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Foods for Iowa 4-H Fairs - Quick Reference Guide (2025)
Plan ahead for a successful fair experience. Use these guidelines to help select an acceptable product for exhibit, find an approved recipe source, and identify the appropriate preparation method.
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Iowa 4-H - Animal Identification, Weighing, and Exhibiting Requirements for County, State and Interstate Shows
This publication has two purposes:
(1) to summarize regulations relating to exhibiting animals at 4-H shows, and
(2) to provide additional suggestions for staff members and county program committees as they plan 4-H shows.

It is the expectation that all 4-H shows will comply with the regulations in this publication. Shows may have rules that are more restrictive but not less restrictive than state rules.
Harvesting and Preparing Vegetables for Exhibit
Each time you select vegetables from the produce section of the grocery store, you are judging. You select produce for freshness, cleanliness, good size and color, and freedom from mechanical, insect, and disease damage. You look for the same qualities in your home-grown produce.

There are many important guidelines when selecting and preparing vegetables for exhibit at fairs. Judges use several criteria to evaluate vegetables. There are several things the exhibitor can do to meet these criteria to the highest level and receive top placing at the fair.
Preparing Cut Flowers and Houseplants for Exhibits
Participating in flower shows at fairs can be fun and rewarding. Good exhibits help others learn about various types of flowers and plants. Judges use several criteria to evaluate cut flowers and houseplants. There are several things the exhibitor can do to meet these criteria to the highest level and receive top placing at the fair.
Harvesting and Preparing Herbs for Exhibit
Herbs, botanically, are non-woody annuals, biennials, or perennial plants that die back to the ground each year. They are plants valued for their flavor, fragrance, and medicinal uses. Culinary herbs are often important ingredients in savory and sweet recipes. Freshly harvested herbs have distinct flavors and aromatic qualities.

There are many important guidelines when selecting and preparing fresh herbs for exhibit at fairs. Herbs exhibited at fairs are exhibited as fresh leaves and stems. They are not dried or processed in any way. Judges use several criteria to evaluate herbs. There are several things the exhibitor can do to meet these criteria to the highest level and receive top placings at the fair.
Preparing Floral Arrangements for Exhibit
Floral arrangement or design is the art of arranging flowers and other plant materials into an eye-catching and artistic display. They take on many forms and styles but always incorporate the elements and principles of design including balance, proportion, and contrast, among other things. Good floral arrangements are not only pleasing to look at, but can help others learn about various types of flowers and plants. Judges use several criteria to evaluate floral designs. There are several things the exhibitor can do to meet these criteria to the highest level and receive top placing at the fair.
4-H Junior Intermediate Clothing Event Report Form
Iowa 4-H clothing event report forms for county event use. The Iowa State Fair Awardrobe Clothing Event is only open to senior-level (grades 9-12) 4-H members. This form is often used by counties for their junior and/or intermediate level clothing events. Please check with your county office for grade eligibility and required reports before using.
Word Document
4-H Senior Clothing Event Report Form
Iowa 4-H clothing event report forms for state and county event use. The Iowa State Fair Awardrobe Clothing Event is open to senior-level (grades 9-12) 4-H members and uses this form. This form is often used by counties for their senior level clothing events. Please check with your county office for grade eligibility and required reports before using.

This fillable PDF is editable to be filled out online, saved, and then printed. The PDF can also be printed and completed manually.
Rule of Thirds -- Photography
An overview of the photography "rule of thirds" with some example photographs to demonstrate the concepts. Great for 4-H members to use while learning the basics of photography and composition.
White Balance -- Photography
A visual chart demonstrating photography concepts related to white balance. Includes a description, kelvin scale, color temperature, preset, and light source.
Elements and Principles of Design Cards
Elements and principles of design cards can be used as a visual reference for 4-H members and volunteers, or be used in a variety of educational activities and challenges.

The PDF download of these cards can be printed as a full sheet card, or you can use the "print multiple pages per sheet" feature to create smaller cards that can be cut out.

The last page includes some challenges that you can try!
Presenting to an Exhibit Judge -- Vibrant Clubs
Exhibiting at Fairs has long been a traditional part of a 4-H member’s learning experience. In Iowa 4-H, we use conference judging for most of our static (non-living) exhibits. Conference judging allows 4-H members to have a face-to-face conversation with an expert to discuss the member’s work. Judges are caring adults trained to use this process to educate, evaluate, and encourage 4-H members. Members who prepare to share their stories with the judge will likely approach the experience with more confidence and greater anticipation.
Rules and Regulations for 4-H Equine Shows in Iowa
This detailed handbook is a guide for 4-H'ers, 4-H leaders, county extension staff, show managers, judges, and others responsible for conducting 4-H light horse shows in Iowa.
Design: Exploring the Elements and Principles in Home Decor
The elements of design are line, shape, form, color, texture, and space. These are the tools used to design a room or space. The principles of design are balance, emphasis, unity, rhythm, and proportion. The principles of design are how we use the elements of design to create the desired look. By learning and using the elements and principles of design, you will increase your understanding of how and why some things work together and some simply don’t look right.

Diseño Análisis de los elementos y principios Un diseño es un plan visual que puede utilizar para crear su proyecto 4-H. Todo lo que ve tiene un diseño. Analice los elementos y principios del diseño.
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PDF - Spanish
Four Steps to a 4-H Thank You
Saying thank you is an important communication skill. It's important to tell the people who support and encourage us that we appreciate them, and why.

Use this four-step process to write a thoughtful thank you to your supporters, mentors, and volunteers.
Guidelines for Care of Animals in a Public Setting
4-H members participating in livestock shows have a chance to practice responsible behavior while taking care of their animals and themselves. 4-H members need to work cooperatively to provide an environment that meets the needs of exhibit animals and is conducive to encouraging the public to view exhibits.
Preparing Youth for the Fair
We are not looking for an extraordinary project, we are looking for extraordinary learning! It is important that in preparing youth for the fair that 4-H volunteers and staff utilize the Experiential Learning Model and are able to reflect the “Do, Reflect, Apply” process that they have utilized. Youth need to be able to demonstrate not only their exhibit but what they have learned and how they reached their goal.
Goal Setting: Writing Project Area and Exhibit Goals
The skill of goal setting and working to achieve their goals is what 4-H strives to have 4-H youth practice in all parts of the educational experience — from project work to club work. As a 4-H member develops their skills in a project area, goals should become more challenging to further their learning.

Learn what a goal is, and how to write goals for project area learning and for exhibits.
Iowa 4-H Equitation and Horsemanship Skills Assessment
The Equitation and Horsemanship Skills Assessment Program provides an optional, planned progression of skill development to promote safety, equitation, and horsemanship. The program offers a check-list for youth to be involved and succeed, regardless of their riding style, skill, or ability.

The skills are not western, hunt seat, saddle seat, or contest skills. They are skills for all disciplines, riding styles, and uses. These skills were designed for the purpose of promoting safety and knowledge within the 4-H horse project. The skills will give youth a planned progression of horse handling and riding skills and a solid understanding of and ability in horsemanship.

Mastering proper horsemanship skills before progressing to the next level requires patience, maturity, interest, dedication, and time. Youth can practice skills at home, clinics, demonstrations, meetings, camps, etc. As you work with a horse or pony, you want to work at developing self-discipline, patience, self- reliance, responsibility, and pride of accomplishment. Youth should progress through the levels at their own rate to successfully master the skills.
MS-Word template
Project Area or Exhibit?
What is the difference between a 4-H project and a 4-H exhibit? Each year, 4-H members enroll in project areas that interest them. They set goals to plan what they will learn in each project area. When they bring things to fair to show what they learned, these are called exhibits.

This publication gives examples of ways you can explore project area learning as a 4-H member, and ways that you can participate in sharing what you have learned through exhibiting opportunities.
Writing a Clothing Event Commentary -- Clothing
In a clothing event, runway commentaries tell the audience about you and the special features of your garment. It is also your opportunity to share what you learned during the experience of purchasing or making your outfit. Commentaries are concise, usually between 50 and 100 words long.

This publication explains how to write a commentary, sample commentaries, and a list of clothing-related terms you may want to use in your commentary.
Communications - Working Exhibits! What are they?
A working exhibit is the sharing of a talent or showing off a skill! If you have a talent, share it with others. If you know a subject well, tell others about it. If you have a skill, teach it to others.

A 4-H working exhibit gives you the chance to present a topic informally. Your working exhibit should be a "teaching" or "showing" presentation. Every project area could have a working exhibit!
Design: Exploring the Elements and Principles in Clothing
Get an introduction to the elements of design (shape/form, color, texture, and line) and the principles of design (rhythm, emphasis, proportion, balance, and unity).

Diseño: Análisis de los elementos y principios en la vestimenta Los elementos de diseño son el color, la línea, la forma bidimensional, la forma tridimensional y la textura. Son las herramientas que utilizan los fabricantes de ropa cuando se diseña y fabrica una prenda para mejorar el aspecto de una persona.
PDF - English
PDF - Spanish
Design: Exploring the Elements and Principles
A design is a visual plan you can use to create your 4-H project. Everything you can see has a design. Explore the elements and principles of design.

Diseño Análisis de los elementos y principios Un diseño es un plan visual que puede utilizar para crear su proyecto 4-H. Todo lo que ve tiene un diseño. Cuando describe lo que ve, utiliza palabras que hablan de las líneas, las formas bidimensionales, los colores, las texturas y los espacios. La línea, la forma bidimensional, el color, la textura y el espacio son los elementos básicos del diseño.
PDF - English
PDF - Spanish
Iowa 4-H Market Beef Identification Form (Unit=Pkg of 20)
Use this form for eligibility to exhibit at County, State, and Interstate Shows.
Iowa 4-H Horse Lease Agreement
A “Leased” horse is any horse that is not owned by the 4-H’er or his/her immediate family (parents, siblings, guardians). Horses owned by distant family—aunts, uncles, cousins or grandparents—are considered leased horses.

This fillable PDF is editable to be filled out online, saved, and then printed. The PDF can also be printed and completed manually.
Livestock Judging Scorecard (Unit=Pkg of 25)
Judges should use this card to score livestock.
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