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Weed Science Program 2024 Weed Control Results
The 2024 Weed Control Results for the Iowa State University Weed Science Program report includes experiments and demonstrations conducted at several of the Iowa State University Research Farms and other producer fields in Iowa.

This report is available on the Integrated Crop Management website.
2025 Herbicide Guide: Iowa Corn and Soybean Production
The 2025 WC94 provides useful information for the selection of herbicides to be used for weed management in soybeans, corn and pasture grown in Iowa. Herbicide injury symptoms that may occur on crops are described as well as timely discussions about evolved herbicide resistance in Iowa, issues with invasive weeds and the potential for herbicide carryover.
Field Recorder: Weed Management and Herbicide Programs
Whether you’re a hobby farmer, large-scale grower, or agronomist, keeping records will not only help you define your bottom line, but will also help you make sure you’re being as efficient as possible with your inputs. Keeping detailed and accurate farm records provides numerous benefits for your farming operation. This publication was designed to help farmers accurately measure herbicide program success, as well as help to design future weed management strategies.
Weed Science Program 2019 Weed Control Results
The 2019 Weed Control Results for the Iowa State University Weed Science Program report includes experiments and demonstrations conducted at several of the Iowa State University Research Farms and other producer fields in Iowa.

This report is available on the Integrated Crop Management website.
Weed Science Program 2018 Weed Control Results
The 2018 Weed Control Results for the Iowa State University Weed Science Program report includes experiments and demonstrations conducted at several of the Iowa State University Research Farms and other producer fields in Iowa.

This report is available on the Integrated Crop Management website.
Herbicide Resistance and Weed Management Course
Plan ahead. Dealing with herbicide resistance can be expensive. The United States Department of Agriculture estimates the cost of dealing with herbicide resistance once it occurs to be $20 to $60 per acre. Developing long-term weed management plans that reduce the chances of resistance developing will minimize the cost of resistance. However, it's a team effort - farmer, retailer, and industry - working together to delay herbicide resistance.

This online, interactive and self-paced course contains narrated presentations, lesson activities and resources to provide farmers and agribusiness professionals the tools to develop long-term weed management plans to help delay the development of herbicide resistance.

Those who complete the course are eligible for 3.0 integrated pest management Certified Crop Adviser continuing education units. In order to receive CCA credits, the entire course must be completed

The materials for this online course were originally developed by Iowa State University and Outreach field agronomists along with weed scientists Bob Hartzler and Mike Owen for a series of face-to-face Weeds Week workshops.

Course questions can be sent to:
Moodle eCourse
Weed Science Program 2017 Weed Control Results
The 2017 Weed Control Results for the Iowa State University Weed Science Program report includes experiments and demonstrations conducted at several of the Iowa State University Research Farms and other producer fields in Iowa.

This report is available on the Integrated Crop Management website.
Herbicide options for Palmer amaranth in CRP
Research is ongoing regarding herbicide control methods for Palmer amaranth. The Farm Service Agency is working to approve broadcast herbicide applications to be used in CRP land. This publication discusses both the preemergence and postemergence herbicides that have been approved to control Palmer amaranth.
Herbicide use may restrict grazing options for cover crops
Interest in cover crops has dramatically increased due to their many potential benefits. In addition to conservation purposes, cover crops can provide forage for livestock producers. It is important for livestock producers to consider restrictions on labels of herbicides used earlier in the growing season if they intend to use the cover crop as a forage source.
Weed Science Program 2016 Weed Control Results
The 2016 Weed Control Results for the Iowa State University Weed Science Program report includes experiments and demonstrations conducted at several of the Iowa State University Research Farms and other producer fields in Iowa. Highlights include experiments that report on herbicide tactics to control waterhemp, with evolved resistance to HPPD inhibitor herbicides and glyphosate-resistant biotypes.

This report is available on the Integrated Crop Management website.
Palmer amaranth identification
Palmer amaranth has been identified both in crop fields and in conservation plantings using native seed mixes. Early detection is essential in order to prevent the new weed from getting permanently established in fields where it has been introduced.

This publication will help people new to Palmer amaranth differentiate it from waterhemp and the other weedy pigweeds found in Iowa.

In the accompanying 10-minute video below, Bob Hartzler, Iowa State University Extension Weed Scientist, discusses what Palmer amaranth is, where it came from and provides ways to detect early and what steps to take to eradicate the weed.

Crop Production Clipboard
Crop production clipboards provide a handy way to keep key reference information with you in the office helping customers or scouting in corn and soybean fields. Calibration and conversions supplement plant population charts and growth stages of corn and soybeans.
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Weed Identification Field Guide 2nd Edition
The Weed Identification Field Guide, 2nd Edition, is a revised and expanded pocket-sized guide (3-3/4" x 6") for farmers and agronomists to use for weed identification in Iowa corn and soybean fields. The 2nd edition includes four new weed species, many new images, and updated text.

The 108 page booklet includes tools to aid in accurate weed identification as well as weed lifecycle and herbicide management and stewardship information. It includes over 35 illustrations and more than 250 high-quality photographs of weeds found in Iowa.

Previously known as CSI 3. CSI 0003
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Conservation Techniques for Vegetable Production: Combining Strip-Tillage and Cover Crops
Strip-tillage is when a crop is planted into narrow, tilled strips and the non-tilled area between the strips might contain residue from the previous season's main crop or a living or dead cover crop.

Combining strip-tillage and cover crops offers various benefits including minimal soil erosion, maintains soil moisture and weed suppression. This publication provides basic information on using a strip-tillage system with rolled cover crops as a conservation best management practice in vegetable production systems such broccoli, peppers, pumpkins, squash and tomatoes.
Weed Science Program 2014 Weed Control Results
The 2014 Weed Control Results for the Iowa State University Weed Science Program report includes experiments and demonstrations conducted at several of the Iowa State University Research Farms and other producer fields in Iowa. Highlights include experiments that report on herbicide tactics to control waterhemp, with evolved resistance to HPPD inhibitor herbicides and glyphosate-resistant biotypes.

This report is available on the Integrated Crop Management website.
Weed Science Program 2013 Weed Control Results
The 2013 Weed Control Results for the Iowa State University Weed Science Program report includes experiments and demonstrations conducted at several of the Iowa State University Research Farms and other producer fields in Iowa. Highlights include experiments that report on herbicide tactics to control waterhemp, with evolved resistance to HPPD inhibitor herbicides and glyphosate-resistant biotypes.

This report is available on the Integrated Crop Management website.
Weed Science Program 2012 Weed Control Results
The 2012 Weed Control Results for the Iowa State University Weed Science Program report includes experiments and demonstrations conducted at several of the Iowa State University Research Farms and other producer fields in Iowa. Highlights include experiments that report on herbicide tactics to control waterhemp, with evolved resistance to HPPD inhibitor herbicides and glyphosate-resistant biotypes.

This report is available on the Integrated Crop Management website.
Weed Science Program 2011 Weed Control Results
The 2011 Weed Control Results for the Iowa State University Weed Science Program report includes experiments and demonstrations conducted at several of the Iowa State University Research Farms and other producer fields in Iowa. Highlights include experiments that report on herbicide tactics to control waterhemp, with evolved resistance to HPPD inhibitor herbicides and glyphosate-resistant biotypes.

This report is available on the Integrated Crop Management website.
Weed Science Program 2010 Weed Control Results
The 2010 Weed Control Results for the Iowa State University Weed Science Program report includes experiments and demonstrations conducted at several of the Iowa State University Research Farms and other producer fields in Iowa. Highlights include experiments that report on herbicide tactics to control waterhemp, with evolved resistance to HPPD inhibitor herbicides and glyphosate-resistant biotypes.

This report is available on the Integrated Crop Management website.
Weed Science Program 2009 Weed Control Results
The 2009 Weed Control Results for the Iowa State University Weed Science Program report includes experiments and demonstrations conducted at several of the Iowa State University Research Farms and other producer fields in Iowa. Highlights include experiments that report on herbicide tactics to control waterhemp, with evolved resistance to HPPD inhibitor herbicides and glyphosate-resistant biotypes.

This report is available on the Integrated Crop Management website.
Aquatic Plant Management -- Managing Iowa Fisheries
Discover biological, chemical and integrated management methods to control aquatic weeds.
Weed Science Program 2008 Weed Control Results
The 2008 Weed Control Results for the Iowa State University Weed Science Program report includes experiments and demonstrations conducted at several of the Iowa State University Research Farms and other producer fields in Iowa. Highlights include experiments that report on herbicide tactics to control waterhemp, with evolved resistance to HPPD inhibitor herbicides and glyphosate-resistant biotypes.

This report is available on the Integrated Crop Management website.
Relative Emergence Sequence for Weeds of Corn and Soybeans -- Sustainable Agriculture
Provides information on weed development that can help growers determine the optimum time for tillage and crop planting to reduce weed populations.
Weed Science Program 2007 Weed Control Results
The 2007 Weed Control Results for the Iowa State University Weed Science Program report includes experiments and demonstrations conducted at several of the Iowa State University Research Farms and other producer fields in Iowa. Highlights include experiments that report on herbicide tactics to control waterhemp, with evolved resistance to HPPD inhibitor herbicides and glyphosate-resistant biotypes.

This report is available on the Integrated Crop Management website.
Weed Science Program 2006 Weed Control Results
The 2006 Weed Control Results for the Iowa State University Weed Science Program report includes experiments and demonstrations conducted at several of the Iowa State University Research Farms and other producer fields in Iowa. Highlights include experiments that report on herbicide tactics to control waterhemp, with evolved resistance to HPPD inhibitor herbicides and glyphosate-resistant biotypes.

This report is available on the Integrated Crop Management website.
Weed Science Program 2005 Weed Control Results
The 2005 Weed Control Results for the Iowa State University Weed Science Program report includes experiments and demonstrations conducted at several of the Iowa State University Research Farms and other producer fields in Iowa. Highlights include experiments that report on herbicide tactics to control waterhemp, with evolved resistance to HPPD inhibitor herbicides and glyphosate-resistant biotypes.

This report is available on the Integrated Crop Management website.
Legume Living Mulches in Corn and Soybean
These mulches not only provide erosion control, but also fix atmospheric nitrogen. Learn more about five possibilities and their management.
Small Grain Cover Crops for Corn and Soybean
Learn about species selection, management, and pros and cons of these cover crops.
Weed Science Program 2004 Weed Control Results
The 2004 Weed Control Results for the Iowa State University Weed Science Program report includes experiments and demonstrations conducted at several of the Iowa State University Research Farms and other producer fields in Iowa. Highlights include experiments that report on herbicide tactics to control waterhemp, with evolved resistance to HPPD inhibitor herbicides and glyphosate-resistant biotypes.

This report is available on the Integrated Crop Management website.
Weed Science Program 2003 Weed Control Results
The 2003 Weed Control Results for the Iowa State University Weed Science Program report includes experiments and demonstrations conducted at several of the Iowa State University Research Farms and other producer fields in Iowa. Highlights include experiments that report on herbicide tactics to control waterhemp, with evolved resistance to HPPD inhibitor herbicides and glyphosate-resistant biotypes.

This report is available on the Integrated Crop Management website.
Weeds to Watch -- New Weed Threats for Corn and Soybean Fields
Use the colorful pictures and descriptive information found on this poster to identify weed threats for corn and soybean fields.
Weed Management for Organic Farmers
Organic farmers use a wide variety of tools and strategies to control weeds without synthetic chemicals. Those tools and strategies and their effects on soil quality are discussed.
Weed Science Program 2002 Weed Control Results
The 2002 Weed Control Results for the Iowa State University Weed Science Program report includes experiments and demonstrations conducted at several of the Iowa State University Research Farms and other producer fields in Iowa. Highlights include experiments that report on herbicide tactics to control waterhemp, with evolved resistance to HPPD inhibitor herbicides and glyphosate-resistant biotypes.

This report is available on the Integrated Crop Management website.
Weed Emergence Sequences: Knowledge to Guide Scouting and Control flyer
This flyer provides information on when weeds begin to emerge in order to help determine the appropriate time to scout fields and implement control tactics.
Identification of the Weedy Pigweeds and Waterhemps of Iowa
Pigweeds present many weed management challenges for crop production.

This publication provides producers with information necessary to identify and manage pigweeds common to Iowa.
Cultivation: An Effective Weed Management Tool
Common questions are answered about relying on cultivation for inter-row weed control. Other weed management factors also are addressed, such as time, weather conditions, erosion control, and cost.
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