines city ordinances and describes the process and requirements for updating or amending and publishing them according to the Iowa Code.
Housing Readiness Fact Sheet: Previous Housing Recommendations Worksheet
This fact sheet is a worksheet on which a housing steering committee going through the Rural Housing Readiness Assessment (RHRA) process can list any previous housing assessments and plans conducted in its community and describe the results.
Housing Readiness Fact Sheet: Low-Income Housing Tax Credits
This fact sheet defines low-income housing tax credits, describes how they work and who is eligible to apply, and provides tips for obtaining these highly competitive tax credits.
Housing Readiness Fact Sheet: Manufactured, Modular, and Mobile Homes
This fact sheet defines and describes the benefits of establishing manufactured, modular, and mobile home developments to address housing issues. It also defines land-lease communities and the requirements for regulating these communities.
Housing Readiness Fact Sheet: Restricted-residence Districts
Iowa Code § 414.24 provides a means for small municipalities to prepare and adopt a version of zoning that is less complex and easier to administer than a conventional zoning plan. Under this approach, the city council establishes areas of the community called “restricted-residence districts,” known also as “restricted residential districts.” This fact sheet describes the advantages and disadvantages and best practices for establishing this type of district.
Housing Readiness Fact Sheet: Allowing Flexibility in Dimensional Requirements
This fact sheet identifies the problems under Iowa law with granting dimensional variances to allow flexibility in property dimensions. It also describes creative ways to allow flexibility under certain circumstances in the local zoning ordinance to make it easier to build new and rehabilitate existing housing.
Housing Readiness Fact Sheet: Tax Increment Financing
This fact sheet defines tax increment financing (TIF) and how cities can use it to fund variety of community projects that are designed to encourage economic growth and jobs, including housing developments. It also describes how TIF funds can be used and explains how to set up a TIF district.
Housing Readiness Fact Sheet: Property Acquisition through Tax Sales
This fact sheet explains how a local government can acquire a nuisance property through tax sales. It also describes the processes defined in the Iowa Code that local governments can use to obtain tax certificates from third parties.
Housing Readiness Fact Sheet: Iowa Case Studies in Rural Housing Readiness - Infill Housing Development
This fact sheet defines infill housing development and presents the advantages and disadvantages of this type of development. It illustrates examples of infill housing development in Sioux City and describes the steps for creating an infill housing development.
Yarn Bomb! A Toolkit for Community Fiber Projects
This guide offers an introduction to the nuts and bolts of community yarn bombing and provides suggestions for strengthening your community’s goodwill in the process.

In this PDF, you will find:
  • several community benefits of yarn bombs
  • an overview of material and site needs
  • examples of fun community engagement strategies
  • a sample budget
  • some potential funding strategies
  • basic evaluation methods
  • and a few project examples from across the country
Above all, this toolkit aims to show that community art is so much more than the product itself: the art-making process can aid in building bridges between diverse groups and can help build stronger communities wherever you live.

To supplement this toolkit, consider downloading POW!: A Plan of Work Template for Creative Community Projects. POW! will help you organize your goals, tasks, budgets, and track of your project success.
Introduction to the Design Dialogues Curriculum: A Process for Thinking Critically with Youth about Community and Learning
This introductory pamphlet describes the origins of the Design Dialogues (DD) project and provides some information about the original partners. The pamphlet also gives an overview of the DD curriculum, which makes up the next 10 pamphlets in the series.

The DD curriculum provides activities that are intended to engage youth in thinking critically about their neighborhoods as places where they live, work, play, and learn; articulating their shared visions for community change; and then identifying pathways for actualizing those visions.
Design Dialogues How-to Series - 2. Listening and Guiding: How to Facilitate Small Groups
This is the second curricular pamphlet of the Design Dialogues series. This pamphlet provides information and strategies for effective facilitation of small groups. Readers will learn the stages of facilitation from preplanning through closure, strategies to effectively engage participants in small groups, and strategies to manage difficult situations or behaviors during small group activities.
Design Dialogues How-to Series - 3. We Are in This Together! Creating a Learning and Support System for Youth Facilitators
This is the third curricular pamphlet of the Design Dialogues series. This pamphlet teaches project leaders how to create a reflective learning environment and peer support system for youth facilitators who are leading small group activities. Readers will learn how to use role playing to solve problems as well as three different reflective learning practices that they can teach and use.
Design Dialogues How-to Series - 4.Who Am I? Creating Portraits for Self-Reflection
This is the fourth curricular pamphlet of the Design Dialogues series. This pamphlet provides youth with the opportunity to examine and articulate their sense of self. The activities presented here teach youth about the concepts of representation and identity while asking them to create a unique self-portrait. In the final exercise, participants use their self-portraits to identify similarities and differences within their group of peers.
Design Dialogues How-to Series - 5.What Is Community? Creating Mental Maps
This is the fifth curricular pamphlet of the Design Dialogues series. This pamphlet helps youth define community while introducing them to the concept of a mental map. The activities presented here lead youth through a process to identify the essential elements of their community while they create both individual and collective community mental maps.
Design Dialogues How-to Series - 6.Where Do I Learn? Mapping Learning Places
This is the sixth curricular pamphlet of the Design Dialogues series. This pamphlet introduces readers to the concept of learning places and uses mental mapping activities to provide youth with the opportunity to identify the essential learning places in their lives and in their community. The activities presented here provide youth with the opportunity to identify the essential learning places in their community while they create both individual and collective mental maps.
Design Dialogues How-to Series - 7. Let’s Tell Stories! Exploring Community- Based Organizations from a Youth Perspective
This is the seventh curricular pamphlet of the Design Dialogues series. The activities in this pamphlet encourage youth to share their experiences and perspectives of a community-based organization. Readers will explore how events from everyday life can become stories, apply the concept of a learning place (from Document #6), identify strengths of a community-based organization, identify opportunities for improving a community-based organization as a place to learn, and communicate collective perspectives and experiences.
Design Dialogues How-to Series - 1. Let’s Work Together! Creating a Learning Partnership That Works
This is the first curricular pamphlet of the Design Dialogues series. This pamphlet presents a process for building partnerships with community based organizations (CBOs) and local schools. Readers will learn strategies for starting a new partnership, identifying common interests with their new partner organization, and collaboratively planning an activity.
Design Dialogues How-to Series - 8. Teaching MY School! Exploring Schools from a Youth Perspective
This is the eighth curricular pamphlet of the Design Dialogues series. This pamphlet provides youth with the opportunity to articulate their experiences and perspectives of their schools as particular kinds of learning places.

The activities presented here enable youth to understand how a school can be a place with unique meanings – like “home,” to understand how a place can have different meanings for different people, to identify strengths of a school as a place to learn, to identify opportunities for improving a school as a place to learn, and to communicate collective perspectives and experiences.
Design Dialogues How-to Series - 9. MY Neighborhood, MY Tour! Organizing Youth-Led Tours of Community Learning Places
This is the ninth curricular pamphlet of the Design Dialogues series. This pamphlet provides youth with the opportunity to prepare and lead a tour of the learning places in their neighborhood.

The activities presented here enable youth to identify formal and informal learning places in their community, articulate what makes these places learning places, plan a tour of the important community learning places, lead a community learning places tour, and communicate collective perspectives and experiences.
Design Dialogues How-to Series - 10. Talking Back! Reporting Out to Community Partners
This is the tenth curricular pamphlet of the Design Dialogues series. This pamphlet provides youth with the opportunity to share their ideas with decision-makers and people in authority regarding ways to improve and/or enhance their learning environments.

The activities presented here enable readers to demonstrate learning outcomes, engage is making sense of materials from previous sessions, identify themes within youth projects, connect themes to ideas for change, and articulate ideas for positive change to school and community partners.
Municipal Zoning for Local Foods in Iowa: A Guidebook for Reducing Local Regulatory Barriers to Local Foods
The popularity of local foods has increased significantly in the last few decades, pushed along in recent years by a heightened interest of consumers in buying local and sustainably-grown foods. Municipalities are increasingly recognizing the multiple benefits of urban agriculture. As the urban agriculture movement has advanced, many have recognized the role that local government policies and regulations play in either stifling or facilitating the production, processing and distribution of local foods.

This guidebook focuses on the intersection of local foods and municipal zoning. It is written to provide Iowa city officials information and sample code language for reducing the barriers to, and/or encouraging some of the most common production and sales activities associated with urban agriculture.
Community Mural Toolkit
The Community Mural Toolkit aims to show that community art is so much more than the final product itself: the art-making process can aid in building bridges between diverse groups and add to building stronger communities wherever you live. This guide offers an introduction to the nuts and bolts of community mural making and an invitation to consider and explore your community's goals for creating community art.
Mapping 101 Certification
Mapping 101 is appropriate for individuals interested in understanding how to create maps for decision making and building new skills in QGIS for data and map development. Mapping 101 is offered as a separate certification but is included in the Full and Assessor certifications through Community Food Systems.
Moodle eCourse
Intro to Design Thinking
Participants in this course will receive access to Module 1: Introduction to Community Food Systems and Design Thinking.
  • Introduction to Community Food Systems teaches the Community Food Systems process utilized at Iowa State.
  • Design Thinking teaches methods and practices for site observation, considerations for creative techniques for project development and various potentials of design related to food systems.
Individuals will receive a certificate of completion after participation in the modules.
Moodle eCourse
Intro to Feasibility Analysis
Participants in this course will receive access to Module 1: Introduction to Community Food Systems and Feasibility Analysis.
  • Introduction to Community Food Systems teaches the Community Food Systems process utilized at Iowa State.
  • Feasibility Analysis introduces concepts and types of feasibility studies. It teaches best practices for identifying existing business data and partnership considerations to keep in mind when starting a feasibility study.
Individuals will receive a certificate of completion after participating in the modules.
Moodle eCourse
Intro to Economic Impact
Participants in this course will receive access to Module 1: Introduction to Community Food Systems and Economic Impact.
  • Introduction to Community Food Systems teaches the Community Food Systems process utilized at Iowa State.
  • Economic Impact teaches a practice for conducting economic impact analysis studies which may be used for businesses, organizations or communities. Economic Impact module first reviews a tutorial for conducting an economic impact analysis of a food hub; following, participants will conduct their own study based on a project of interest. Data utilized in this module are updated regularly based on state census information.
Individuals will receive a certificate of completion after participating in the modules.
Moodle eCourse
Local Food Leader 201 Certification
Pre-requisite: Local Food Leader 101 Certification

Local Food Leader 201 online modules build on topics taught in the Local Food Leader 101 workshop and include lessons on local food leaders in community food systems, intentional methods for inclusive and diverse collaboration, tools for research, implementation and funding, and evaluation practices. Participants complete activities and homework individually. Participants who complete the course will receive a certificate of completion in Local Food Leader 201.

Participation Hours:
  • Local Food Leader 201 online modules: approximately 40 hours of participation
Moodle eCourse
Township Trustee and Clerk Reference Manual
Key legal provisions and responsibilities of township trustees and clerks (not all-inclusive) and outlined in this manual. Several forms and models of agreements also included.

For a complete record of laws and policies see the latest Code of Iowa.

This printed manual comes shrink-wrapped and 3 hole punched, ready for your binder.
Leading Communities: A Place-based Leadership Program
Leading Communities guides you toward:
  • Understanding your community
  • Identifying local issues
  • Making community decisions
  • Building social collaboration
  • Working together effectively
  • Making it happen!
New Leadership Challenges for Local Government
Mid-sized cities and small towns are experiencing the fast pace and changes brought by new technologies and globalization. Find out how local government can respond.

Previously known as PM 1938.
Planning and Zoning - Iowa Smart Planning Principles - Iowa Code 18B.1
State agencies, local governments, and other public entities shall consider and may apply the principles included in this fact sheet during deliberation of all appropriate planning, zoning, development and resource management decisions. Note: Nothing in this section shall be construed to expand the eminent domain authority of a state agency, local government, or other public entity beyond that which is authorized under chapter 6A or 6B of the Iowa Code.

Planning and Zoning workshops are presented throughout the state of Iowa by Community and Economic Development Extension and Outreach’s Local Governments team. Information on these workshops and other programs can be found at:
Planning and Zoning - Thirteen Elements of a Comprehensive Plan from the Iowa Smart Planning Law - Iowa Code 18B.2
Subsection 2: A municipality [meaning a city or county] shall consider the smart planning principles under section 18B.1 and may include the following elements, if applicable, when developing or amending a comprehensive plan under chapter 335 or chapter 414 or when developing or amending other local land development regulations.

Planning and Zoning workshops are presented throughout the state of Iowa by Community and Economic Development Extension and Outreach’s Local Governments team. Information on these workshops and other programs can be found at:
Planning and Zoning - Process for Adopting a Comprehensive Plan Added to Iowa Code by SF 2389, 2010
This Fact Sheet includes the changes to Iowa Code 335.5 and Iowa Code 414.3, both related to the process for adoption of a comprehensive plan.

Planning and Zoning workshops are presented throughout the state of Iowa by Community and Economic Development Extension and Outreach’s Local Governments team. Information on these workshops and other programs can be found at:
Planning and Zoning - The Zoning Ordinance
This Fact Sheet discusses the zoning ordinance as the primary mechanism for implementing the policies of the comprehensive plan. The two parts comprising the zoning ordinance include the zoning map and zoning text. Both documents together technically constitute the zoning ordinance and must be kept current at all times. Learn more about these two critical documents in this publication.

Planning and Zoning workshops are presented throughout the state of Iowa by Community and Economic Development Extension and Outreach’s Local Governments team. Information on these workshops and other programs can be found at:
Planning and Zoning - Spot Zoning
What is spot zoning? How does it occur? Learn more from this publication in the planning and zoning series.

Planning and Zoning workshops are presented throughout the state of Iowa by Community and Economic Development Extension and Outreach’s Local Governments team. Information on these workshops and other programs can be found at:
Planning and Zoning - Nonconforming Uses
A nonconforming use is generally defined as "a land use or structure that was legal when established, but does not conform to the restrictions of the current zoning ordinance." This creates a "nonconforming use" that can actually cover several situations, including nonconforming uses, lots, and structures. This fact sheet contains an overview of these issues.

Planning and Zoning workshops are presented throughout the state of Iowa by Community and Economic Development Extension and Outreach’s Local Governments team. Information on these workshops and other programs can be found at:
Planning and Zoning - Special Uses and Conditional Uses (Special Exceptions)
The Board of Adjustment has the power to "hear and decide special exceptions to the terms of the ordinance upon which the board is required to pass under such ordinance" (Iowa Code §§ 335.15 (counties) and 414.12 (cities)).

The terms "special use," "use exception" and "conditional use" are frequently found in zoning ordinances, and are discussed in this planning and zoning fact sheet.

Planning and Zoning workshops are presented throughout the state of Iowa by Community and Economic Development Extension and Outreach’s Local Governments team. Information on these workshops and other programs can be found at:
Planning and Zoning - Variances
A variance is an authorization to allow a landowner to do something that is generally forbidden by the ordinance. In order to be granted a variance, the applicant carries the burden of proving to the board that strict enforcement of the terms of the ordinance will inflict an unnecessary hardship on the landowner. This fact sheet discusses the primary tests the landowner must satisfy for a variance and guidelines from the Iowa courts.

Planning and Zoning workshops are presented throughout the state of Iowa by Community and Economic Development Extension and Outreach’s Local Governments team. Information on these workshops and other programs can be found at:
Planning and Zoning - Rules of Decorum for Audience at Board of Adjustment Hearings
Although the public hearing process is governed by certain rules, the Board of Adjustment strives to conduct hearings in a relaxed and informal manner. This fact sheet discusses the rules of decorum for the audience/participants at public hearings and the process that occurs during the hearing.

Planning and Zoning workshops are presented throughout the state of Iowa by Community and Economic Development Extension and Outreach’s Local Governments team. Information on these workshops and other programs can be found at:
Planning and Zoning - Conflicts of Interest
Acting as a public servant on an elected or appointed body requires loyalty to the public. Conflicts of interest arise when a public servant is in the position of deciding between public duty and private interests. This fact sheet discusses the two most common conflicts of interest and general guidance from the Iowa Supreme Court.

Planning and Zoning workshops are presented throughout the state of Iowa by Community and Economic Development Extension and Outreach’s Local Governments team. Information on these workshops and other programs can be found at:
Planning and Zoning - A Pre-hearing Ethics Checklist
Elected officials, planning commissioners and board of adjustment members should review the attached list in advance of hearing every application brought by a landowner to judge whether a situation might be present that would prevent them from taking part in the case. Should you recuse yourself from the proceedings? Follow this checklist to find out.

Planning and Zoning workshops are presented throughout the state of Iowa by Community and Economic Development Extension and Outreach’s Local Governments team. Information on these workshops and other programs can be found at:
Planning and Zoning Roles and Responsibilities - Elected Officials
City councils or county boards of supervisors are the primary policy-making entities responsible for setting the direction of the community’s government. These policies address how land in the community is to be used in the future.

This Fact Sheet addresses three important functions:
  • Adopting plans and ordinances
  • Approving development proposals
  • Making appointments to boards, commissions and, in some communities, staff positions.

Planning and Zoning workshops are presented throughout the state of Iowa by Community and Economic Development Extension and Outreach’s Local Governments team. Information on these workshops and other programs can be found at:
Introduction and Overview - Engaging Community Planners and Local Elected Officials with Local Food Systems Producers to Integrate Local Food Systems into Community Plans and Policies
This is the first of four bulletins that discuss the findings of a local food system research project, Engaging Community Planners and Local Elected Officials with Local Food Systems Producers to Integrate Local Food Systems into Community Plans and Policies, funded by the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State University.

This bulletin provides an overview of the project and three subsequent bulletins provide details on the substantive findings of the project.
The Intersection of Local Food Systems and the Agricultural Exemption to Iowa County Zoning - Engaging Community Planners and Local Elected Officials with Local Food Systems Producers to Integrate Local Food Systems into Community Plans and Policies
This is the second of four bulletins that discuss the findings of a local food system research project, Engaging Community Planners and Local Elected Officials with Local Food Systems Producers to Integrate Local Food Systems into Community Plans and Policies, funded by the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State University.

This bulletin presents the context and options for addressing, defining, and administering the agricultural exemption to county zoning found in Iowa Code 335.2.
Smart Growth and Local Food Systems - Engaging Community Planners and Local Elected Officials with Local Food Systems Producers to Integrate Local Food Systems into Community Plans and Policies
This is the third of four bulletins that discuss the findings of a local food system research project, Engaging Community Planners and Local Elected Officials with Local Food Systems Producers to Integrate Local Food Systems into Community Plans and Policies, funded by the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State University.

This bulletin presents the context and options for addressing smart growth practices, and their impacts on agriculture in and near city limits through local plans, policies and land use regulations.
Local Food Systems and Economic Development - Engaging Community Planners and Local Elected Officials with Local Food Systems Producers to Integrate Local Food Systems into Community Plans and Policies
This is the second of four bulletins that discuss the findings of a local food system research project, Engaging Community Planners and Local Elected Officials with Local Food Systems Producers to Integrate Local Food Systems into Community Plans and Policies, funded by the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State University.

This bulletin presents the context and options for addressing the lack of recognition of local food systems as an economic development opportunity.
2006 Summary Report - Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll
Report on Iowa farmers' opinions on energy costs, quality of life, relations with neighbors, environmental quality related to livestock operations, Internet access and use, and more.
Preparing for a Collaborative Community Assessment
This publication helps community development specialists prepare for collaborative community assessment activities. It discusses characteristics of such an assessment, steps involved, and practical implications.
Purposeful Partnerships in the Community Interest
Teamwork among citizens, private groups, and public agencies is the key to many successful community projects. How can communities develop purposeful partnerships that benefit community interests while satisfying all partners? Use these tools to evaluate the structure, mission, and effectiveness of any organization.
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