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Creating an Urban Food Web -- Vibrant Clubs
In every ecosystem, all living beings are connected. All species, from the smallest bacteria to the largest mammal, rely on one another. In each habitat, all species occupy their own specific niche or position within the system. The niche each species occupies is determined, in part, by the food they eat. A food web shows the connections between species based on the food(s) they eat. Like humans, most species will not eat the same food for every meal, meaning species may have multiple things they eat or multiple species that eat them.

In this activity, youth will demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of food webs in an urban ecosystem by creating their own webs and reflecting on what they came up with.
Creating a Woodland Food Web -- Vibrant Clubs
In every ecosystem, all living beings are connected. All species, from the smallest bacteria to the largest mammal, rely on one another. In each habitat, all species occupy their own specific niche or position within the system. The niche each species occupies is determined, in part, by the food they eat. A food web shows the connections between species based on the food(s) they eat. Like humans, most species will not eat the same food for every meal, meaning species may have multiple things they eat or multiple species that eat them.

In this activity, youth will demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of food webs in a woodland ecosystem by creating their own webs and reflecting on what they came up with.
Creating an Eastern Deciduous Forest Food Web -- Vibrant Clubs
In every ecosystem, all living beings are connected. All species, from the smallest bacteria to the largest mammal, rely on one another. In each habitat, all species occupy their own specific niche or position within the system. The niche each species occupies is determined, in part, by the food they eat. A food web shows the connections between species based on the food(s) they eat. Like humans, most species will not eat the same food for every meal, meaning species may have multiple things they eat or multiple species that eat them.

In this activity, youth will demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of food webs in an eastern deciduous forest ecosystem by creating their own webs and reflecting on what they came up with.
Basic PPE for Pesticide Use
This publication provides information on the importance of personal protective equipment (PPE) in relation to the handling of pesticides and limiting pesticide exposure.
Creating a Tallgrass Prairie Food Web -- Vibrant Clubs
In every ecosystem, all living beings are connected. All species, from the smallest bacteria to the largest mammal, rely on one another. In each habitat, all species occupy their own specific niche or position within the system. The niche each species occupies is determined, in part, by the food they eat. A food web shows the connections between species based on the food(s) they eat. Like humans, most species will not eat the same food for every meal, meaning species may have multiple things they eat or multiple species that eat them.

In this activity, youth will demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of food webs in a tallgrass prairie ecosystem by creating their own webs and reflecting on what they came up with.
Predator Prey Cycle Tag -- Vibrant Clubs
In every ecosystem, all living beings are connected. All species, from the smallest bacteria to the largest mammal, rely on one another. When food is abundant (prey), those that eat the food (predator) will thrive, and their population will grow. Eventually, there may be too many predators, and the prey population may dwindle. When this happens, there is not enough food for the predators, so their numbers drop also. With fewer predators, the prey population increases again, and the cycle continues. In this activity, youth will demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of predator-prey cycles and reflect on their experience.
Creating a Wetland Food Web -- Vibrant Clubs
In every ecosystem, all living beings are connected. All species, from the smallest bacteria to the largest mammal, rely on one another. In each habitat, all species occupy their own specific niche or position within the system. The niche each species occupies is determined, in part, by the food they eat. A food web shows the connections between species based on the food(s) they eat. Like humans, most species will not eat the same food for every meal, meaning species may have multiple things they eat or multiple species that eat them.

In this activity, youth will demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of food webs in a wetland ecosystem by creating their own webs and reflecting on what they came up with.
Resistant Bacteria in the Environment -- Vibrant Clubs
One Health is a collaborative, multi-sector, transdisciplinary approach to achieving optimal health outcomes among people, animals, plants, and their shared environment. Scientists working with a One Health focus have seen increased antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in the environment. Antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in the environment occur naturally but can also be impacted by humans’ antibiotic use and disposal decisions. This antimicrobial resistance can impact humans if they swim with a cut in a waterway that contains resistant bacteria.
Wildlife Trivia: Tallgrass Prairie Ecoregion -- Vibrant Clubs
One common ecoregion in the state of Iowa includes the Tall Grass Prairie. This activity includes cards with "fun facts" about various wildlife species that call the Tall Grass Prairie home. The fun trivia game helps youth identify wildlife species and learn more about specific characteristics of those species.
Wildlife Trivia: Urban Ecoregion -- Vibrant Clubs
One common ecoregion in the state of Iowa is the Urban Ecoregion. This activity includes cards with "fun facts" about various wildlife species that call the Urban Ecoregion home. The fun trivia game helps youth identify wildlife species and learn more about specific characteristics of those species.
Wildlife Trivia: Wetland Ecoregion -- Vibrant Clubs
One common ecoregion in the state of Iowa is the wetland ecoregion. This activity includes cards with "fun facts" about various wildlife species that call the Wetland Ecoregion home. The fun trivia game helps youth identify wildlife species and learn more about specific characteristics of those species.
Native Seed Collection -- Vibrant Clubs
Native plants are an important part of the ecosystem, especially within the tallgrass prairie! In most communities, non-native plants are brought in for landscaping and visual appeal. However, many native plants are beautiful to look at and make great landscaping plants! In this activity, youth will learn how to identify some native plants in Iowa, use all their senses to observe and describe the plants, and then collect seeds to plant in their community.
Iowa Pizza Rocks -- Vibrant Clubs
Let’s look at a map of Iowa. Can you find where you live? What places have you been to and what have you seen as you’ve driven around the state? In this activity, we will prepare a pizza that is a geological replica of Iowa! Iowa’s rock and mineral foundation is several layers deep. The oldest layer is on the bottom, followed by the next oldest, then the next oldest, and so on. The layers of the earth under Iowa were molten or fluid initially. They hardened with time and pressure. Our pizza crust and cream cheese represent a common rock that is found in the layers deep below Iowa’s surface. It is called limestone. Limestone is also found on the surface of soil. Older rocks exist below the limestone layer, but we will not discuss that today.
Riparian Forests -- Vibrant Clubs
Let’s look closely at an important part of our land that needs trees! These areas, called riparian forests, are located beside lakes, streams, and wetlands. Early settlers called these areas “willow thickets” because thick trees and shrubs made them hard to get through. Trees and shrubs next to water grow fast and have root systems that tolerate wet soils. They are very important in maintaining healthy soils!
Cooking Over Campfire Coals: A Guide for Adult Mentors
Nothing seems to make food taste better than cooking it outdoors. The experience can be an excellent learning opportunity for youth whether it is a simple one-pot cookout in the backyard, several cookouts, or a campout.

An outdoor cooking activity can be used to help youth achieve many 4-H learning outcomes, including:
  • Learn practical skills
  • Acquire positive self-attitude
  • Develop leadership capabilities
  • Develop abilities to be a responsible group member
Bird Watching -- On the Go Lesson
Make a birdseed feeder to watch birds in your own backyard.

These To Go Lessons can be used to create a "grab and go" style activity with supplies included. Add your local contact information, print, and cut each sheet in half. The left side can be used on the outside of the paper bag or box to identify the activity, and the right side can be placed in the package as an instruction sheet.
Wonders of Nature -- On the Go Lesson
Today, we are learning about nature! Do you have a favorite place to go outside? Have you ever visited a place with a creek or small river? If so, what did you notice or like about those places?

These To Go Lessons can be used to create a "grab and go" style activity with supplies included. Add your local contact information, print, and cut each sheet in half. The left side can be used on the outside of the paper bag or box to identify the activity, and the right side can be placed in the package as an instruction sheet.

Clover Kids lessons are designed for youth in grades K-3.

Youth-serving organizations in Iowa are encouraged to contact their local Iowa State University Extension and Outreach county office to explore partnership opportunities in administering this program.
Environment and Sustainability Project Area Guide
Do you want to make the Earth a better place to live? It is all about the environment in this project, whether it's plants, animal habitats, environmental issues, saving energy, renewable resources, or recycling! You pick the topic and then learn to make a difference.
Outdoor Adventures Project Area Guide
Do you like being outdoors? You can become the ultimate explorer by designing an outdoor adventure! Choose from backpacking, biking, camping, canoeing, fishing, or hiking to create an adventure in the outdoors.
Shooting Sports Project Area Guide
The Safety and Education in Shooting Sports project area uses skills and disciplines of shooting to assist young people and their leaders in obtaining knowledge and developing life skills. The disciplines include archery, rifle, shotgun, muzzle loader, and wildlife skills.
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