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Harvesting and Preparing Vegetables for Exhibit
Each time you select vegetables from the produce section of the grocery store, you are judging. You select produce for freshness, cleanliness, good size and color, and freedom from mechanical, insect, and disease damage. You look for the same qualities in your home-grown produce.

There are many important guidelines when selecting and preparing vegetables for exhibit at fairs. Judges use several criteria to evaluate vegetables. There are several things the exhibitor can do to meet these criteria to the highest level and receive top placing at the fair.
Preparing Cut Flowers and Houseplants for Exhibits
Participating in flower shows at fairs can be fun and rewarding. Good exhibits help others learn about various types of flowers and plants. Judges use several criteria to evaluate cut flowers and houseplants. There are several things the exhibitor can do to meet these criteria to the highest level and receive top placing at the fair.
Harvesting and Preparing Herbs for Exhibit
Herbs, botanically, are non-woody annuals, biennials, or perennial plants that die back to the ground each year. They are plants valued for their flavor, fragrance, and medicinal uses. Culinary herbs are often important ingredients in savory and sweet recipes. Freshly harvested herbs have distinct flavors and aromatic qualities.

There are many important guidelines when selecting and preparing fresh herbs for exhibit at fairs. Herbs exhibited at fairs are exhibited as fresh leaves and stems. They are not dried or processed in any way. Judges use several criteria to evaluate herbs. There are several things the exhibitor can do to meet these criteria to the highest level and receive top placings at the fair.
Preparing Floral Arrangements for Exhibit
Floral arrangement or design is the art of arranging flowers and other plant materials into an eye-catching and artistic display. They take on many forms and styles but always incorporate the elements and principles of design including balance, proportion, and contrast, among other things. Good floral arrangements are not only pleasing to look at, but can help others learn about various types of flowers and plants. Judges use several criteria to evaluate floral designs. There are several things the exhibitor can do to meet these criteria to the highest level and receive top placing at the fair.
4-H Junior Intermediate Clothing Event Evaluation Form
Iowa 4-H clothing event evaluation forms for county event use. The Iowa State Fair Awardrobe Clothing Event is only open to senior-level (grades 9-12) 4-H members. This form is often used by counties for their junior and/or intermediate level clothing events. Please check with your county office for grade eligibility and required reports before using.
4-H Senior Clothing Event Evaluation Form
Iowa 4-H clothing event evaluation forms for state and county event use. The Iowa State Fair Awardrobe Clothing Event is open to senior-level (grades 9-12) 4-H members and uses this form. This form is often used by counties for their junior and/or intermediate level clothing events. Please check with your county office for grade eligibility and required reports before using.
Elements and Principles of Design Cards
Elements and principles of design cards can be used as a visual reference for 4-H members and volunteers, or be used in a variety of educational activities and challenges.

The PDF download of these cards can be printed as a full sheet card, or you can use the "print multiple pages per sheet" feature to create smaller cards that can be cut out.

The last page includes some challenges that you can try!
Evaluating Record Keeping Systems
The purpose of 4-H record keeping is to teach how to keep records, which is an important life skill. In 4-H, using a record keeping system is a recommended practice for youth in grades 4-12 to track participation, goals, achievements, and reflections throughout their 4-H journey.

Record keeping systems are one way youth might be asked to show evidence of their learning, goal setting, reflection, and growth in project area learning, leadership, civic engagement, or communication to meet award criteria. This guide outlines the information that will help staff and volunteers prepare for the evaluation of record keeping systems for these purposes.
4-H Clover Kids Clothing Selection Event Guidelines
This event introduces Clover Kids to the 4-H Clothing Project Area by asking each participant to select an outfit to wear. The chosen garments may be selected from one’s own wardrobe, borrowed, or purchased, and can be acquired from a combination of sources. Each child receives a participation ribbon following their showcase.

Each child will:
  • Learn about personal clothing preferences (self-understanding)
  • Engage in positive social interaction
  • Gain experience making decisions
Evaluating Runway Clothing Exhibits -- Clothing
A summary of the state classes for clothing runway exhibits such as $20 challenge, fashion revue, innovative design, and clothing selection. Includes philosophies for judging clothing exhibits, and tips to evaluate, educate, and encourage youth exhibitors in clothing runway classes.
Project Area Evaluation -- Record Keeping
The project area record evaluation form is an optional resource that counties may provide for their record keeping evaluators. This resource provides a space for evaluating a project area record, as well as room for comments to encourage young people in their continued project area learning.

The editable PDF can be filled out online, saved, printed, or completed manually. For more information visit our webpage on using 4-H forms and documents.
Record Keeping Evaluation -- Record Keeping
The record keeping evaluation form is an optional resource that counties may provide for their record keeping evaluators. This resource provides a space for evaluating any records for record keeping learning objectives, as well as room for comments to encourage young people in their continued learning.

The editable PDF can be filled out online, saved, printed, or completed manually. For more information visit our webpage on using 4-H forms and documents.
Goal Centered Learning
The purpose of this document is to articulate the relationship between 4-H project areas, goals, exhibits, and evaluation when a 4-H member chooses to exhibit at a County Fair. It also seeks to clarify the philosophy of the Iowa 4-H Youth Development Program to staff, county fair judges, and other caring adults about the balance we attempt to achieve between goal-centered learning and exhibit standards.

The skill of goal setting and working to achieve a goal is something 4-H strives to teach and practice in all parts of the educational program. How can adults help 4-H members understand how project area goals relate to exhibits goals, how exhibits are evaluated by judges, and how these pieces fit together? Parents and volunteers help 4-H members learn how to set goals and help them find ways to demonstrate their learning through an exhibit. Judges help 4-H members think about which standards apply to their exhibits based on their goals and then discuss how well the 4-H member met those standards.
Preparing Youth for the Fair
We are not looking for an extraordinary project, we are looking for extraordinary learning! It is important that in preparing youth for the fair that 4-H volunteers and staff utilize the Experiential Learning Model and are able to reflect the “Do, Reflect, Apply” process that they have utilized. Youth need to be able to demonstrate not only their exhibit but what they have learned and how they reached their goal.
Exhibit Judging Experience
We’ve interviewed an experienced exhibit judge for their insight into the judging process. Volunteers can use this information to help youth prepare for the fair. This is an excellent resource for 4-H judges and 4-H volunteers.
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