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Essential Data Science: Introduction to Tableau Products
Welcome to the Essential Data Science Task Sheet Series. This series supplements the Iowa State University Geospatial Technology Training Program and is designed to provide quick, easy instructions for creating interactive data visualizations in either Tableau Public or Tableau Desktop.

Tableau’s products are software applications that allow users to create, visualize, and display data visualizations (or “vizzes”). Users can work with both tabular (.xls, .xlsx, .txt, .csv, .tab, .tsv, .json, .rdata) and geospatial (.shp, .gdb, .geojson, .topojson, .mif, and .kml) file formats and most Tableau programs can be used in-browser or can be downloaded onto Linux, Windows, or Mac operating systems. Tableau’s software offerings can be confusing. In this tutorial, you will learn about several popular Tableau products to help you choose which will be most helpful for your use cases.
Intro to USGS topoBuilder
A topographic map presents the shapes of geologic features such as mountains, valleys, and plains using a series of contour lines to indicate areas of equal elevation. Prior to the release of topoBuilder, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) topographic maps were available through the USGS Store or from outdoor recreation-focused retailers such as REI or Cabelas.

The USGS topoBuilder web application allows users to generate a customized, on-demand map of most areas within the bounds of the U.S. and its Territories. These high-resolution maps are suitable for printing or can be accessed using a geo-enabled mobile app such Avenza Maps or Gaia GPS. In this task sheet you will learn how to use the topoBuilder application to generate a customized map of the Des Moines River near a popular state park in central Iowa.
ArcGIS Pro: Mapping Strava GPX Data
GPS Exchange (GPX) format is an open-source file format for sharing location data between GPS-enabled devices and computer applications. Many popular geo-enabled mobile apps use GPX to track route and way-point information. Strava is a popular exercise-tracking platform and social network popular with both amateur and professional athletes, and is available on iOS and Android. In this task sheet, you will learn how to download a GPX file associated with an activity from Strava and import the data into ArcGIS Pro where you will visualize the location data on a map and create an elevation profile of your route.
Spatial Data Science with R: An Introduction to the Tidyverse
The tidyverse is a collection of open source R packages that are useful for data scientists. With the packages loaded into projects, the common API design provides a coherent system, or toolbox, that makes it easy to perform common data science tasks such as importing, wrangling (tidying and manipulation), modeling data, presenting results, and programming. This task sheet will briefly introduce each of the core packages. For more information on the tidyverse, visit the official tidyverse website. Additional task sheets covering tidyverse packages include GISTP 0025 - Filtering and Selecting Data with dplyr, GISTP 0026 - Mutating and Piping Data with dplyr, and GISTP 0029 - Joining Spatial Data with dplyr.
Spatial Data Science with R: Overview of the RStudio Interface
RStudio (recently re-branded as Posit) is an integrated development environment (IDE) for programming in both the R and Python programming languages. RStudio combines a number of different tools into a single application: source code editor, debugger, versioning control, environment and package managers, and more. This task sheet will give an overview of the user interface and some key features of RStudio. Installing R and RStudio are covered in GISTP 0021 - Getting Started with R and R Studio. Although RStudio works with Python, this series is focused on the R programming language.
QGIS: Improving Table Joins with CSVT Files
A CSVT file is a single line of text listing the field types used in your CSV file, separated by commas. When adding CSV files to QGIS you may notice all fields are treated as strings (text data); creating a CSVT file will help QGIS recognize the correct field types. Common field types you will come across are: string, for text data; integer, for whole numbers; real (sometimes called double), for numbers with decimals; and boolean, for yes/no or true/false data with only two options. This task sheet will teach you how to manage your comma separated value (CSV) files and improve joins by creating a CSVT file.
Spatial Data Science with R: Getting Started with R and RStudio
R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on Windows, MacOS, and a wide variety of Linux platforms. R supports advanced statistics, modeling, and data visualization through downloadable collections of functions called packages. More information can be found at In this task sheet, you will learn how to install R and the RStudio Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and write some basic R commands. This task sheet is the first in a series of tutorials introducing spatial data science concepts using the R programming language.
Spatial Data Science with R: Installing Packages with RStudio
An R package is a collection of reusable code, documentation and sample data that can be installed into your R environment to greatly expand it’s functionality. The packages you will want to install and use will vary depending on your project goals or the type data you are using. This task sheet will show you how to install packages from CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network) and GitHub, how to load a package for use, and how to determine which packages are currently installed and loaded in your R session. This task sheet builds on content from GISTP 0021 - Getting Started with R and RStudio.
Spatial Data Science with R: Filtering and Selecting Data with dplyr
A part of the data science-oriented Tidyverse collection of packages (see GISTP 0024 - Tidyverse Overvie), dplyr provides a grammar of data manipulation by providing a set of verbs to use when working with data frames. In this task sheet you will 1) install the Tidyverse packages 2) install a dataset containing demographic data on the United States at the county and state level; 3) learn how to use dplyr to subset your data by filtering rows based on column values and selecting specific columns to include in a dataset. You can learn more dplyr functions in the task sheet GISTP 0026 - Mutating and Piping Data with dplyr.
Spatial Data Science with R: Mutating and Piping Data with dplyr
In this task sheet you will learn how to add new columns to a dataset with the mutate function. This lesson will also introduce the pipe operator, %>%, which allows you to chain together functions by “piping” the output of one function to the input of the next function. You will continue to work with the usdata dataset used in the task sheet GISTP 0025 - Filtering and Selecting Data with dplyr, which covers installing both dplyr and the usdata package.
Spatial Data Science with R: Importing CSV and Excel into Data Frames
In this task sheet you will learn how to import two common data file types into your R environment: comma separated value (CSV) files and Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. The base R installation can read CSV files without any additional software; for Excel files you can use the package readxl. Both methods produce a data frame as the result. If you are new to programming in R, you may find useful the previous task sheets in the series: GISTP 0021 - Getting Started with R and RStudio, and GISTP 0023 - Installing Packages with RStudio.
Spatial Data Science with R: Plotting a Shapefile with sf
In this task sheet you will install and use the sf package in R to work with spatial data. The sf package implements the Simple Features standard – an open-source model for storing and accessing vector data (point, line, and polygon-based geometry) commonly used by geographic information systems. You will install the sf package and visualize spatial data provided by the United States Census Bureau in shapefile format, a file type frequently used in spatial analysis and map-making. This task sheet also uses concepts covered in GISTP 0025 - Filtering and Selecting Data with dplyr and GISTP 0026 - Mutating and Piping Data with dplyr.
Spatial Data Science with R: Joining Spatial Data with dplyr
This task sheet will cover a common action in geospatial workflows: using a join operation to enrich spatial data with non-spatial attribute data. When you join two sets of data, you match rows from one data set to another based on a common field. This task sheet will go through the steps of joining county-level demographic data (from the usdata package) to county-level geographic data (from a shapefile) using the dplyr package in R. This task sheet builds on concepts covered in: GISTP 0025 - Filtering and Selecting Data with dplyr, GISTP 0026 - Mutating and Piping Data with dplyr, and GISTP 0028 - Plotting a Shapefile with sf.
ArcGIS Pro: Creating a Spatial Map Series
A map series is a collection of maps built from a single layout. A spatial series is created by iterating through each feature in a layer specifically designated as an index layer. The map frame shows a different map extent based on the feature from the index layer, and the map series can be ordered alphabetically or by attribute data. In ArcMap Desktop, this process was called building a map book with data driven pages. This task sheet will utilize the Map Series tool to create a spatial map series showing incorporated cities, roads, and waterbodies for each county in Iowa and uses concepts covered in GISTP 0015 - ArcGIS Pro: Creating a Layout.
Google Sheets: Import Tables and Lists from Websites
Google Sheets is a free web-based spreadsheet program available to anyone with a Google account. Like Excel, it has a large variety of formulas, such as ImportHTML, which works by querying a given website for its data structure and returning the results directly in Google Sheets. This task sheet gives an overview of using ImportHTML to scrape tables and lists from a website, thus eliminating both the need to re-type data found on the web and the formatting clean-up that copy/pasting website data typically requires. After establishing how to use the ImportHTML formula, this tutorial details the process of exporting the data to another file type.
Downloading and Preparing U.S. Census Data for Mapping
The U.S. Census Bureau provides many different datasets on topics such as population, income, housing, and education. is the platform to access demographic and economic data collected through the decennial census, American Community Survey (ACS), and other surveys. This is the replacement for the American Fact Finder website. This task sheet will take you through the steps of downloading U.S. Census Bureau data and preparing the file for mapping using ArcGIS Pro.
ArcGIS Pro: Joining U.S. Census Data to a Shapefile
The U.S. Census Bureau provides many different datasets on topics such as population, income, housing, and education. This tutorial builds on GISTP 0018 - Downloading and Preparing U.S. Census Data for Mapping and will take you through the steps of joining county-level income data to a shapefile of Iowa counties. After joining the data, we will export the data to a geodatabase making the join permanent.
ArcGIS Pro: Geotagged Photos to Point
The GeoTagged Photos To Points tool in ArcGIS Pro allows you to visualize the locations of images taken with a GPS-enabled camera or mobile device (including platforms such as an iPhone or Android). It works by creating points from the x-, y-, and z-coordinate information stored in the EXIF (Exchangeable Image File Format) metadata that accompanies each photo. In this tutorial you will test out the Geotagged Photos to Points tool on your own photos and learn how to match .gpx logs to photos without location metadata. Keep in mind that this tool supports .jpg and .tiff files, but not .png, .heic, or .jfif.
Downloading Iowa Lidar Data
Lidar (light detection and ranging) is a remote-sensing technology which uses lasers and GPS (global positioning system) receivers affixed to airplanes to generate precise measurements of the Earth’s surface. By measuring how long a pulse of light from a laser takes to strike the ground or an object and return to the sensor, a computer is able to accurately calculate the distance the pulse travelled. When this is done over a wide area, it is possible to generate very accurate elevation profiles. In this tutorial, you will learn how to navigate and use the GeoInformatics Training Research Education and Extension (GeoTREE) website hosted by the University of Northern Iowa to download lidar data for locations within the state of Iowa.
ArcGIS Pro: Connecting to ArcGIS Server
In ArcGIS Pro, you can connect to online web-hosted datasets. You can use these connections to access maps and datasets for use in your analyses. Connecting to a GIS server is a great resource: it saves time by keeping you connected to the data source, and lets you access large amounts of available data without having to store the data on your computer. Many federal agencies, along with state, county and even municipal governments, offer freely-available geographic data via ArcGIS servers. In this tasksheet you will be connecting to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources REST Service and downloading some data about public lands in Iowa.
ArcGIS Pro: Working with Lidar Data
For this tutorial you will be processing lidar (light detection and ranging) data from an area near Ledges State Park in Boone, Iowa. Lidar is a remote sensing technique similar to radar, however lidar uses light waves instead of sound waves to create more accurate and detailed measurements. You will be downloading several LAS lidar files and using ArcGIS Pro tools to convert them into a single raster image. To learn how to source your own Iowa lidar data, we suggest reading the task sheet GISTP 0016 - Downloading Iowa Lidar Data.
ArcGIS Pro: Hillshade, Slope, and Contour
In this tutorial, you will be building on a previous project where you created a raster image from lidar data; you will use that image to create derived images for hillshade, slope and contour lines. The Hillshade geoprocessing tool creates shadows to give a three-dimensional look, the Slope tool uses elevation data to indicate the steepness of surface changes, and the Contour tool will create lines of similar elevation across an area.
ArcGIS Pro: Creating a Layout
In this tutorial you will learn how to create and export a layout in ArcGIS Pro. Creating a layout allows you to add common cartographic elements such as a scale bar, compass, and legend, and then export your final map for use in reports, presentations, or websites. A good map layout should be well organized and easy for your audience to understand. ArcGIS Pro provides many options and details to fine-tune your final product; this tutorial will introduce you to the basic process.
ArcGIS Pro: ArcGIS and Python
Python is a free, easy-to-learn, powerful programming language. It is widely used for applications such as web development, database management, software development, and for our purposes, geoprocessing. Python was introduced into ArcMap version 9.0 and has since been the standard for geoprocessing scripting, primarily through a library called “ArcPy,” which enables Python to work within ArcGIS Pro. In this tutorial, we will go over how to get started by running a script that counts the number of grocery stores within cities. Visit to learn more about the Python language.
ArcGIS Pro Field Calculations: Coordinates
This task sheet will take you through the process of calculating the geometry (i.e., determining Latitude and Longitude) of the points in a shapefile. From there, you will convert the Latitude and Longitude to a whole host of other coordinate formats using the Generate Coordinate Notations tool in ArcGIS Pro.
ArcGIS Pro: Georeferencing a Raster Dataset
Raster datasets represent geographic features by dividing the world into square or rectangular cells laid out in a grid. Each cell has a value that is used to represent a characteristic of the location. Raster data is commonly obtained from aerial photography, satellite imagery or historical maps. Scanned maps don’t typically contain spatial reference information until they are georeferenced. Georeferencing is the process of assigning spatial coordinates to data that is spatial in nature but has no explicit geographic coordinate system (GCS). This task sheet will take you through the steps of georeferencing using the georeferencing toolbar in ArcGIS Pro.
ArcGIS Pro: Connecting to Web Map Services
In this example, we will be using Web Map Services (WMS) in ArcGIS Pro by connecting to the Iowa Geographic Map Server (Orthoserver). WMS is a standard protocol for serving georeferenced maps over the Internet. The Orthoserver at ISU contains aerial imagery from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) going back to the 1930s, lidar data, USGS topographical maps, historical maps and more. We will add both historic and modern aerial imagery to a map to visually compare development changes over time near the Saylorville Dam in Johnston, Iowa.
ArcGIS Pro: XY Data Points
XY data saved in several different formats can be brought into ArcGIS Pro. Some of these include: Excel (.xlsx), Excel 97-2003 (.xls), comma-separated values (.csv), or text (.txt). In this tasksheet you will turn a CSV file containing UTM coordinates into points on the map. The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Coordinate System is used in this example because of its detailed accuracy, no negative values, and values are measured in meters. UTM divides Earth into 60 zones where Iowa is located in Zone 15N, you will be using NAD 1983 UTM zone 15N to locate your points on the map.
ArcGIS Pro Field Calculations: Area and Length
As a GIS student or professional, you may be asked to compute basic geometric calculations in ArcGIS Pro. This is fairly easy to accomplish, but requires understanding how Fields operate in ArcGIS Pro. In this tutorial, you will practice adding a field to an attribute table and learn how to calculate area and length for a given polygon or line feature. These measurements may be helpful in a variety of contexts: architectural, as in determining the footprint of a series of buildings; ecological, as in the distance salmon travel from a lake to the sea; or agricultural, as in determining potential yield from a crop of corn, among many others.
ArcGIS Pro: Creating Random Points
Creating random points in ArcGIS Pro is a tool useful especially for researchers. Imagine wanting to run a model for testing, but you don’t have the data to do so; or, you have the data but have confidentiality and privacy concerns to take into account; or, you need random points to represent a survey sample for which the georeferenced data is classified. In this tutorial, you will work with polygon data of Iowa watersheds and create random points from the polygon border.
ArcGIS Pro: Generating A Service Area Layer
Generating a Service Area is one method of calculating driving distance from businesses to customers and vice versa. We will be using Network Analyst tools to calculate driving distances from grocery stores in Story County, Iowa.

This tool requires the ArcGIS Pro Network Analyst license to complete. For more information about this license, visit:
Getting Started with ArcGIS Online
ArcGIS Online is a somewhat scaled-back version of ArcGIS Pro accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. It is still a powerful mapping tool. In this tutorial, you will learn how to sign in and navigate an ArcGIS online map, find data through the ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World, edit symbology and layers, and save a project.
ArcGIS Pro: Changing Text Case
Attribute data is often not in the format that is needed or desired for map labeling or table joining. For example, text may be in all uppercase or lowercase letters when you want it in proper case for labeling, etc. With the built-in title case command within the field calculator in ArcGIS Pro you are able to change text from an existing field or quickly rewrite the field to a different case. This task sheet will go through the process of changing the text case using the field calculator and Python functions.
ArcGIS Pro: Generating Desire Lines
Point data can be linked from one another using the Desire Lines tool. The Desire Lines tool (available in the Business Analyst extension), helps to generate a series of line from each “customer” point to a desired “store” location. In this ArcGIS Pro 2.9 tutorial, you will connect immigrants in Iowa and the countries they came from using the tool.
QGIS: Geocoding Addresses
Geocoding is the process of converting an address to a geographic location (latitude, longitude) by matching an address to an address range. The U.S. Census Bureau provides a public geocoding tool that allows you to geocode up to 10,000 addresses at a time. A geocoded output file is produced that includes the latitude and longitude information for each address. This task sheet takes you through the process of using the Census Bureau’s public geocoding tool, and displaying the results as points on a map using QGIS software.
QGIS: Finding and Utilizing Iowa Resources
Iowa has a wealth of free geospatial resources. In this QGIS task sheet, we will be reviewing several different websites that offer access to free GIS data. We will also be reviewing how to use different formats of data from these sources, such as shapefiles (.shp) and web services (.wms and ArcGIS REST Services) within QGIS.
Mapping API's: Getting Started with Turf.js in Leaflet.js
Geocoding is the process of converting an address to a geographic location (latitude, longitude) by matching an address to an address range. The U.S. Census Bureau provides a public geocoding tool that allows you to geocode up to 10,000 addresses at a time. A geocoded output file is produced that includes the latitude and longitude information for each address. This task sheet takes you through the process of using the Census Bureau’s public geocoding tool, and displaying the results as points on a map using QGIS software.
Mapping API's: Turf.js in the Browser Console
Turf.js is an open source JavaScript library for advanced geospatial analysis that allows for spatial operations to be preformed in the browser. The full build of Turf is around 500kb which is a fair bit of javascript to load.

You can use to create a custom build of the library containing only the modules you need instead of using the content delivery network (CDN) of the library.

This task sheet with get you started with using different Turf.js functions such as creating points, polygons, and calculating distance and area.
QGIS: Download and Export OpenStreetMap Data
This task sheet presents an open source workflow that uses crowd-sourced data from OpenStreetMap (OSM) to create GeoJSON files that can be used on web mapping platforms like leaflet or mapbox. Using free QGIS software, users can download data from OSM, and then filter and edit it within the QGIS environment. The data can be used for analysis, in map layouts, or exported to various file formats, including GeoJSON.
Creating GitHub Pages
Occasionally when developing a Python script, plugin or other open-source Web mapping project, it is desirable to have a Web page that can serve as a landing page for the project.

One option is to create a website and host it with a service provider or on your own server. Another FREE option is to create a GitHub page. GitHub Pages are static sites that are constructed through a GitHub Pages branch of a GitHub repository. Official information is available at: This task sheet covers the basic steps required for adding a landing page to a repository.
ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap (10.4.x)
The ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap (OSM) allows you to use ArcGIS tools for working with OpenStreetMap data. This is a desktop toolset for ArcGIS 10.2 that allows you to load data from OpenStreetMap, use the familiar editing environment of ArcGIS Desktop to create, modify, and create network analysis. You can also update data and post back the edit changes to OSM to make them available to all OSM users.

This task sheet will cover downloading the ArcGIS Editor for OSM and loading data from OSM to save in a geodatabase.
ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap (10.5.x)
The ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap (OSM) allows you to use ArcGIS tools for working with OpenStreetMap data. This is a desktop toolset for ArcGIS 10.2 that allows you to load data from OpenStreetMap, use the familiar editing environment of ArcGIS Desktop to create, modify, and create network analysis. You can also update data and post back the edit changes to OSM to make them available to all OSM users.

This task sheet will cover downloading the ArcGIS Editor for OSM and loading data from OSM to save in a geodatabase.
ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap (10.3.x)
The ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap (OSM) allows you to use ArcGIS tools for working with OpenStreetMap data. This is a desktop toolset for ArcGIS 10.2 that allows you to load data from OpenStreetMap, use the familiar editing environment of ArcGIS Desktop to create, modify, and create network analysis. You can also update data and post back the edit changes to OSM to make them available to all OSM users.

This task sheet will cover downloading the ArcGIS Editor for OSM and loading data from OSM to save in a geodatabase.
QGIS: Road Graph Plugin - Finding Shortest Path
There are hundreds of plugins available in QGIS that allow you to do an extremely wide variety of things within the software. There are two plugins highlighted in this task sheet: the road graph plugin which allows you to find the shortest path between two points along a line (road) network, and OpenLayers Plugin which allows you to access common basemaps from Google, Bing, and OpenStreetMap within your QGIS projects.
Editing OpenStreetMap: Potlach 2 Editor
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a project that creates and distributes free geographic data for the world. Editing OpenStreetMap is the process of making changes to the map data - such as adding roads, grocery stores, or changing feature names. Several editors can be used to edit features in the OpenStreetMap database. This task sheet will focus on using Potlach 2 editor, it is an easy to use, in-browser editor and is a default editor for OpenStreetMap data.
Basic 3D Animation with ArcGIS Pro
This task sheet will guide you in creating a 3D Animation video using ESRI's ArcGIS Pro software. In previous versions of ArcGIS, 2D-mapping is done using ArcMap, while 3D-mapping is done using ArcScene or ArcGlobe. Now, ArcGIS Pro does it all. You can even have multiple scenes and maps in one project file, enabling you to easily view and analyze your data in multiple ways. In this task sheet, you’ll use Esri's basemaps and terrain data to create a fun animation, visualizing an approach from space to a location on earth’s surface. All the spatial data used is included with the software, "out of the box" - no extra data required!
Mapping API's: Leaflet - Awesome Markers Plugin Using Font Awesome
The Leaflet.awesome-markers plugin,, allows users to utilize the Glyphicons / IonIcons / Font-Awesome icons to 'create colorful iconic and retina-proof markers" for Leaflet and acts as an alternative to creating custom image markers. This task sheet is the first of three, with other task sheets in Bootstrap and IonIcons.

These all build upon the previous task sheets:
  • Mapping API's: Leaflet - Getting Started PM2082-14R
  • Mapping API's: Leaflet - Adding Markers PM20282-14S, and 
  • Mapping API's: Leaflet - Custom Image Markers PM2082-15E
Please refer to those documents for the initial Leaflet map setup.
Mapping API's: Leaflet - Awesome Markers Plugin Using Bootstrap
The Leaflet.awesome-markers plugin,, allows users to utilize the Glyphicons / IonIcons / Font-Awesome icons to 'create colorful iconic and retina-proof markers" for Leaflet and acts as an alternative to creating custom image markers. This task sheet is the second of three, with other task sheets in Font Awesome and IonIcons.

These all build upon the previous task sheets:
Please refer to those documents for the initial Leaflet map setup.
QGIS: Digitizing II - Editing Shapefiles
This is the second of a two-part series on creating new shapefiles and digitizing in QGIS.

This task sheet is going to demonstrate how to add data to new shapefiles, created in the previous task sheet - PM2082-17L (QGIS: Digitizing I - Creating New Shapefiles), as well as adding attribute information to those shapefiles. An attribute table contains descriptive data for a set of geographic features, usually arranged so that each row represents a feature and each column represents an attribute. In QGIS, attribute data can be stored as text data, whole numbers, decimal numbers, and dates.
QGIS: Geoprocessing Tools - Clip and Buffer
There are many statewide geospatial data resources available for free Online. However, when you are working on a regionally focused project, you will often only need data that is relevant to your specific area of interest. This task sheet will show you how to use the clip and buffer geoprocessing tools in QGIS to create layers representing a specific area of interest.
QGIS: Digitizing I - Creating New Shapefiles
A shapefile is a vector file format used in GIS mapping to represent real world objects by storing information about their location, shape, and attributes of geographic features on a map.

There are three basic types of shapefiles: a point, a line, and a polygon. A point file is a single x,y coordinate that represents a geographic feature. Depending on the scale of the map points can represent a variety of objects including cities, wind turbines, or garbage cans. Lines represent features that have length and direction but no area that connect at least two x,y coordinates. Common examples include roads, water lines, and rivers. A polygon is a two-dimensional closed figure with at least three sides that represent an area. Polygons are used to show buildings, agricultural fields, or other boundaries.
QGIS: Projections & Enabling on the Fly Projection (v2.18.7)
A projection is a way to translate the curved surface of the earth (3D) onto a flat map (2D). The challenge is that every map projection has distortion because the spherical nature of the globe cannot be perfectly represented in a two dimensional map. The picture below illustrates similarities and differences of three map projections. This image powerfully demonstrates the importance of defining the projection. For example, if you were working with data in Washington State you may have very different results working in Mercator or Lambert Conformal Conic. Knowing the projection of your data is important especially when working with data that is part of a dataset that is larger than just your county or state.

This tasksheet will cover how to change the projection of an existing file as well as enabling on the fly projection in QGIS.
QGIS: Georeferencing a Historic Map
Georeferencing is the process of assigning spatial coordinates to raster data that has no geographic coordinate system (GCS) embedded in the file. Raster datasets are often aerial photographs, satellite images, or scanned maps which represent geographic features by dividing an image into a grid. Each cell of the grid has a value that is used to represent a characteristic of the location. Normally a scanned map won’t have a spatial reference until it is georeferenced.

This task sheet will guide you through georeferencing a historic map using the QGIS Georeferencing GDAL plugin.
Field Calculations: Changing Text Case in QGIS
Attribute data is often not in the format that is needed or desired for map labeling or table joining. For example, text may be in all uppercase or lowercase letters. With the built in title, lower, and upper case commands within the field calculator in QGIS you are able to change text from an existing field to a different case.

This tasksheet will go through the process of changing the text case using the field calculator in QGIS.
QGIS: Creating Random Points
In QGIS, the Random points in layer bounds tool creates a specified number of random point features. Random points can be generated inside polygon features. This task sheet will demonstrate using the Random points in layer bounds tool within a QGIS project to create random points within a selected watershed, which could be used for sampling, modeling or analysis.
Adding Vector Data to Mapbox Studio
Mapbox is a versatile mapping platform that allows users to build maps and apps. This task sheet will focus on Mapbox Studio, an interface for styling custom basemaps. This task sheet will guide you in adding vector datasets to your basemap in Mapbox Studio and will build upon skills developed in a previous task sheet, Custom Basemaps with Mapbox Studio PM2082-17C. We will build a basemap that depicts the last ten years of RAGBRAI routes across Iowa.
Creating Random Points
In ArcMap, the Create Random Points tool creates a specified number of random point features. Random points can be generated in an extent window, inside polygon features, on point features, or along line features. For information on creating random values in an attribute table, reference Using Field Calculator: Create Random Values PM2082-09N.

This task sheet will demonstrate using the Create Random Points tool in ArcMap to create random points within a selected watershed, that could be used for sampling, modeling or analysis.
Adding Raster Data to Mapbox Studio
Mapbox is a versatile mapping platform that allows users to build maps and apps. This task sheet will focus on Mapbox Studio, an interface for styling custom basemaps.

This task sheet will build upon skills developed in a previous task sheet, Custom Basemaps with Mapbox Studio. This task sheet will guide you in adding a raster dataset to your basemap in Mapbox Studio. We will build a basemap that depicts how local businesses relate to municipal zoning in Ames, Iowa.
Map Comparisons with JuxtaposeJS
JuxtaposeJS helps storytellers compare two photos. It’s ideal for highlighting then/now stories that explain slow changes over time (growth of a city skyline, regrowth of a forest, etc.) or before/after stories that show the impact of single dramatic events (natural disasters, protests, wars, etc.). It is free, easy to use, and works on all devices. All you need to get started are links to the images you’d like to compare.

This task sheet will show you how to use JuxtaposeJS to create a Juxtapose Slider for comparing two images.
Custom Basemaps with Mapbox Studio
Mapbox is a versatile mapping platform that allows users to build maps and apps. This tasksheet will focus on Mapbox Studio, an interface for styling custom basemaps. Mapbox provides seven template styles from which to start, or users can start from scratch.

Check out what has been done with Mapbox here:

Mapbox uses data from Open Street Maps (OSM), so it would be helpful to be familiar with OSM:

This tasksheet will guide you in customizing a basemap that emphasizes water and parks.
Georectifying Maps with Map Warper
Map Warper is an open source map warping/georectifying service. With Map Warper you can find and download rectified maps, as well as upload and rectify your own maps. Georectificaiton is the digital alignment of an image with a map of the same area. A number of corresponding control points, such as street intersections, building corners, and railroads, marked on both the image and the map, and then used as reference points in the subsequent processing of the image.

This task sheet will take you through the steps of using Map Warper to rectify a historic scanned map.
Mapping API's: Leaflet - Pre-Built Fill Patterns (Basic)
Displaying multiple thematic polygon layers in a Leaflet.js map is often accomplished by providing a layer control that allows the user to toggle between overlays. However, in some situations it may be necessary to display two overlapping thematic maps at the same time. Unfortunately, this can create a situation where one polygon blocks the underlying feature. One method that can be utilized to visualize both layer properties is to fill the bottom layer with color and the top with a pattern fill.

This task sheet will demonstrate how to use the leaflet.pattern plugin to add a basic line pattern fill to style a feature.
Mapping API's: Leaflet - Pre-Built Fill Patterns (Advanced)
Mapping API’s: Leaflet - Pre-Built Fill Patterns (Advanced) PM 2082-16U introduced setting up pattern fills as a solution for displaying multiple thematic polygon layers in a Leaflet.js map.

This task sheet provides advanced setup techniques that can be used to further customize the pre-built or pre-defined line hatch pattern by setting the height and width properties and the characteristics of the space between the primary hatch lines.
Mapping API's: Leaflet - Synchronize Two Maps
Providing users with a layer control element is one way to provide access to various map layers. However, it is sometimes desirable to display two maps on the page at the same time to allow the user the ability to compare the imagery without toggling layers on and off.

This task sheet will demonstrate how to add two Leaflet maps that are synchronized and provide the option to display varying data layers.
Creating Geospatial Data with is a quick, simple tool for creating, viewing and sharing maps.

This task sheet will demonstrate how to use to create a GeoJSON file, add properties to the GeoJSON, and edit styling within the properties of the GeoJSON file. For more information on the GeoJSON file format, please refer to the publication, Shapefile to GeoJSON: Conversion and Visualization PM 2082-15G.
QGIS: Downloading and Preparing U.S. Census Bureau Data
The U.S. Census Bureau provides many different datasets on topics such as population, demographics, housing and income. The American Fact Finder website allows users to find and download data collected through the decennial census and other surveys.

This task sheet will take you through the steps of downloading U.S. Census Bureau data from the American Fact Finder website and preparing the file for mapping in QGIS.
QGIS: Joining and Mapping U.S. Census Bureau Data
The U.S. Census Bureau provides many different datasets on topics such as population, and demographics. The American Community Survey (ACS) is a nationwide survey carried out by the U.S. Census Bureau that measures and describes the social, economic, housing, and demographic characteristics of the U.S. population, including states, regions, counties, and local areas.

This task sheet builds on the QGIS: Downloading and Preparing U.S. Census Bureau Data task sheet and will take you through the steps of joining U.S. Census Bureau data to a shapefile for mapping and displaying data at the county level.
Importing ColorBrewer Style Ramps into ArcMap
ColorBrewer 2.0 is a diagnostic tool for evaluating the robustness of individual color schemes. Developed by Cynthia Brewer of Pennsylvania State University, the tool is designed to help you test the distinguishability of color schemes and classes as well as offering usability advice for color blind, color printing, photocopy, and LCD friendliness.

This task sheet will cover the steps it takes to import the color scheme ramp style options into ArcMap.
Downloading and Preparing U.S. Census Bureau Data for Mapping
The U.S. Census Bureau provides many different datasets on topics such as population, demographics, housing and income. The American Fact Finder website allows users to find and download data collected through the decennial census and other surveys.

This task sheet will take you through the steps of downloading U.S. Census Bureau data from the American Fact Finder website and preparing the file for mapping in ArcGIS.
Joining and Mapping U.S. Census Bureau Data
The U.S. Census Bureau provides many different datasets on topics such as population, and demographics. The American Community Survey (ACS) is a nationwide survey carried out by the U.S. Census Bureau that measures and describes the social, economic, housing, and demographic characteristics of the U.S. population, including states, regions, counties, and local areas.

This task sheet builds on the Downloading and Preparing U.S. Census Bureau Data for Mapping task sheet and will take you through the steps of joining U.S. Census Bureau data to a shapefile for mapping and displaying data at the county level.
Getting Started with ArcGIS Model Builder - Part 1
ModelBuilder is a visual programming language for building geoprocessing workflows. Geoprocessing models automate and document your spatial analysis and data management processes. You create and modify geoprocessing models in ModelBuilder, where a model is represented as a diagram that chains together sequences of processes and geoprocessing tools, using the output of one process as the input to another process.

This task sheet will step you through the process of creating a new toolbox, and geoprocessing model in ArcMap to find all the highways within 10 miles of a hospital.
Getting Started with ArcGIS Model Builder - Part 2
Creating model parameters allows you to turn your model into a useful tool that can be run like any other geoprocessing tool found in the ArcToolbox.

This task sheet will build on Getting Started with ArcGIS ModelBuilder - Part 1 and step you through the process of creating variables and adding model parameters so that a model can be run as a tool.
Field Calculations: Creating Random Values
Random values may be needed in an attribute table in order to analyzing specific scenarios. In ArcMap you can create random values using the field calculator and Python code.

This task sheet will take you through those steps and demonstrate creating random integer values and random decimal values using Python in the field calculator.
Getting Started with ArcGIS Pro (2D) - Part 2
This task sheet builds off Getting Started with ArcGIS Pro (2D) - Part 1 PM 2082-16I that introduced you to the new user interface for ArcGIS Pro, and demonstrated creating a new project, adding data and some of the symbology features.

This task sheet will dive into layer symbology, labeling, and creating a map layout for exporting as a PDF, while continuing the barn quilts in Cedar County, Iowa reference map.
Getting Started with ArcGIS Pro (2D) - Part 1
ArcGIS Pro is ESRI's latest desktop application. It features a brand-new user interface, which is quite simple and intuitive to use. Instead of using menus and toolbars as in ArcMap, ArcGIS Pro utilizes a "ribbon" interface, much like the Microsoft Office programs. The software is quite powerful as well, allowing users to open multiple 2D & 3D maps and layouts in one project.

This task sheet will give you a quick introduction to the new user interface. To demonstrate some of the features, we will be making a reference map of barn quilts in Cedar County, Iowa.
Field Calculations: Changing Text Case
Attribute data is often not in the format that is needed or desired for map labeling or table joining. For example, text may be in all uppercase or lowercase letters. With the built-in title case command within the field calculator in ArcMap you can change text from an existing field or quickly rewrite the field to a different case.

This task sheet will go through the process of changing the text case using the field calculator and Python functions.
Simplifying and Editing Vector Data with is a free-to-use web service that allows users to simplify vector data and export to a variety of file types. Simplifying shapes can be beneficial because it lessens the number of vertices in a shape, which ultimately reduces the file size. This might be desirable if you’re working with a very large dataset, such as zip codes for the entire United States. Simplifying vector will make your file size smaller, which is great if you’re working with the GeoJSON format to create web maps. Mapshaper also offers a console for running tools through a command-line interface (CLI) which allows users to edit data and instantly visualize the results.
Geocoding with
Geocoding is the process of converting street addresses (like "702 Clark Ave., Ames, IA, 50010") into geographic coordinates (like "42.028032, -93.616755") that can be mapped. There are many services that offer geocoding, some are free of charge, some are not.

This task sheet will focus on a website called BatchGeo, which allows users to make basic maps with only a spreadsheet of addresses. The resulting maps can be embedded on a web page or exported as a .kml file for use in programs like Google Earth or ArcMap.
Mapping API's: Leaflet - Adding Microsoft Bing Basemap Layers
This task sheet builds off of Mapping API's: Leaflet - Layer Control PM 2082-15K that discusses the creation of the layer control for basemaps and overlays. The code for this task sheets (addLayersLeaflet.html) and the leaflet layer control task sheet (layerControlLeaflet.html) can be found on the ISU Geospatial Technology Program GitHub page at:

This task sheet demonstrates how to add Microsoft Bing basemap layers to applications built using Leaflet.js.
D3.js: Introduction to Mapping
D3.js is a web-based data visualization library that utilizes JavaScript, HTML, SVG and CSS to create a variety of data visualizations. D3.js is a powerful library with many uses.

This task sheet specifically focuses on the map making ability of D3.js and demonstrates how to make a web map using GeoJSON formatted geographic data, as well as introduce you to the wide range of projections that can be used to display a map in D3.js.
Mapping API's: Leaflet - Dash, Line Cap and Line Shape Path options
This task sheet builds off of Mapping API's: Getting Started PM 2082-14R and Mapping API's: Leaflet - Creating Polylines and Polygons PM 2082-15J. The code for those task sheets and this task sheet (pathOptionsLeaflet.html) can be found on the ISU Geospatial Technology Program GitHub page at:

This task sheet demonstrates how to create polygons and polylines and utilize three path options: dash, line cap, and line shape to modify how the stroke line appears.
Mapping API's: Leaflet - Adding Google Basemap Layers
This task sheet builds off of Mapping API's: Leaflet - Layer Control PM 2082-15K that discusses the creation of the layer control for basemaps and overlays. The code for this task sheets (addLayersLeaflet.html) and the leaflet layer control task sheet (layerControlLeaflet.html) can be found on the ISU Geospatial Technology Program GitHub page at:

This task sheet demonstrates how to add Google basemap layers to applications built using Leaflet.js.
Creating and Embedding Maps into a Webpage: Google Maps
Embedding a custom Google map into a webpage is a fast and easy way to show map content on a website. Google’s My Maps can display a range of content such as points, lines or shapes and allows customization of place markers and line colors.

This task sheet demonstrates creating a Google map that can be embedded into a webpage. The only requirement to make a custom Google map is a Gmail account.
Importing Data into Google Web Maps
Google Maps offers a free, easy-to-use platform for creating maps that can be shared Online and embedded in web pages. Users can create spatial data with drawing tools, as well as import a variety of data formats to be viewed and styled using Google Maps.

This task sheet will demonstrate how to import various data formats. This task sheet builds on the skills learned in PM 2082-16A.
Online Mappings with CartoDB
CartoDB makes it easy to see and understand location data through their Online editor.

In this tutorial you will use CartoDB to create a web map displaying shapefiles provided by the City of Des Moines showing parks and trails within the Des Moines metro area, and geocode addresses for the YMCA locations throughout the state. Once you complete the map in CartoDB it can be linked to directly with a URL or embedded into a website.
Data Interoperability Extension: Import and Export GeoJSON
The Data Interoperability extension tool, Quick Import, converts any data source supported by the Data Interoperability extension ( and loads it into a geodatabase. The Quick Export tool converts geodatabase feature classes or feature layers to any external dataset supported by the Data Interoperability extension.

This task sheet will cover how to import and export GeoJSON data using the Data Interoperability extension tools for ArcGIS and will show you how to test the exported GeoJSON file using
Geometry Calculations: Area and Length
Knowing the length or area of features within your GIS layers can be a very important part of spatial analysis.

This task sheet will take you through the process of adding the area and length measurements to the attribute table of a polygon and a polyline shapefile. If you are interested in adding the X and Y coordinates to an attribute table of a point shapefile look for the previous publication: Geometry Calculations: Coordinates PM 2082-14M.
Validate GeoJSON: GeoJSONLint
This task sheet will take you through the process of using GeoJSONLint to validate GeoJSON formatted data through a web interface and through programmatic access using JavaScript and jQuery.

If you would like to learn more about GeoJSON please refer back to the publication, Shapefile to GeoJSON: Conversion and Visualization PM 2082-15G.
Connecting to Iowa Geographic Map Server Imagery: REST Service
Orthophotos are geometrically corrected aerial photographs. The Iowa Geographic Map Server provides orthophoto sets for the state of Iowa, dating back to the 1930s and available in natural color and color infrared.

This task sheet will take you through the steps of connection to the Iowa Geographic Map Server Imagery through a REST Service and clipping the data frame to an area of interest.
The Generate Near Table Tool
The Generate Near Table tool generates a table of nearest features, based on input features and near features, and provides a distance and rank for each near feature. The input features can be points, multi-points, lines, or polygons.

This task sheet will demonstrate how to use this tool by creating a table of the cities in Iowa and their 5 nearest neighbors. In order to do this, a point shapefile of Iowa cities will be used as both the input features and the near features.
Apps for Collecting GPS Tracks: myTracks - The GPS - Logger
There are many smart phone applications out there that can be used to collect GPS waypoints and tracks, this task sheet covers how to collect GPS tracks with the myTracks - The GPS - Logger iOS app and how to export the tract as a GPX file. GPX is a GPS Exchange Format, it is an XML schema designed as a common GPS data format for software applications. GPX files can be converted to many other geospatial data files formats such as Shapefile, KML, or GeoJSON.
Apps for Collecting GPS Tracks: GeoTracker - GPS Tracker
There are many smart phone applications out there that can be used to collect GPS points and tracks, this task sheet covers how to collect GPS tracks with the GeoTracker - GPS tracker android app and how to export the tract as a GPX file. GPX is a GPS Exchange Format, it is an XML schema designed as a common GPS data format for software applications. GPX files can be converted to many other geospatial data files formats such as Shapefile, KML, or GeoJSON.
Mapping API's: Leaflet - Introduction to Legends
This task sheet builds off of Mapping API's: Leaflet - Circles and Circle Markers PM 2082-15B. The code for that task sheet can be found in the ISU Geospatial Technology Program GitHub page at: within the Leaflet-Tutorials repository and is named LegendLeaflet.html.

This task sheet will give you an introduction to generating legends with Leaflet.
Editing OpenStreetMap: iD Editor
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a project that creates and distributes free geographic data for the world. Editing OpenStreetMap is the process of making changes to the map data - such as adding roads, grocery stores, or changing feature names. Several editors can be used to edit features in the OpenStreetMap database.

This task sheet will focus on using the iD editor, it is an easy to use, in-browser editor and is a default editor for OpenStreetMap data.
Mapping API's: Leaflet - Creating Simple Circles and Rectangles
The code for this task sheet (RectangleLeaflet.html) and the previous task sheets can be found on the ISU Geospatial Technology Program GitHub page at:

This task sheet demonstrates how to add rectangle and circle overlays to a Leaflet map and then modify the options to change how the overlays display. This compliments task sheet: Mapping API's: Leaflet - Creating Polylines and Polygons PM 2082-15J.
Mapping API's: Leaflet - Creating Polylines and Polygons
The code for this task sheet (polyLeaflet.html) and the previous task sheets can be found on the ISU Geospatial Technology Program GitHub page at:

This task sheet demonstrates how to add simple polyline and polygon overlays to a Leaflet map and then modify the options to change how these overlays display.
Mapping API's: Leaflet - Layer Control
The code for this task sheet (layerControlLeaflet.html) and previous task sheets can be found on the ISU Geospatial Technology Program GitHub page at:

This task sheet demonstrates how to manage map layers with Leaflet to allow users to toggle map data on and off and switch between basemaps. You will be building a fictitious weather alert map that provides a weather radar layer, sites of interest and alerts.
Creating Custom Symbols and Style
There are two ways to create customized symbols in ArcMap. First, you can modify an existing symbol before applying it to a feature from the Symbol Selector dialog box and saving it in a style to be reused or shared. You can also create symbols directly in a style using the Style Manager dialog box.

This task sheet will demonstrate both methods using the RAGBRAI mapping styles as an example where creating custom symbols and styles might be necessary.
Mapping API's: Leaflet - GeoJSON Layer
In a previous task sheet, Shapefile to GeoJSON: Conversion and Visualization PM 2082-15G you learned how to convert a point data file into a GeoJSON file format and visualize it with and GitHub. In this task sheet you will learn how to add a GeoJSON data file to a basic leaflet then filter the data to display.

The code for this task sheet (geojsonLeaflet.html) and the previous task sheets can be found on the ISU Geospatial Technology Program GitHub page at:
Creating Picture Symbols and Styles
In ArcMap customized picture symbol markers and styles can be created.

This task sheet will demonstrate how to make marker symbols from pictures and how to save these symbols to a style to be reused or shared. The RAGBRAI mapping styles will be used as an example where creating custom symbols and styles might be necessary.
Shapefile to GeoJSON: Conversion and Visualization
GeoJSON is an open standard data format for encoding geographic data structures using JavaScript Object Notation and supports the following geometry types: point, line, polygon, multi-point, multi polygon. It’s a file format supported by many different web mapping and GIS software packages including: Leaflet, OpenLayers, CartoDB, Google Maps API, ArcGIS Online, GitHub, and D3.js.

This task sheet will take you through the process of converting a shapefile to GeoJSON using the Ogre ogr2ogr web client and show you how to visualize GeoJSON data. Find more information about the JSON data format in Web Mapping: Getting started with JSON data PM 2082-14F.
Mapping API's: Leaflet - Content Styled Circle Markers
This task sheet demonstrates how to display a GeoJSON data set in Leaflet as standard circle markers and as circle markers that can be styled based on the data value. This task sheet builds off of the Mapping API's: Leaflet - Circles and Circle Markers PM 2082-15B.

The code for this task sheet (contentStyledMarkersLeaflet.html) and the previous task sheets can be found on the ISU Geospatial Technology Program GitHub page at:
Mapping API's: Leaflet - Custom Image Markers
This task sheet builds upon the previous task sheet: Mapping API's: Leaflet - Getting Started PM 2082-14R and Mapping API's: Leaflet - Adding Markers PM 2082-14S. Please refer to those documents for the initial Leaflet map setup. The code for this task sheet (customMarkersLeaflet.html) and the previous task sheets can be found on the ISU Geospatial Technology Program GitHub page at:

This task sheet will take you through the steps of customizing icons using your own icon images.
Mapping API's: Leaflet - Custom Div Markers
This task sheet builds upon the previous task sheet: Mapping API's: Leaflet - Getting Started PM 2082-14R and Mapping API's: Leaflet - Adding Markers PM 2082-14S. Please refer to those documents for the initial Leaflet map setup. The code for this task sheet (customDivMarkersLeaflet.html) and the previous task sheets can be found on the ISU Geospatial Technology Program GitHub page at:

This task sheet will take you through the steps of customizing div icon markers with Leaflet.
Google Earth Pro: Batch Geocoding
On January 30, 2015 Google announced they were making Google Earth Pro licenses free. Pro users can now view demographic, parcel and traffic data layers, use advanced GIS data importing features, batch geocode, measure area, radius and circumference on the ground and on 3D buildings, print high-resolution screenshots, record HD video virtual flights, and more for free.

This task sheet will take you through the steps of geocoding a text file containing addresses in Google Earth Pro. Google Earth Pro supports geocoding for the following countries: United States, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Italy, Germany and Spain.
Google Earth Pro: Exporting Geocoded Data to ArcGIS or QGIS
This task sheet acts as a continuation from Google Earth Pro: Batch Geocoding, publication number: PM2082-15C and focuses on how to save a file from Google Earth and open it in other GIS applications.
Georeferencing a Raster Dataset
Raster datasets represent geographic features by dividing the world into square or rectangular cells laid out in a grid. Each cell has a value that is used to represent a characteristic of the location. Raster data is commonly obtained from aerial photography, satellite imagery or scanned maps (paper maps scanned electronically). Scanned maps won't normally contain any spatial reference information until they are georeferenced. Georeferencing is the process of assigning spatial coordinates to data that is spatial in nature but has no explicit geographic coordinate system (GCS).

This task sheet will take you through the steps of georeferencing using the georeferencing toolbar in ArcMap.
Mapping API's: Leaflet - Circles and Circle Markers
This task sheet builds upon the previous task sheet: Mapping API's: Leaflet - Getting Started PM 2082-14R and Mapping API’s: Leaflet - Adding Markers PM 2082-14S. Please refer to those documents for the initial Leaflet map setup. The code for this task sheet (circlesLeaflet.html) and the previous task sheets can be found on the ISU Geospatial Technology Program GitHub page at:

This task sheet will take you through the steps of creating two different types of circles (Circles and Circle Markers).
Mapping API's: Leaflet - Getting Started
Mapping API’s allow developers to integrate Web content with a vendor’s mapping services to provide rich, interactive Web applications. These applications can be customized to fit the specific dimensions of the website, display certain locations, utilize local content, provide customized tools, or allow for interchangeable basemap.

This task sheet will take you through the first steps of creating a map using the Leaflet API and will serve as the foundation for future task sheets.
Mapping API's: Leaflet - Adding Markers
This task sheet builds upon the previous task sheet: Mapping API’s: Leaflet - Getting Started, publication number PM2082-14R and will demonstrate how to add simple markers in Leaflet. Please refer to that document for the initial Leaflet map setup.

The code for this task sheet and the previous task sheet can be found on the ISU Geospatial Technology Program GitHub page at:
Generating Iowa CSR2 Reports from the NRCS Web Soil Survey
CSR2 is a Corn Suitability Rating index that rates soil types for their potential row-crop productivity. Previously called CSR, the CSR2 generally provides an index comparable with the original CSR but with greater transparency, consistency and method of calculation. The Natural Resource Conservation Service’s (NRCS) Web Soil Survey (WSS) provides soil data and information produced by the National Cooperative Soil Survey. It is operated by the USDA NRCS and provides access to the largest natural resource information system in the world. NRCS has soil maps and data available online for more than 95 percent of the nation’s counties.

This task sheet demonstrates how to use the WSS to generate CSR2 Reports for Iowa counties.
Mapping API's: Google Maps API v3 - Getting Started
Mapping API’s allow developers to integrate their web development with a vendor’s services to provide rich, interactive web applications. These web applications can be customized to fit the specific dimensions of the website or display a certain location, developed with local content, provide customized tool capability, interchangeable basemap display and with some services the map cartography can be changed.

This task sheet will take you through the first steps of creating a web map using Google Maps API v3.
Mapping API's: Google Maps API v3 - Adding Markers
Identifying point locations on a web map is often facilitated through the use of markers. Working from the helloWorld.htm map created in the MappingAPI’s: Google Maps API v3 - Getting Started, publication number: PM2082-14O.

This task sheet will demonstrate how to add individual markers to a map. The use of markers is extended on in other task sheets to include custom icons, info windows and dynamic data.
Customizing ArcGIS settings for improved productivity: Setting Mouse and Data Source Options
The default zoom and pan features are quite different between ArcMap and other applications such as Google Maps and Google Earth. This can make workflow, at the very least, annoying, but options can be changed within ArcMap for similar zoom and pan features that may allow improved productivity when using multiple programs.

This task sheet will cover customization of mouse settings and data source options.
Getting Started with ArcGIS Explorer: Adding Feature Tips and Hyperlinks
ArcGIS Explorer is a free GIS application produced by Esri that can be used to access, view, and interact with online and local GIS content.

The software is available for free at:
This task sheet will cover downloading ArcGIS Explorer, adding shapefiles, and creating popups as well as adding a hyperlink feature.
Customizing ArcGIS Settings for Improved Productivity: Adding Hyperlinks
Hyperlinking is a feature in ArcGIS that allows for outside content to be added to features within ArcMap. This allows from more customization of map data. The hyperlink feature supports any file that can be opened with existing software on the computer.

This task sheet will cover how to set up a hyperlink for a variety of file types.
ArcMap Layer Properties: HTML Popups
HTML Popup was a new feature released with ArcGIS 9.3. This tool allows for data and information to be displayed within ArcMap using attributes from the shapefile or by creating links to websites. This task sheet will cover setting up HTML popups for content fields as well as for a URL.
Geometry Calculations: Coordinates
This task sheet will take you through the process of adding a point shapefile that is in the NAD 1983 UTM Zone 15 projection and adding fields with the calculated X and Y coordinate of each point in both Latitude/Longitude Decimal Degrees and UTM coordinate values.
Find Identical and Delete Identical
The Find Identical Data Management tool reports any records in a feature class or table that have identical values in a list of fields, and generates a table listing these identical records. If the field Shape is selected, feature geometries are compared. Delete Identical is a tool that deletes records in a feature class or table which have identical values in a list of fields. If the field Shape is selected, feature geometries are compared.

This task sheet will demonstrate a scenario and use of both the Find Identical and Delete Identical data management tools.
Geocoding with ArcGIS for Desktop: ArcGIS Online Locator
At some point in working with GIS, you will be asked to analyze data that only comes from a table of addresses. This is both quick and easy through a process called geocoding. Geocoding is performed through the use of a locator. There are many locators that have been created and you can even create your own.

However, this task sheet will show you how to geocode addresses using the ArcGIS Online Locator. This requires an ArcGIS Online account, including trial accounts.
Geocoding with ArcGIS for Desktop: Esri Data & Maps Locator
Geocoding is the process of converting addresses or other identifiers (cities, postal codes) to x, y coordinates on a map. This task is pretty easy and straight forward when using a robust locator.

This task sheet will cover geocoding in ArcGIS for Desktop using the address locator provided in the Data & Maps DVD that comes with an ArcGIS software subscription. You must have access to the data and tools provided in the Data & Maps DVD to follow this task sheet.
XY Data to Points
XY data saved in several different formats can be brought into the ArcGIS software suite, these include: Excel 97-2003 (.xls), comma-separated values (.csv) or text (.txt).

This task sheet will show an example with a text file containing coordinates in decimal degrees. The X represents the longitude and the Y represents latitude.
QGIS: Projections & Enabling on the Fly Projection (v2.2)
A projection is a way to translate the curved surface of the earth (3D) onto a flat map (2D). The challenge is that every map projection has distortion because the spherical nature of the globe cannot be perfectly represented in a two-dimensional map.

If you are interested in further discussion on projections check out the National Map website: Knowing the projection of your data is important especially when working with data that is part of a dataset that is larger than just your county or state.

This task sheet will cover how to change the projection of an existing file as well as enabling on the fly projection in QGIS.
Exporting Maps as Interactive PDFs
Sharing maps with non-GIS users is a common need and there are a few different ways to do this. One of the easiest is to export a layout as a PDF file. Exported PDF files can be customized to allow the user to toggle layer visibility, measure distances, perimeter or area and to view the attributes of a selected feature. PDFs can also be protected to limit exporting or printing.

In this task sheet we will cover the basics to exporting a PDF map with layers and measuring capabilities.
QGIS: Adding WMS Layers
Web Map Service (WMS) layers are map layers that are streamed over the web. These layers can range from imagery to map coverages and anything in-between. There are several advantages to using this type of layer over downloading data and storing it on your local machine. For one, high resolution imagery usually has a very large file size which can quickly use up memory on a local machine. WMS layers are usually updated by the publisher, giving you the most up-to-date layer without having to download it again. Secondly, using a WMS layer for imagery gives you a seamless image between counties boundaries. Seamless images are important because there is not always exact alignment between county boarders when downloading imagery on a county by county basis. An important high-speed Internet connection is needed when using a WMS layer in order to view the layer quickly.

This task sheet will demonstrate how to connect to WMS layers using QGIS and show you the difference between a seamless and a seamed image.
Web Mapping: Getting started with JSON data
An alternative to XML, JavaScript Object Notation or JSON is a popular data-interchange that is now commonly used by web-mapping tools and web-based APIs. Based on a subset of the JavaScript Programming Language, JSON is an open standard format that has become the data workhorse for transferring data between server and web applications and is used by a variety of programming languages.

This task sheet will provide a quick overview of the JSON syntax.
Introduction to QGIS
QGIS (formerly Quantum GIS) is an open source geographic information system (GIS). This software is a free alternative to proprietary GIS software such as ESRI’s ArcGIS products which can be very expensive. QGIS incorporates similar functions and features as its proprietary counterparts and allows users to display, manipulate and create spatial data. It supports a variety of spatial data file extensions (.shp, .tif, .csv, .img, etc.) and is compatible on Linux, Unix, Mac, and Windows operating systems.

This task sheet will introduce you to QGIS software and using it to create a basic map.
ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap
The ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap (OSM) allows you to use ArcGIS tools for working with OpenStreetMap data. This is a desktop toolset for ArcGIS 10.2 that allows you to load data from OpenStreetMap, use the familiar editing environment of ArcGIS Desktop to create, modify, and create network analysis. You can also update data and post back the edit changes to OSM to make them available to all OSM users.

This task sheet will cover downloading the ArcGIS Editor for OSM and loading data from OSM to save in a geodatabase.
The Polygon Neighbor Tool
The ArcGIS Polygon Neighbors geoprocessing tool analyzes polygon contiguity by statistically summarizing areas of overlap, coincident edges, or nodes. Only first-order contiguity is analyzed, and results are written to an output table.

This task sheet will demonstrate how to use the Polygon Neighbors geoprocessing tool to identify the neighboring coun¬ties for each county in Iowa.
Introduction to Esri Maps for Office
Esri Maps for Office is a downloadable application available to all ArcGIS Online subscribers, paid or trial accounts. This application allows you to create dynamic maps of your Excel data without leaving the Excel environment. You can analyze your data in a location-based context by creating clustered point maps or heat maps to understand the density of point features. You can also share the maps that you create in Excel to ArcGIS Online or copy and paste them into your PowerPoint presentations or Word documents.

This task sheet will introduce you to the basics of using ESRI Maps for Office and demonstrate how to make a choropleth map within the Excel environment.
Introduction to Creating and Using an ArcGIS Online Trial Subscription
ArcGIS Online is a cloud-based platform that allows its members to create, share, store and access maps, applications and data and can also be used to extend the capabilities of ArcGIS for Desktop. ArcGIS Online is based on an annual subscription with varied plans that include the number of users in an organization and service credits. Service credits are used as currency and applied to different functions and analysis done in ArcGIS Online. A few examples of functions that use service credits include: map tile generation, geocoding, network analysis, spatial analysis, and geoenrichment.

This task sheet will introduce you to the basics of ArcGIS Online and creating a trial subscription. Refer to publication PM 2082-13F for information on creating and embedding an ArcGIS Online map into a webpage.
Connecting to Iowa Geographic Map Server Imagery: WMS Connection
Orthophotos are geometrically corrected aerial photographs. The Iowa Geographic Map Server provides orthophoto sets for the state of Iowa, dating back to the 1930s and available in natural color and color infrared.

This task sheet will take you through the steps of adding a WMS connection to Iowa Geographic Map Server Imagery, adding the imagery to ArcMap, and clipping the data frame to an area of interest.
Exporting Maps at Consistent Scale, Location and Dimension
The default ArcMap layout has the dimensions of a normal piece of paper, 8.5 by 11 inches. However, there are cases where map graphics will not be printed to a page but displayed as a graphic on a webpage or PowerPoint presentation. In those cases, it may be necessary to create map layouts at specific pixel dimensions.

This task sheet will demonstrate how to change map layout and export settings to create appropriately sized graphics.
Creating and Embedding Maps into a Webpage: Google My Maps
Embedding a custom Google map to a webpage is a fast and easy way to show map content on a website. My Maps can display a range of content such as places, lines or shapes and allows customization of place-markers and line colors.

This task sheet demonstrates creating a Google map that can be embedded into a webpage. The only requirement to make a custom Google map is a Gmail account.
Creating and Embedding Maps into a Webpage: Google Maps Engine Lite
Embedding a custom Google map to a webpage is a fast and easy way to show map content on a website. Google Maps Engine Lite, the new version of Google Maps, allows you to create powerful customized map through drawing, importing, organizing and styling your data.

This task sheet demonstrates creating a Google map that can be embedded into a webpage. The only requirement is a Gmail account.
Creating and Embedding Maps into a Webpage: ArcGIS Online
Embedding a custom ArcGIS Online map to a webpage is an easy way to show map content on a website. ArcGIS On-line allows you to create powerful customized and interactive maps.

This task sheet demonstrates creating an ArcGIS Online map that can be embedded into a webpage. The only requirement is a ArcGIS subscription. If you don’t have a subscription you can sign up for a 30-day free trial.
GeoTagged Photos To Points
The GeoTagged Photos To Points tool is available in ArcGIS Desktop Standard license. The tool located in the Data Management toolbox, allows you to visualize the locations of images taken with a GPS-enabled camera or mobile device (such as an iPhone). The tool creates points from the x-, y-, and z-coordinate information stored in Exif (Exchangeable image file format) metadata within the photo.
Building Map Books with Data Driven Pages
A map book is a collection of maps and text that belong in a series. ArcGIS provides all the tools necessary to create automated map books in printed or PDF format through the combination of Data Driven Pages and Python scripts. This task sheet will use Data Driven Pages to create a map book showing incorporated cities, water-bodies, and roads for each county in Iowa.
ArcMap Geoprocessing: Introduction to Model Builder - Part 2
Model Builder is a feature that allows multiple ArcToolbox tools to be integrated into one process. Model Builder is useful to streamline and show multiple geoprocesses.

To follow along on this task sheet, see task sheet PM2082-09V on ArcMap Geoprocessing: Introduction to Model Builder.
Getting Started with ArcMap: Relating Attributes from Tables
Relate defines relationships between two tables of different features. this allows a layer’s attributes to be accessed using the associated attributes of another table. This task sheet will cover how to relate attributes from tables.