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Featured Products
Financial Literacy Lesson Plans - Grades K-5
This curriculum provides four lessons for each grade level, K-5 to address Iowa's financial literacy content standards. Most lessons use storybooks as the main activity, supplemented by activities to extend learning and to initiate discussions at home.
Lesson plans + user guide
User guide
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
The Struggle is Real Resource Card (Unit=Pkg of 50 cards)
These resource cards provide contact information for free ISU Extension and Outreach-sponsored resources available to the general public, including: AnswerLine, Healthy Families, Iowa 2-1-1, Iowa Concern Hotline, and Teen Line.

Previously known as PDO 0071
Miscellaneous Item
Iowa Concern Hotline magnet (Unit=Pkg of 50)
Magnet with contact information for the Iowa Concern Hotline. Hotline provides confidential, 24-hour support for individuals with financial concerns and those seeking stress counseling or legal education.

Each magnet is 2 inches wide by 3.5 inches high.
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