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A Closer Look: Beavers as Superheroes of Water Quality
Beavers offer a host of ecosystem benefits, including improved water quality, increased water storage, and added habitat for other wildlife. This publication explores best management practices for the rural landscape—identifying ways to work with beavers, not against them.
Northern Bobwhites in Iowa
Northern bobwhites, known simply as “quail” to many, are a charismatic bird that dwells on the margins of diverse farms, fields, and forests of southern Iowa. This article describes the basic needs and behaviors of the bobwhite and offers landowners and managers pointers on how to help ensure the bird continues to thrive in rural Iowa.
Geological Places to Visit - Iowa's Nature Series
One of the best ways to learn about and appreciate the landforms and geology of Iowa is to get outside and visit the rocks, sediments, and landscapes in person. While some of Iowa’s most interesting geological features can’t be seen at the surface, many interesting features can be explored up close in Iowa’s state and county parks, refuges, and recreation areas. This resource is a supplement to WL 17A - Iowa's Landforms and Geology to be used as a guide to some of the best sites around the state where visitors can explore more than a billion years of Iowa’s geological history as told in rocks and landforms.

The Iowa’s Nature series was a collaborative project between Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, the Iowa Association of Naturalists, and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources with support from the Resource Enhancement and Protection Program. To learn more about the project, visit
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Landforms and Geology - Iowa's Nature Series
From ocean-front property to spruce forest to today's rich organic prairie soils, Iowa's geological past is a fascinating story that can be told through careful inspection of the land beneath our feet. This article explores the long-view history of Iowa's landscapes and explains how the hills and valleys we call home were formed over millennia. To learn more about Iowa's Landforms and Geology, download the supplement article WL 17K - Geological Places to Visit.

The Iowa’s Nature series was a collaborative project between Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, the Iowa Association of Naturalists, and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources with support from the Resource Enhancement and Protection Program. To learn more about the project, visit
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Forests - Iowa's Nature Series
The forests of a prairie state like Iowa are unique refugia of biological diversity and important ecological and economical function. This article explores Iowa's forest ecosystems and the critical roles they play in our environment, economy, and quality of life.

The Iowa’s Nature series was a collaborative project between Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, the Iowa Association of Naturalists, and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources with support from the Resource Enhancement and Protection Program. To learn more about the project, visit
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Soils - Iowa's Nature Series
It is widely accepted that Iowa's soils are some of the richest and most productive in the world. But how and why? This article explores those rich soils, how they form, how scientists describe and classify them, and the conservation challenges they face.

The Iowa’s Nature series was a collaborative project between Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, the Iowa Association of Naturalists, and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources with support from the Resource Enhancement and Protection Program. To learn more about the project, visit
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Prairies - Iowa's Nature Series
Iowa, like no other state in the U.S., is defined by its tallgrass prairies. This article takes a deep dive into those prairie ecosystems, learning about the cast of plants, animals, and people dependent on them and how people today are working to manage and protect this critical ecosystem.

The Iowa’s Nature series was a collaborative project between Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, the Iowa Association of Naturalists, and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources with support from the Resource Enhancement and Protection Program. To learn more about the project, visit
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Aquatic Environments - Iowa's Nature Series
From the ephemeral pool of a prairie pothole to the giant pools of the mighty Mississippi, Iowa's lands are defined by their diverse, and critically important aquatic ecosystems. This article takes a deep dive into the ecology and intrigue of these systems found across the state and discusses the challenges they face and the promises of conservation actions taken there.

The Iowa’s Nature series was a collaborative project between Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, the Iowa Association of Naturalists, and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources with support from the Resource Enhancement and Protection Program. To learn more about the project, visit
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Invertebrates - Iowa's Nature Series
Asked to picture Iowa's wildlife diversity and many people may think first of vertebrates, rather than the invertebrates who comprise the vast majority of diversity found among the living animals of Iowa's lands and waters! This article features the stories of a few of the thousands of insects, spiders, crustaceans, butterflies, moths, worms, snails, mussels, and leeches found in Iowa, everywhere from our border rivers to our homes.

The Iowa’s Nature series was a collaborative project between Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, the Iowa Association of Naturalists, and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources with support from the Resource Enhancement and Protection Program. To learn more about the project, visit
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Vertebrates - Iowa's Nature Series
From city sewers to pristine prairies, the reptiles, amphibians, birds, mammals, fish, and lamprey found within Iowa's borders are as diverse and fascinating as the people found there. Members of these varied groups of wildlife are collectively called vertebrates and this article explores all the diverse life history strategies and behaviors demonstrated by Iowa’s non-human vertebrates.

The Iowa’s Nature series was a collaborative project between Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, the Iowa Association of Naturalists, and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources with support from the Resource Enhancement and Protection Program. To learn more about the project, visit
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Plants - Iowa's Nature Series
From the bur oak tree towering over the savanna to the humble bladderwort, floating untethered in the water of wetlands, Iowa's plants and plant-like organisms are fascinatingly diverse. This article explores that diversity, describing the classification Iowa's plants, the varied places they occur, and the remarkable adaptations they have to life in Iowa.

The Iowa’s Nature series was a collaborative project between Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, the Iowa Association of Naturalists, and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources with support from the Resource Enhancement and Protection Program. To learn more about the project, visit
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Influential Voices - Iowa's Nature Series
For as long as the tallgrass prairie blooms have blown in the breeze and the muddy Missouri flowed past its western border, the land we call Iowa has been stewarded and cared for by people. From the variety of Native cultures that have called this land home to the 20th century advocates who fought for its protection and care amid unprecedented exploitation, thousands of influential voices have fought to protect this land and its diversity. This article features a few of those voices that have been influential in the care of Iowa's Nature and who set an example for future generations to follow in protecting the rich natural heritage we all inherit.

The Iowa’s Nature series was a collaborative project between Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, the Iowa Association of Naturalists, and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources with support from the Resource Enhancement and Protection Program. To learn more about the project, visit
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State Symbols - Iowa's Nature Series
Some characteristics of Iowa's Nature are so fundamentally Iowan that they've received special designation as such by the state legislature. This article explores those uniquely Iowan symbols including the state bird, tree, flower, and rock along with a sampling of other natural features that define our state and inspire awe in all the diversity found here.

The Iowa’s Nature series was a collaborative project between Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, the Iowa Association of Naturalists, and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources with support from the Resource Enhancement and Protection Program. To learn more about the project, visit
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Woodworking for Wildlife - Bat Box
This publication provides a simple guide to creating a backyard box for bats to live in during the spring, summer and fall. The guide provides materials needed in making the bat box, as well as step-by-step instructions for construction.
Woodworking for Wildlife - Blue Bird Box
This publication provides a simple guide to creating a backyard box blue birds to call home. The guide provides materials needed in making the blue bird box, as well as step-by-step instructions for construction.
Woodworking for Wildlife - Wood Duck Box
This publication provides a simple guide to creating a home for wood ducks, emulating their natural nesting locations. The guide provides materials needed in making the wood duck box, as well as step-by-step instructions for construction.
Iowa's Forest Birds
Iowa’s forests play host to a spectacular diversity of birds throughout the year. This article explores this diversity, describing how birds feed, nest, and move within and among many different types of forests found in Iowa. The management of forest habitats for birds is explored with recommendations for making the most of any forest parcel for birds and the people that enjoy them.
Safe Mushroom Foraging
This field guide provides information on mushrooms found throughout Iowa. It provides foragers guidance on the time of year each mushroom is available, its key characteristics, habitat and look-alike mushrooms. There is also information on common mushroom myths and best practices for searching for them in the wild. Full-color photographs also help hunters identify mushrooms they come across.
Woodworking for Wildlife - Aldo Leopold Bench
This publication provides a simple guide to creating the famous Aldo Leopold bench, which is perfect for observing and studying wildlife. The bench is named for Aldo Leopold, an internationally recognized figure in wildlife conservation and pioneering author and philosopher on environmental ethics and land stewardship.

This guide provides materials needed in making the Aldo Leopold bench, as well as step-by-step instructions for construction.
Chronic Wasting Disease in Deer
Chronic wasting disease, or CWD, is a neurological disease infecting wild white-tailed deer in Iowa and throughout North America. This article reviews the most relevant and up-to-date scientific information about the disease and provides recommendations for addressing this emerging challenge in Iowa.

Learn more about CWD from this video.
Iowa Bats
Bats are an important part of Iowa's ecosystem. This infographic provides a look at the different bat species that can be found in Iowa, along with information on their diet, habitat and threats to their survival. Management practices that can preserve bat habitat are also discussed.
The Sweet Lives of Honey Bees
This colorful, interactive infographic provides a look into the life of a honey bee. Beekeeper Ben guides readers through information on beehives, types of honey bees, bee jobs, planting flowers for bees and harvesting honey.

Created through a partnership between Iowa State University Extension and Outreach and the Iowa Honey Producers Association.
Mammals of Iowa Field Guide
This guide is a comprehensive reference to the basic ecology and identification of Iowa's wild mammals. The 134 page booklet contains full species account for 57 species found in Iowa today, and supplemental material about extirpated or rare species, living alongside mammals and scaled comparisons highlighting the wide variety of shapes and sizes of Iowa's mammals. Species accounts feature photos, range maps that highlight county distributions in the state, and information on the identification, habitats, breeding behavior and diets of each species.

Development of the Field Guide to Mammals of Iowa was a collaborative project between Iowa State University Extension and Outreach and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Funding for the development of the guide was provided through grants from the Wildlife Diversity Program and the Resource Enhancement and Protection Conservation Education Program of the Iowa DNR.
Consulting Arborists Provide Service in Iowa
Arborists specialize in the management and care of individual trees. This publication provides a list of arborist vendors certified by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), along with their contact information.
Small-stature Trees for Iowa - Ash Alternatives
This publication lists several small-stature tree selections suitable for the Iowa landscape. These trees listed serve as suitable replacements for ash trees, which are susceptible to the emerald ash borer.
Shade Trees for Iowa - Ash Alternatives
This publication lists several shade tree selections for the Iowa landscape. It lists trees that might serve as replacements for the ash tree, which is susceptible to the emerald ash borer.
Attracting Birds to Your Yard
Learn how to design a backyard oasis for birds by providing essential habitat elements including food, shelter, and water. This publication discusses key considerations for incorporating bird habitat needs into landscape designs by laying out plants that provide shelter or food in a way that mimics the natural habitats of birds. The publication also discusses bird feeding and how to safely attract more birds into view in the backyard by providing the right types of food throughout the year.

This publication updates PM 1351D.
Windbreaks for Wildlife
Windbreaks provide many benefits to farms such as reducing energy consumption, controlling odor, protecting buildings and livestock from the elements and improving aesthetics. This publication discusses the importance of windbreaks, their design and the best species of trees or shrubs to plant.
Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases in Iowa
Ticks can be found across the state of Iowa and are active from March through November. This publication discusses the three most common type of ticks in the state while also providing information on preventing Lyme disease and removing attached ticks.
Rented Land in Iowa: Social and Environmental Dimensions
More than half of Iowa farmland is rented.

Decisions regarding who has access to that land and how it is farmed can influence the social and environmental outcomes of family farming.

See what the Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll discovered about rented land in Iowa. Recommendations are suggested to ensure that non-operator landownership is either neutral or beneficial to farm operators, farmland owners, rural communities, and the land itself.
2009 Summary Report - Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll
Highlights from the 2009 farm and rural life poll include: the next generation of farmers, farm policy and commodity production, mixed livestock and grain farming, farming and food systems in rural communities, value-added agriculture, targeted conservation, nutrient removal wetlands, and personal and financial well-being.
Aquatic Plant Management -- Managing Iowa Fisheries
Discover biological, chemical and integrated management methods to control aquatic weeds.
Freshwater Aquarium Management -- Managing Iowa Fisheries
Find tips on selecting and maintaining a home aquarium. Consider tank size and shape, stand and positioning, hood, filters, air pumps, heaters, ornaments and hiding places. Also tips for fish purchasing and stocking, water changes and cleaning, disease and treatment, and algae problems.
Use of Copper Compounds in Aquatic Systems -- Managing Iowa Fisheries
Find out how to safely use copper compounds to control algae in farm ponds. Determine dosage rates for your pond size and water type, select proper tools, and know best handling methods.
Building Quality Ponds -- Managing Iowa Fisheries
A quality pond stores the cleanest water possible. This publication describes suitable water sources and the design and maintenance of water impoundments.
Calculation and Conversions for Fisheries -- Managing Iowa Fisheries
Includes information to calculate surface areas, depth, and water volume as well as various useful conversions.
Intensive Aquaculture Systems -- Managing Iowa Fisheries
Interest in aquaculture (fish farming) is increasing. This brochure provides potential aquaculturists with information to help them objectively study the feasibility of adding intensive aquaculture to their farming enterprises.
A Targeted Conservation Approach for Improving Environmental Quality
Find out how targeted conservation practices can have the most impact on environmental quality while causing only a small change in overall agricultural production. Environmental benefits are discussed related to clean air and water, productive soils, diverse wildlife and plant habitat, and biological controls for crop protection.
Water Quality -- Managing Iowa Fisheries
Water, the most important component for raising fish, is often the most neglected factor. The purpose of this publication is to assist the fish farmer or pond owner in pond management.
Introduction to Iowa Native Prairie Plants -- Sustainable Urban Landscapes
Find out more about native plants and their uses in a garden or large planting. Includes more than 20 color photos, plus a detailed chart of prairie plant characteristics.
References and Resources for Prairies and Native Plantings -- Sustainable Urban Landscapes
Prairie plants and other native plants are returning to the Iowa landscape. This publication offers a list of resources that will help those planning to create any size prairie plantings.
Prairie Investigators -- Using Plants and Animals to Uncover the Mystery of the Prairie
Biologists are detectives; they observe clues and interpret what they see. Use this guide to practice those skills and learn about the tall-grass prairie.
Farm Ponds -- Managing Iowa Fisheries
Ponds are, at times, both complex and simple ecosystems. Pond complexity depends on the food webs involving many types of organisms. This publication addresses concerns of landowners who wish to continue to enjoy their farm ponds.
Restoring Iowa Streams -- Managing Iowa Habitats
Iowa is rich in water resources, but the restoration and management of Iowa’s rivers and streams is important for enhancing or improving water quality, wildlife habitat, recreational opportunities, and aesthetics. This publication is to assist landowners in the restoration and management of stream and river habitats.
Iowa Butterfly and Caterpillar Food Preferences -- Reiman Gardens
Find out about providing food and nectar sources in our landscapes and gardens to support and encourage butterfly habitat. Approximately 75 species of butterflies have been recorded in Iowa.
Sphinx Moths -- Reiman Gardens
Learn more about a fascinating insect behavior viewed in the home garden—nectar feeding by large, dark moths (sphinx moths) that look like hummingbirds.
Restoring Iowa Woodlands - Managing Iowa Habitats
This publication is to assist landowners interested in the restoration and management of Iowa woodlands for wildlife.
Linear Habitats in Rural Landscapes - Managing Iowa Habitats
The creative management of Iowa’s farmland is important for enhancing wildlife habitat, improving environmental quality, recreational opportunities, and visual appeal. This publication is to assist landowners interested in improving non-crop lands for any reason.
Restoring Odd Areas in Rural Landscapes - Managing Iowa Habitats
This publication is to help landowners manage those “odd areas” like abandoned farmsteads, roadsides, and fence corners.
Restoring Iowa Prairies - Managing Iowa Habitats
With increasing awareness of the valuable role prairies play in the natural world, prairie communities throughout the Midwest are being identified, protected, and restored. This publication is to assist landowners interested in prairie restoration.
Restoring Iowa Wetlands - Managing Iowa Habitats
This publication can assist landowners in the identification, restoration, and management of shallow-water wetlands similar to those once scattered across Iowa’s countryside.
Riparian Buffer Systems -- Stewards of Our Streams
Restoration and management of the land’s natural riparian buffer system can improve water quality, prevent soil erosion, and build diversity that has been lost with modern land uses. Publication offers detailed information on riparian buffers.
Buffer Strip Design, Establishment and Maintenance -- Stewards of Our Streams
This publication discusses how to design, plant, and maintain a multi-species buffer strip, which is an important part of river ecosystems.
Fen Wetlands - Managing Iowa Habitats
This publication provides detailed information about fens. Fens are the rarest of Iowa’s wetland communities and of great scientific interest. While their geology varies, they all are the products of the seepage of groundwater to the surface.
Wetlands, Wildlife and You
Wetlands are an important natural resource and are about the most productive ecosystem on Earth. Learn about wetlands, including information on animals such as muskrat, mink, fish, and birds; wetland food chains; and even complete a wetlands crossword puzzle.
Grassed Waterways - Managing Iowa Habitats
Grassed waterways provide wildlife with a habitat that includes food, cover, and water. As fencerows originally found in Iowa are declining, grassed waterways have become more important to Iowa’s wildlife population, especially species of birds.
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