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What is anaerobic digestion?
Anaerobic digestion is the natural breakdown of organic matter by microbial life in the absence of oxygen. Usable products – biogas, digestate, and soil amendments – are formed.
Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy: Aiming to Improve Water Quality
This publication highlights the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy’s efforts to improve water quality in Iowa. To reach the Strategy’s goal of reducing nutrient loading to the Gulf of Mexico by 45%, large scale implementation of conservation practices and significant financial investment are needed.
Redefining the Field Edge: Improving Farm Profitability with Strategically Placed Prairie
Many farms have marginal land currently in crop production that does not return a profit in most growing seasons—whether from frequent flooding, poor soil quality, excessive slope, or machinery access challenges. Redefining the field edge, by strategically converting unprofitable parts of the field to perennial vegetation, benefits both the landowner and the environment.
Whole Farm Conservation Best Practices Manual - Addendum: Decision Tools for Conservation Professionals
Iowa’s conservation efforts are focused on improving water quality, soil health, and wildlife habitat while remaining productive and profitable. This publication is designed for conservation professionals to help guide their clients in assessing, selecting and incorporating edge-of-field conservation practices most appropriate to their land and goals, and is a companion publication to the Whole Farm Conservation Best Practices Manual (CLG 105).
Whole Farm Conservation Best Practices Manual
Improving water quality, soil health, and wildlife habitat while remaining productive and profitable is the focus of many conservation efforts in Iowa. Confidence in practice selection and management is essential for implementing conservation practices. This publication provides best management recommendations for farmers and landowners getting started with conservation and water quality practices by helping select and incorporate in-field and edge-of-field conservation practices most appropriate to the decision maker's land and preferences.
Geological Places to Visit - Iowa's Nature Series
One of the best ways to learn about and appreciate the landforms and geology of Iowa is to get outside and visit the rocks, sediments, and landscapes in person. While some of Iowa’s most interesting geological features can’t be seen at the surface, many interesting features can be explored up close in Iowa’s state and county parks, refuges, and recreation areas. This resource is a supplement to WL 17A - Iowa's Landforms and Geology to be used as a guide to some of the best sites around the state where visitors can explore more than a billion years of Iowa’s geological history as told in rocks and landforms.

The Iowa’s Nature series was a collaborative project between Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, the Iowa Association of Naturalists, and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources with support from the Resource Enhancement and Protection Program. To learn more about the project, visit
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Landforms and Geology - Iowa's Nature Series
From ocean-front property to spruce forest to today's rich organic prairie soils, Iowa's geological past is a fascinating story that can be told through careful inspection of the land beneath our feet. This article explores the long-view history of Iowa's landscapes and explains how the hills and valleys we call home were formed over millennia. To learn more about Iowa's Landforms and Geology, download the supplement article WL 17K - Geological Places to Visit.

The Iowa’s Nature series was a collaborative project between Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, the Iowa Association of Naturalists, and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources with support from the Resource Enhancement and Protection Program. To learn more about the project, visit
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Forests - Iowa's Nature Series
The forests of a prairie state like Iowa are unique refugia of biological diversity and important ecological and economical function. This article explores Iowa's forest ecosystems and the critical roles they play in our environment, economy, and quality of life.

The Iowa’s Nature series was a collaborative project between Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, the Iowa Association of Naturalists, and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources with support from the Resource Enhancement and Protection Program. To learn more about the project, visit
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Soils - Iowa's Nature Series
It is widely accepted that Iowa's soils are some of the richest and most productive in the world. But how and why? This article explores those rich soils, how they form, how scientists describe and classify them, and the conservation challenges they face.

The Iowa’s Nature series was a collaborative project between Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, the Iowa Association of Naturalists, and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources with support from the Resource Enhancement and Protection Program. To learn more about the project, visit
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Prairies - Iowa's Nature Series
Iowa, like no other state in the U.S., is defined by its tallgrass prairies. This article takes a deep dive into those prairie ecosystems, learning about the cast of plants, animals, and people dependent on them and how people today are working to manage and protect this critical ecosystem.

The Iowa’s Nature series was a collaborative project between Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, the Iowa Association of Naturalists, and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources with support from the Resource Enhancement and Protection Program. To learn more about the project, visit
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Aquatic Environments - Iowa's Nature Series
From the ephemeral pool of a prairie pothole to the giant pools of the mighty Mississippi, Iowa's lands are defined by their diverse, and critically important aquatic ecosystems. This article takes a deep dive into the ecology and intrigue of these systems found across the state and discusses the challenges they face and the promises of conservation actions taken there.

The Iowa’s Nature series was a collaborative project between Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, the Iowa Association of Naturalists, and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources with support from the Resource Enhancement and Protection Program. To learn more about the project, visit
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Plants - Iowa's Nature Series
From the bur oak tree towering over the savanna to the humble bladderwort, floating untethered in the water of wetlands, Iowa's plants and plant-like organisms are fascinatingly diverse. This article explores that diversity, describing the classification Iowa's plants, the varied places they occur, and the remarkable adaptations they have to life in Iowa.

The Iowa’s Nature series was a collaborative project between Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, the Iowa Association of Naturalists, and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources with support from the Resource Enhancement and Protection Program. To learn more about the project, visit
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Talking With Your Tenant About: Land Use Changes
Land use changes like prairie strips, perennial vegetation and extended rotations are important practices that can help achieve the goals of the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy. This publication discusses these changes and how to start a conversation with a tenant about implementing them in a farming operation.
Conservation Techniques for Vegetable Production: Combining Strip-Tillage and Cover Crops
Strip-tillage is when a crop is planted into narrow, tilled strips and the non-tilled area between the strips might contain residue from the previous season's main crop or a living or dead cover crop.

Combining strip-tillage and cover crops offers various benefits including minimal soil erosion, maintains soil moisture and weed suppression. This publication provides basic information on using a strip-tillage system with rolled cover crops as a conservation best management practice in vegetable production systems such broccoli, peppers, pumpkins, squash and tomatoes.
Attitudes Toward Cover Crops in Iowa: Benefits and Barriers
Learn how research on cover crops as a means toward maintaining and increasing soil productivity, also reduce agriculture's environmental impacts.

Based on data from the Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll 2010 Summary Report.
Rainwater Catchment from a High Tunnel for Irrigation Use
Make high tunnels more profitable for crop production by installing a system to catch, store, and reuse the rainwater from periodic rain events. The authors describe system components, give approximate costs, and detail year-round maintenance procedures. Also described is a drip irrigation system.
Incorporating Prairies into Multifunctional Landscapes
See how prairies can benefit farms and find the steps necessary to establish and manage prairies. Look at various uses for prairies: livestock grazing, hay production, biomass feedstocks, and carbon sequestering.
Converting to Pasture or Hay - Evaluating Current Vegetation | Conservation Reserve Program: Issues and Options
Don't destroy current CRP vegetation until you evaluate all your options.
Maximizing Profitability on Highly Erodible Land in Iowa | Conservation Reserve Program: Issues and Options
Options in grass may be the most profitable for CRP land when the long term cost of erosion is considered. Get the details on six income options: CRP, two rotational grazing options, two crop options (rotational corn/soybean), and alfalfa/orchard grass hay.
Rented Land in Iowa: Social and Environmental Dimensions
More than half of Iowa farmland is rented.

Decisions regarding who has access to that land and how it is farmed can influence the social and environmental outcomes of family farming.

See what the Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll discovered about rented land in Iowa. Recommendations are suggested to ensure that non-operator landownership is either neutral or beneficial to farm operators, farmland owners, rural communities, and the land itself.
Converting CRP Land to Pasture - Managing Weeds and Fertility | Conservation Reserve Program: Issues and Options
Suggestions for taking care of weed and brush problems on CRP land before beginning a grazing system. Good grazing management will help maintain fertility and reduce further weed problems.
Converting to Pasture or Hay - Repairing, Replanting CRP Land | Conservation Reserve Program: Issues and Options
Consider your options for establishing and renovating pastures.
Converting to Pasture or Hay - Forage Seeding Mixtures | Conservation Reserve Program: Issues and Options
Get detailed seed mixture recommendations to improve the productivity and nutritive value of forage legumes and/or grasses.
Life After CRP - Decisions, Decisions | Conservation Reserve Program: Issues and Options
Consider five important factors when deciding what to do when CRP contracts expire.
Lease Alternatives for CRP Land | Conservation Reserve Program: Issues and Options
Find out about the various lease options for CRP land: crop share, livestock share, cash lease, or flexible lease.
Resource Inventory Guide | Conservation Reserve Program: Issues and Options
Use this worksheet to inventory the resources you have to work with concerning your CRP land.
Insect Management for Corn and Soybean | Conservation Reserve Program: Issues and Options
Discusses potential insect problems and suggests management options for corn and soybean production on former CRP acres.
A Targeted Conservation Approach for Improving Environmental Quality
Find out how targeted conservation practices can have the most impact on environmental quality while causing only a small change in overall agricultural production. Environmental benefits are discussed related to clean air and water, productive soils, diverse wildlife and plant habitat, and biological controls for crop protection.
Strip Intercropping: A CRP Conversion Option | Conservation Reserve Program: Issues and Options
Strip intercropping can result in higher yields and profitability than monocropping systems. Sound weed management is critical for this system. Learn about an example of a corn, soybean, and oats system.
Data Collection Worksheet for RUSLE2 and Iowa Phosphorous Index
This worksheet provides guidelines for using the computer program RUSLE2 (Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation 2) and for calculating the Iowa Phosphorous Index. These are needed in nutrient management and conservation planning.
Tillage Options After CRP | Conservation Reserve Program: Issues and Options
In making tillage decisions for CRP land, consider conservation concerns, farming objectives, and plant and soil conditions. This publication provides research results to help you.
Applying Fertilizer and Lime to CRP Land | Conservation Reserve Program: Issues and Options
Sample and test soil to determine how much fertilizer, manure, and lime to apply to meet crop needs when converting land in CRP to crop production.
Planting Corn or Soybeans into CRP Sod Ground | Conservation Reserve Program: Issues and Options
Get the details on planting corn or soybeans into CRP sod ground. Soybeans may offer fewer problems than corn.
Fundamentals of Organic Agriculture
Detailed information on organic agriculture including history, legalities and logistics, labeling, marketing, and pest and weed management. Includes two field examples on organic soybean and apple production.
High Quality Water Resources
This list was developed to assist manure applicators and applicants for a confinement feeding operation construction permit.
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