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National Pest Alert - Jumping Worms (Unit=50)
A two-page handout about jumping worms that includes color photos to help you identify and report sightings, a link to a map of confirmed locations, details about life cycle, along with management options.
Monarch Eggs Project
The Monarch Eggs Project began as a Iowa DNR REAP CEP Grant. The project is in transition from grant-funded to self-sustaining. This collaboration between Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, USDA-ARS Unit, County Extension staff, and K-12 students and teachers is designed to help meet the outreach needs as presented in the Iowa Monarch Conservation Strategy and designed to meet the Iowa Science standards in K-12 classrooms. Youth are our decision makers of the future!

The Monarch Eggs Project Kit includes supplies and monarch eggs that provide opportunities for students learn about the monarch life cycle through a citizen science approach. Each kit includes 30 eggs so that each youth begins with a caterpillar.

Supplies for one classroom includes:
  • cups (30), filter paper (30), small petri plates with agar (30), and size 00 paint brush (1)
  • Print resources include life stage time timeline and pictorial timeline of the rearing process.
  • Electronic resources will be provided to support implementation.

In 2024, project includes state-wide monarch tagging project. Other citizen science opportunities will be shared as opportunities for authentic science teaching and learning.

Participation includes collaboration with state 4-H Staff, ISU researchers, and USDA experts to support implementation.

Delivery: Please select your preferred delivery dates in a Google form that will be included in your order confirmation email. Kits will be delivered in coordination with and from support of Heartland AEA other statewide AEA and Extension partners

Those interested in kits outside of Iowa please contact Lynne Campbell prior to purchasing any kits.
Miscellaneous Item
Guide to moths in Iowa field crops (Unit=25)
Corn, soybean, alfalfa, pastures, and small grains in Iowa are at risk of being infested by caterpillars, such as black cutworm and fall armyworm. Caterpillars are the immature stage of butterflies and moths. Although moths are not pests, monitoring and proper identification is useful to determine scouting information for their offspring.
Milkweed Planting Kit
Did you know that milkweed plants are the only food that monarch caterpillars eat? ONLY Milkweed plants!

The Milkweed Planting Kit includes: 
  • Small container with vermiculite
  • Small package of five milkweed seeds
  • 2 peat pots
  • 2 peat pellets
  • Direction cards, and a brochure.
Target audience is youth grades 3 through 8. However, high schools students and adults alike will be surprised to learn that milkweed seeds need a 30 day cold, moist period before they germinate! A fun learning experience for all ages.

The theme of our project is: Plant a milkweed, grow a butterfly! These kits are provided to you at no cost courtesy of a partnership with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, Iowa DNR REAP Conservation Education Program (CEP) Grant, and the Iowa State University Seed Science Center. Simply pay a nominal postage fee during checkout.

If you have questions, please email:

Lynne Campbell is a program coordinator for Iowa State University Extension and Outreach who serves as a STEM education liaison across campus. She is the lead for several grants including Iowa DNR REAP Monarch Conservation Grants and the National 4-H Council’s Ag Innovator Experiences that include Monarchs on the Move Challenge, Native Bee Challenge and Water Connects Us All Challenge. Lynne is a former secondary science teacher and through a grant with Prairie Lakes AEA supports K-12 professional learning for science educators.

The Seed Science Center at Iowa State University is a center of excellence nationally and internationally in seed research, education, technology transfer and international seed programs. Cindy is also a master gardener. Her family has been instrumental in packaging the Milkweed Growing Kits.

An Iowa DNR REAP Conservation Education Program (CEP) Grant assisted in the funding for this project. Approximately $350,000 in grants for conservation education in Iowa are distributed annually by this program.
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Emerald Ash Borer Management Options
Homeowners and commercial pesticide applicators will find control measures to consider in preventing and treating the infestation of ash trees by the emerald ash borer. Includes product recommendations and evaluation of insecticide effectiveness.

Previously known as PM 2084.
Spanish PDF
Current challenges in managing corn rootworm
Corn rootworm is a major corn pest in the United States and established throughout Iowa. With the commercial release of transgenic Bt-rootworm corn in 2003, many farmers reduced or eliminated soil-applied insecticides to manage larvae. However, western and northern corn rootworm are adapting to transgenic technologies throughout the Corn Belt. This publication will review the current status of Bt resistance by rootworm in Iowa and recommend management strategies for sustainable corn production.
2020 Yellow book for soybean aphid
This publication provides soybean aphid treatment recommendations and application rates, based on research conducted at two northern Iowa research farms in 2019.

In addition to treatment techniques, the publication also contains information about the soybean aphid life cycle, scouting advice and a statewide summary for 2020.
Enhancing Monarch Butterfly Conservation in Iowa
While the monarch butterfly is perhaps the most recognizable and iconic insect in North America, their population has declined 80% over the past two decades. This publication discusses a project undertaken by extension and research staff at Iowa State University to demonstrate conservation practices for incorporating monarch breeding habitat across the state of Iowa.
5 Ways to Help the Monarchs
The monarch butterfly population in North America has declined by 80% during the past 20 years. This publication includes five ways to help this iconic insect survive and thrive across Iowa and the Midwest.
Soybean gall midge: a new field crop pest
Soybean gall midge is a relatively new pest that was first noticed in the Midwest in 2011, and can now be found in parts of Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska and South Dakota. This publication discusses the characteristics of soybean gall midge, how to spot the pest in soybean fields and how they can be managed.
Insect Galls on Trees and Shrubs
Galls are distinctive swellings or abnormal growths of plant tissue caused by an attack of a living organism. This publication discusses tree and shrub galls caused by insects and mites. It talks about the damage galls create and how they can be controlled. It also provides a detailed list of common galls and gallmarkers that includes color photos.

Previously known as IC 0417.
European Corn Borer - Ecology and Management and Association with other Corn Pests
Agriculture in North America has been dramatically influenced by crops and pests carried by humans, either intentionally or accidentally into the region. Corn, or maize, probably originated in Central America. It was a staple crop of many Native Americans and was grown in dozens of shapes and colors. The European corn borer originated in Eurasia and was accidentally introduced into North America. This insect readily adopted corn as a host and has since caused hundreds of millions of dollars in crop losses.

This publication is an update of the 1996 version published by the North Central Region.

Large quantity discounts (50 and 100 copies+) are available. To inquire, please contact us by email ( or calling (515)294-5247.
Monarch Seed Mix High Diversity
This publication contains a high diversity seed mix developed by the Iowa State University Monarch Research Team for research purposes.

All species are perennials native to Iowa.
Ecology and management of European corn borer in Iowa field corn
European corn borer has been a significant pest of Iowa field corn since the 1940s. This publication discusses the European corn borer life cycle, injury caused to corn and management options with a focus on Iowa field corn production.

CROP 3139 CROP3139
Getting to Know the Insects
Insects are the most abundant and diverse group on the planet, more than all other animals and plants combined. To date, more than one million species have been described with more being discovered every year. This publication will help you have a better understanding of insect identification, biology, and pest management.
Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases in Iowa
Ticks can be found across the state of Iowa and are active from March through November. This publication discusses the three most common type of ticks in the state while also providing information on preventing Lyme disease and removing attached ticks.
Scale Insects on Ornamental Landscape Plants
Scale insects are tiny insects that can cause large problems for landscape plants. Despite their small size they can weaken and even kill ornamental plants. This publication provides information on identifying these insects and steps that can be taken to remove them from plants through biological, mechanical and chemical means.

Previously known as IC 0415
Identifying moths in black light and pheromone traps in the Midwest
Identifying moths in black light and pheromone traps in the Midwest scouting card is an identification tool for the differentiation of moths which can be caught in various traps. Moths include black cutworm, western bean cutworm, corn earworm, armyworms, and others.
Cockroaches and Their Control
Learn about the five cockroach species in Iowa and the management and chemical treatment possibilities.
Insect Management for Corn and Soybean | Conservation Reserve Program: Issues and Options
Discusses potential insect problems and suggests management options for corn and soybean production on former CRP acres.
Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) Management Recommendations -- Iowa State University Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic
April 2008 revision of soybean cyst nematode management recommendations.
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