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Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO) and Enhanced Coverage Option (ECO)
Federal law limits the authority for the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) to insure farm-based multi-peril products at more than an 85% coverage level. However, endorsements such as the Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO) and the Enhanced Coverage Option (ECO) products can be used to extend coverage beyond 85%.

This publication explains how SCO and ECO can extend risk protection coverage beyond the 85% coverage level of multi-peril crop insurance.
Improving Your Farm Lease Contract
This publication provides information to use when creating a farm lease contract.

Sections include:
  • Reasons for farm leases
  • Common types of leases used in Iowa and their main characteristics
  • Potential advantages and disadvantages of different types of leases
  • Key areas of decision making
  • Factors that influence leasing terms
  • Economic and legal considerations
  • Communication
  • Termination of a farm lease
Financial Performance Measures for Iowa Farms
These measures can help farmers assess the profitability, debt capacity, and financial risk currently faced by their businesses. The measures presented in this publication are based on guidelines of the Farm Financial Standards Council,, and are used by most agricultural lenders and farm accountants.
2023 Iowa Farm Costs and Returns
The farm record data utilized in this report were obtained from the Iowa Farm Business Association. The average of all farms in each table represents a weighted average of the values for each size group listed. Weighting factors are based on the number of farms in each size group in the state, as computed from the most recent Census of Agriculture.
Flexible Farm Lease Agreements
This publication provides information needed to develop flexible farm lease agreements, where the actual rent is not determined until after the crop is harvested. Included is a flexible lease agreement worksheet and multiple examples.
Computing a Cropland Cash Rental Rate
This publication guides owners and renters through multiple approaches to determining cash rental rates. Included is a cropland cash rent worksheet, examples, and additional considerations when leasing farmland.
Iowa Concern Business card (Unit=Pkg of 50)
A bundle of 50 business cards, measuring 3.5" x 2", with contact information for the Iowa Concern Hotline.

Hotline provides free 24-hour confidential assistance for stress issues, legal questions, and financial concerns.

(previously known as ICH2)
Miscellaneous Item
Iowa Concern Business card - Spanish (Unit=Pkg of 50)
A bundle of 50 business cards in Spanish, measuring 3.5" x 2", with contact information for the Iowa Concern Hotline.

Hotline provides free 24-hour confidential assistance for stress issues, legal questions, and financial concerns.
Miscellaneous Item
Lease Supplement for Investing in Improvements on a Rented Farm
The purpose of this lease supplement is to encourage cooperation between tenants and landowners who wish to obtain needed improvements, facilities, and buildings on a rented farm. Often rented farms are in need of additional buildings, facilities, major repairs, or soil improvements. Many of the additions and improvements that are needed on a rented farm will not be made unless the tenant pays for part or all of the cost. But tenants are not likely to make important contributions toward farm improvements unless they are sure of repayment for any unexhausted value of their investments in case they have to discontinue farming the property.
Survey of Iowa Leasing Practices, 2022
The Iowa farmland rental market has undergone considerable change in the past few years. Following the boom years of the land market from 2003 to 2013 and the softening and stabilizing years until 2019, Iowa farmland values rose more than 30% from fall 2020 to 2022, reaching record high values in both nominal and real terms.
Lease Supplement for Obtaining Conservation Practices to Control Soil and Nutrient Loss
With more than half of farmland in Iowa under a rental agreement, cooperation between tenants and landowners is essential for establishing and maintaining needed conservation practices on a rented farm. Rents should be adjusted to reflect costs and risks incurred by both parties. Rent can also be adjusted to reflect your value set, such as when prioritizing soil and water conservation. Conservation practices and improvements will not be made unless they are agreed to in advance and the tenant has the necessary machinery and management ability to establish and maintain them.
Getting Your New Business Idea Funded
This publication discusses new business funding, its risks, to-do's to prepare, and what lenders evaluate when assessing borrowers, including an overview of 'The 5 Cs': character, conditions, capital, collateral, and capacity.
Revenue Protection Crop Insurance
Details are provided on a risk management tool, crop revenue insurance, that guarantees a certain level of revenue rather than just production. The guarantee is based on market prices and the actual yield on your farm. Three example scenarios are presented also.
Iowa Concern Hotline magnet (Unit=Pkg of 50)
Magnet with contact information for the Iowa Concern Hotline. Hotline provides confidential, 24-hour support for individuals with financial concerns and those seeking stress counseling or legal education.

Each magnet is 2 inches wide by 3.5 inches high.
Financial Literacy Lesson Plans - Grades K-5
This curriculum provides four lessons for each grade level, K-5 to address Iowa's financial literacy content standards. Most lessons use storybooks as the main activity, supplemented by activities to extend learning and to initiate discussions at home.
Lesson plans + user guide
User guide
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
Iowa Concern Hotline Magnet - Spanish (Unit=Pkg of 25)
A bundle of 25 magnets in Spanish,with contact information for the Iowa Concern Hotline. Hotline provides confidential, 24-hour support for individuals with financial concerns and those seeking stress counseling or legal education.

Each magnet is 2 inches wide by 3.5 inches high.
Iowa Farm Transition Case Studies: Pursuing the Farming Dream
Justin Van Hof's route to become a farmer was nontraditional. He graduated from college, worked in his father's business and was employed in other professions, yet always returned to farming. It took 16 years, yet Justin has found his niche as a farmer working as a salaried manager for a large diversified farming operation.

This case study highlights the transition planning process and timeline, tools used, lessons learned, and the Van Hof's advice for other individuals considering a career in farming. Questions about employee status and career opportunities are included for family or classroom discussions.
Iowa Farm Transition Case Studies: Loomis Family Farm Transition
The Loomis family from northern Iowa has recently completed a successful family farm business transition to the next generation. The transition of their row crop and swine farm spanned the first 22 years of the younger generation's farming career, was well planned and implemented gradually.

This case study highlights the transition planning process and timeline, tools used, the older generation's estate plan, lessons learned, and the Loomis's advice for other farm families considering a farm business transition. Questions about the family's current situation and possible future of the farm are included for family or classroom discussions.
Decisions After a Death
It is difficult to make decisions or even know where to start after the death of someone close to you. Here are practical suggestions regarding financial and legal matters.
Coping with Unemployment - Stress: Taking Charge
The loss of a job can be devastating. Taking charge in those circumstances means taking stock of your resources to survive the immediate situation and bring about a positive future. To cope with unemployment or sudden income loss, you can do specific things to help manage until you find another position or until business picks up.
PDF - English
PDF - Spanish
Using What You Have to Get What You Want - Stress: Taking Charge
Reduce stress and manage your resources by making six types of decisions: setting priorities, dealing with unexpected events, assessing resources, planning, carrying out the plan, and evaluating the outcomes.
PDF - English
PDF - Spanish
Farm Electric Power Sales Tax Exemption
Fuels, including electricity, used directly in processing and production on the farm are exempt from Iowa state sales tax. To receive this exemption, a farmer must provide adequate documentation. This publication provides information, worksheets, and a sales tax exemption certificate to aid farmers.
Farming: Special Considerations - Ready, Set, Retire
Farmers need to consider some unique situations regarding retirement. Read about setting retirement goals and estimating cost of living and income in retirement. Two worksheets are provided to help the process. Also discussed -- what will happen to the farm business.
Farming with an Operating Heir - Ready, Set, Retire
It is in the best interests of both generations that the farm transfer be accomplished with a minimum of financial and emotional cost. This publication explores the many options available and how all parties’ needs can be met.
Farming without an Operating Heir - Ready, Set, Retire
In general, there are five major alternatives available to retiring farmers who have no heirs interested in taking over the farm operation. The alternative chosen depends primarily on the amount of leisure time desired and the amount of work the retiring farmer wants to do.
Farming: Social Security Issues - Ready, Set, Retire
As a self-employed individual, a farm operator is covered by social security. This publication discusses social security issues for farmers prior to and after retirement.
Farming: Investment Planning - Ready, Set, Retire
As farmland values and stock markets can be unstable, having all of a family’s investments in one venture is risky. This pamphlet presents issues in investment considerations before retirement and at retirement.
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