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Secretary's Attendance Record
As a club secretary, you have many responsibilities, which may include keeping track of your club attendance and participation.

This template may be used as a guide to track your club's attendance.

For more information, please visit our club officer resources webpage.
Word Document
So You're the Club Treasurer
Congratulations! Iowa 4-H is proud of you for stepping into a club leadership position! As a 4-H club officer, you represent the 4-H Program--both in and out of your 4-H activities. Your fellow 4-H members will look up to you as you use your skills and abilities to lead with dedication, professionalism, and enthusiasm. This guide will provide tips for effective leadership, a checklist for your role's tasks, and instructions on some of your most important officer duties.

For more information, please visit our club officer resources webpage.

Previously known as 4H 71D
Photo Ideas for Your Club
As a club photographer, you have many responsibilities which include planning and taking photos at your club meetings.

This template may be used as a guide to brainstorm ideas for taking photos at your club meetings. This form is not required, it is only a guide to use if you choose.

For more information, please visit our club officer resources webpage.
Committee Year-End Evaluation
As a club president or vice-president, you have many responsibilities, which may include helping your club committees stay organized and goal-oriented.

This template may be used as a guide to summarize your committee's reflections. This form is not required, it is only a guide to use if you choose.

For more information, please visit our club officer resources webpage.
Committee Reporting Worksheet
As a club president or vice-president, you have many responsibilities, which may include helping your club committees stay organized and on task.

This template may be used as a guide to draft the notes from your committee meeting. This form is not required, it is only a guide to use if you choose.

For more information, please visit our club officer resources webpage.
Committee Planning
As a club president or vice-president, you have many responsibilities, which may include helping your club committees stay organized and on task.

This template may be used as a guide to organize your club's committees. There is room for you to save contact information, committee goals, and tasks and responsibilities. This form is not required, it is only a guide to use if you choose.

For more information, please visit our club officer resources webpage.

This editable PDF can be filled out online, saved, and then printed; or it can be printed and completed manually. For more information visit our webpage on using 4-H forms and documents.
Taking Notes for News Articles and Posts
As a club reporter, you have many responsibilities, which include taking notes for writing a news article or post about your club happenings.

This template may be used as a guide to organize your notes for reporting. This form is not required, it is only a guide to use if you choose.

For more information, please visit our club officer resources webpage.

This editable PDF can be filled out online, saved, and then printed; or it can be printed and completed manually. For more information visit our webpage on using 4-H forms and documents.
So You're the Club President
Congratulations! Iowa 4-H is proud of you for stepping into a club leadership position! As a 4-H club officer, you represent the 4-H Program--both in and out of your 4-H activities. Your fellow 4-H members will look up to you as you use your skills and abilities to lead with dedication, professionalism, and enthusiasm. This guide will provide tips for effective leadership, a checklist for your role's tasks, and instructions on some of your most important officer duties.

For more information, please visit our club officer resources webpage.

Previously known as 4H 71A
So You're the Club Vice-President
Congratulations! Iowa 4-H is proud of you for stepping into a club leadership position! As a 4-H club officer, you represent the 4-H Program--both in and out of your 4-H activities. Your fellow 4-H members will look up to you as you use your skills and abilities to lead with dedication, professionalism, and enthusiasm. This guide will provide tips for effective leadership, a checklist for your role's tasks, and instructions on some of your most important officer duties.

For more information, please visit our club officer resources webpage.

Previously known as 4H 71B
So You're the Club Secretary
Congratulations! Iowa 4-H is proud of you for stepping into a club leadership position! As a 4-H club officer, you represent the 4-H Program—both in and out of your 4-H activities. Your fellow 4-H members will look up to you as you use your skills and abilities to lead with dedication, professionalism, and enthusiasm. This guide will provide tips for effective leadership, a checklist for your role's tasks, and instructions on some of your most important officer duties.

For more information, please visit our club officer resources webpage.

Previously known as 4H 71C
So You're the Club Historian
Congratulations! Iowa 4-H is proud of you for stepping into a club leadership position! As a 4-H club officer, you represent the 4-H Program—both in and out of your 4-H activities. Your fellow 4-H members will look up to you as you use your skills and abilities to lead with dedication, professionalism, and enthusiasm. This guide will provide tips for effective leadership, a checklist for your role's tasks, and instructions on some of your most important officer duties.

For more information, please visit our club officer resources webpage.

Previously known as 4H 71E
So You're the Club Reporter
Congratulations! Iowa 4-H is proud of you for stepping into a club leadership position! As a 4-H club officer, you represent the 4-H Program—both in and out of your 4-H activities. Your fellow 4-H members will look up to you as you use your skills and abilities to lead with dedication, professionalism, and enthusiasm. This guide will provide tips for effective leadership, a checklist for your role's tasks, and instructions on some of your most important officer duties.

For more information, please visit our club officer resources webpage.

Previously known as 4H 71F
So You're the Club Recreation Leader
Congratulations! Iowa 4-H is proud of you for stepping into a club leadership position! As a 4-H club officer, you represent the 4-H Program—both in and out of your 4-H activities. Your fellow 4-H members will look up to you as you use your skills and abilities to lead with dedication, professionalism, and enthusiasm. This guide will provide tips for effective leadership, a checklist for your role's tasks, and instructions on some of your most important officer duties.

For more information, please visit our club officer resources webpage.

Previously known as 4H 71G
So You're the Club Photographer
Congratulations! Iowa 4-H is proud of you for stepping into a club leadership position! As a 4-H club officer, you represent the 4-H Program—both in and out of your 4-H activities. Your fellow 4-H members will look up to you as you use your skills and abilities to lead with dedication, professionalism, and enthusiasm. This guide will provide tips for effective leadership, a checklist for your role's tasks, and instructions on some of your most important officer duties.

For more information, please visit our club officer resources webpage.

Previously known as 4H 71HC
Club Press Release Template -- Club Reporter
As a club reporter, you have many responsibilities, which may include writing press releases about your club activities and the impact you make on your community.

This template may be used as a guide to draft your club press releases. Please check with your County Extension Office to learn their preferred processes for sharing your story.

For more information, please visit our club officer resources webpage.
Word Document
Recording the Minutes
As a club secretary, you have many responsibilities, which include keeping accurate records of the important business discussed at your club meetings.

This template may be used as a guide to draft your club minutes. An example is also provided on the second page. This form is not required, it is only a guide to use if you choose.

For more information, please visit our club officer resources webpage.
Word Document
Secretary's Record
As a club secretary, you have many responsibilities, which may include keeping or sharing a list of membership contacts for your club.

This template may be used as a guide to draft your club officer's information, club leader's information, and the contact information for your club members.

For more information, please visit our club officer resources webpage.

This replaces 4H 20
Word Document
Activity Planning Worksheet
As a club recreation officer, you have many responsibilities, which may include planning and keeping records of the recreational activities you do with your club.

This template may be used as a guide for club recreation leaders to plan effectively for their club activities.

For more information, please visit our club officer resources webpage.
Word Document
Creating an Agenda
As a club president, you have many responsibilities, which will include setting a meeting agenda for your club meeting.

This template may be used as a guide to draft your club meeting agenda.

For more information, please visit our club officer resources webpage.
Word Document
Club Recreation Plan
As a club recreation leader, you have many responsibilities, which may include making long-term plans for your club's recreation activities.

This template may be used as a guide to draft the ideas you have for your club activities. You can make notes on what kinds of supplies, space, and time is necessary for each activity to discuss with your club leaders or other club officers.

For more information, please visit our club officer resources webpage.
Word Document
Iowa 4-H Secretary's Record
4-H Secretary's Record with forms to keep official record of all business transacted by the group.

Includes attendance and participation record forms and group meeting minutes form.

This editable PDF can be downloaded, filled out, saved, and then printed; or it can be printed and completed manually.

Replaced by 4H 3333
Iowa 4-H Treasurer's Record
4-H Treasurer's Record Book with accounting method for group's financial resources, instructions, accounting forms for receipts and expenses, and year end net worth statement.
So You're the Club Photographer - B&W
Club photographers can tell the 4-H story with photos that show 4-H'ers in action. Includes a checklist of duties, photo ideas, several photo examples, and helpful tips.

4-H Project Record
Replaced by 4H 0096A,B, and C
Ages and Stages of Child and Youth Development -- A Guide for 4-H Leaders
This guide was written to provide 4-H leaders with insight into the needs and interests of 4-H club members. It discusses the common physical, cognitive, social, and emotional characteristics that are common to children at each age level starting with age six and ending with age 19.
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