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2025 Midwest Vegetable Production Guide
This annually-revised guide is a summary of currently suggested fertility, horticultural, and pest management techniques and tools for commercial vegetable growers, and is a collaboration of land-grant universities from eight states. It provides contact and vegetable production information that is valid for the current year in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, and Ohio.

Visit, for the pdf downloads of the guide for printing in whole or in part on your own.
Planting and Harvesting Times for Garden Vegetables
This guide can help northern, southern, and central Iowa vegetable growers schedule the planting of gardens so space may be used efficiently. Includes a staggered planting and harvest chart for crops grown April through October

Detailed planting directions are given for more than 25 common garden crops, such as radishes, lettuces, onions, peas, tomatoes, kale, peppers, squash, melons, and cucumbers.

Replaces PM 0534.
Growing Herbs in a Container
Use these tips to grow herbs in containers!
Three Steps - PDF
Three Steps (Spanish) - PDF
Six Steps - PDF
Six Steps (Spanish) - PDF
Growing, Harvesting, and Preserving Herbs
Herbs are plants valued for their flavor, fragrance, and medicinal uses. They require little space and care. Learn about herb planting location, propagation, care, harvesting, drying, storage, and preservation methods. Growing information for more than 20 species is included.

Previously known as PM 1239 - Growing and Drying Herbs
2021 Summary - Horticulture Research Station
This report contains a summary of the research conducted at the Horticulture Research Station in 2021.

To access reports from past years, visit the Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Report archive.
Want Yard or Garden Information? - Ask Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
You’ll find more than 100 publications with facts about flowers, vegetables, herbs, fruits, lawns, trees, and shrubs listed in this gardening resources publication.
Iowa Fruit and Vegetable Production Budgets
This enterprise budgeting tool can help vegetable growers estimate the costs and revenue associated with producing a product. Growers with multiple enterprises can use total sales as the basis for estimating the cost of planting, growing, harvesting, and handling key crops with a series of worksheets.

Specific crops include: Asparagus, basil, green beans, carrots, eggplant, garlic, salad greens, snow peas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, raspberries, strawberries, cherry and heirloom tomatoes.

Previously known as PM 2017.
As the most popular vegetable in the home garden, tomatoes are low in calories and high in vitamin C and antioxidants. This publication addresses the variety of tomato shapes, sizes and colors with suggestions for Iowa gardens based on color, size, shape, growth habit (determinate or indeterminate), and name. Also includes detailed information about planting, spacing, fertilizing, training, yields, harvesting, and storage, including tips on how to ripen end-of-season green tomatoes.

Previously known as PM 0608.
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PDF - Spanish
Onions are easy to grow and often yield well. This publication includes details about onion cultivars, planting, maintenance, harvest, and storage.

Replaces PM 1889.
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Learn about different pepper cultivars, planting, potential problems, harvesting and storage, and pepper hotness in your home garden.
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PDF - Spanish
The potato is one of the most important vegetable crops in the world. Publication discusses potato cultivars and their uses, planting, care, potential problems, and short and long-tern harvest and storage.
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PDF - Spanish
Sweet Corn
Plant breeders over the past decade have significantly improved sweet corn quality. Read about sweet corn types, cultivars, planting, pollination, fertilization, care, and harvest and storage plus information about growing baby corn.

Previously known as PM 1891. PM1891
PDF - English
PDF - Spanish
Cole Crops
Cole crops is the general term used to describe broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, kale, and kohlrabi. Harvesting these vegetables at the right stage of maturity results in nutritious, high quality produce. Learn about cole crop cultivars, planting, yields, care during the growing season, potential problems, and harvest and storage.
PDF - English
PDF - Spanish
Growing and Using Basil
Basil is a member of the mint family with an aroma like mint and tea. Learn about its history, uses, culture, harvesting, preparation, and the different basil varieties.
PDF - English
PDF - Spanish
Iowa High Tunnel Fruit and Vegetable Production Manual
This publication provides growers with information to use high tunnels effectively, enhance productivity and increase income. Construction and management of high tunnels is included, as well as information on crops that can be grown.
Tomato Diseases and Disorders
Learn about the symptoms and management of common problems for garden and greenhouse tomatoes.

Previously referenced as PM 1266.
Commercial Potato Production Guide
Potatoes are the world’s most important vegetable crop and have been grown in the United States since the early 1700s. This publication discusses the many different types of potato and their characteristics, recommended planting practices and fertilization. It also talks about pests and diseases that can harm the potato and what can be done to combat them.
Top 13 vegetables to donate to food pantries
Many gardeners produce excess vegetables during the growing season. Some preserve their surplus vegetables for later use, while others give friends and neighbors the extras. Another option for using this excess produce could be a local food pantry. This publication discusses 13 vegetables that can be donated to food pantries and tips for growing and harvesting those vegetables.
Hop Production Calendar
This publication provides information on tasks that must be completed to produce a healthy hop crop. Broken down month-by-month, it provides reminders and tips for growing hops. It also includes additional resources that can be helpful to hop growers.
Hop Production 101: Commercial Hop Yard Trellis Design
As hop production returns to Iowa, growers are wanting more information on producing healthy and abundant harvests. This publication discusses the best practices for designing and constructing a hops yard.
Crop Rotations, Composting and Cover Crops for Organic Vegetable Production
Organic production and consumption has increased to a $39.5 billion industry in the United States with over 22,000 organic farmers. Over 5.4 million acres are in organic production in the U.S., including 164,403 acres of organic vegetables, valued at $1.3 billion. The majority of organic vegetable growers incorporate crop rotations, composting, and cover crops in their operations. The following information offers a guide for including these practices to meet certified organic rules and increase the long-term sustainability of an organic farm.
Commercial Asparagus Production
Asparagus is a hardy perennial of the lily family. The plant originated in the coastal regions of Europe and Asia but is now grown throughout the world. It is one of the first vegetable crops to be available in the early spring, along with leafy greens. Once established, a well-cared for asparagus field can remain productive for 15 to 20 years.
Commercial Production of Pak Choi
Pak choi is a cool-season vegetable that belongs to the cabbage and cauliflower family. It is also known as bok choi, or pak choy. It originated in China and has been cultivated for thousands of years. Pak choi has rapidly been gaining popularity in the Midwest due to its mild flavor, suitability as a stir fry vegetable, and wide acceptance among consumers. Many farmers markets, community supported agriculture vendors, and local grocery stores feature pak choi in produce boxes.
Hop Production 101: Site selection and planting
As hop production returns to Iowa, growers are wanting more information on producing healthy and abundant harvests. This publication discusses the best practices for selecting a site to grow hops and how to plant the crop.
Short Duration Cover Crops for Vegetable Production Systems
Cover crops are planted not for harvest, but are designed to maintain and enhance the sustainability of a production system by improving soil fertility, water quality and can lead to the suppression of weeds, soil erosion and pests. This publication provides information on how to use short duration cover crops to aid production, especially during a fallow period between two vegetable crops. Choosing the correct cover crop will impact its effectiveness, as will the grower’s method of seeding and termination. The publication provides tips for picking the right crop and showing how it should be used to maximize its effectiveness.
Conservation Techniques for Vegetable Production: Combining Strip-Tillage and Cover Crops
Strip-tillage is when a crop is planted into narrow, tilled strips and the non-tilled area between the strips might contain residue from the previous season's main crop or a living or dead cover crop.

Combining strip-tillage and cover crops offers various benefits including minimal soil erosion, maintains soil moisture and weed suppression. This publication provides basic information on using a strip-tillage system with rolled cover crops as a conservation best management practice in vegetable production systems such broccoli, peppers, pumpkins, squash and tomatoes.
Cover Crops in Vegetable Production Systems
Vegetable production systems require inputs and if not managed properly could have detrimental effects on soil and the environment. Cover crops are gaining importance and growers can used them as a best practice tool in preserving environmental sustainability of vegetable cropping systems without compromising farm productivity and profitability. This publication defines various cover crops and their benefits such as reducing soil erosion, compaction and synthetic nitrogen inputs, suppressing weeds, increasing soil organic matter and water infiltration, enhancing soil biology, and providing habitat for beneficial insects and natural enemies of pests.
Recommended Tomato Varieties for Commercial Production in Iowa
This publication provides information on suitable tomato varieties for commercial field and high tunnel production in Iowa. Even home growers of tomatoes will find a number of determinate and indeterminate cultivars available for Midwest temperatures and soil types.
Supporting Local Food System Development in Your Community
Supporting Local Food System Development in Your Community provides local government officials, community activists, and others with seven steps to help organize and promote the development of a local food system in your community.
Garden Produce in Floods
If flood waters have covered a garden, most produce will be unsafe to eat. Several factors determine the safety of unharvested fruits and vegetables.
Local Food Coordinators
Local Food Coordinators support the development of local food systems by bringing participants together and increasing community awareness through educational and promotional marketing. This publication provides resources to groups and organizations who are developing a local foods coordinator position, complete with a position description.
Rhubarb in the Home Garden
Although classed as a vegetable, rhubarb is used as a fruit because its high acidity gives it a tart flavor. Learn about rhubarb cultivars, how to grow, fertilization, harvesting, care, and disease and insect management.
PDF - English
PDF - Spanish
Asparagus in the Home Garden
Asparagus, one of the most popular spring vegetables, is a hardy perennial that produces edible spears earlier than any other garden vegetable. Learn about site selection, soil preparation, cultivars, weed control, planting, insect pests, harvesting, and after harvest care.
PDF - English
PDF - Spanish
Integrated Pest Management for Home Gardens and Landscapes
Identifying and encouraging naturally occurring predators and parasites is a useful gardening skill. This fact sheet describes 10 beneficial insects and also offers other tips for preventing insect and disease problems.
Guide to Liquid Sanitizer Washes with Fruit and Vegetables
This publication is for growers looking for information about the best post-harvest sanitizing practices for fresh fruits and vegetables. It includes a comprehensive chart of five commonly used liquid sanitizers.
Food Pantry Produce Donations - Grower Information
Donations from local fruit and vegetable growers are important to food pantries. This publication provides information to growers about safe on-farm food practices and information to food pantry workers about how to keep donated produce safe.
Suggested Vegetable Varieties for the Home Garden
This publication suggests two or more produce varieties suited for Iowa gardens based on characteristics including color, size, texture, flavor, vigor, and early or late harvest. Includes more than 60 crops, such as: asparagus, beans, lettuces, endives, onions, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, sweet corn, peas, okra, eggplant, kale, peppers, pumpkins, melons, squash, leeks, cucumbers, broccoli, carrots, beets, and several others.
Where to Put Your Vegetable Garden
The amount of sunlight, soil type, and other factors are primary considerations when selecting a garden site. Get the details on planning your garden.
Planting a Home Vegetable Garden
Provides basic how-to information, including seedbed preparation, seed selection and sowing, and using transplants. Chart gives planting guidelines for 37 vegetables.
Small Plot Vegetable Gardening
This publication outlines recommendations and techniques for growing quality vegetables in a limited space, including planning, site selection, summer care, and space saving techniques. Lists suggestions for 16 garden vegetables (more than 50 varietals) including: cucumber, green beans, pepper, pole beans, spinach, tomatoes, summer and winter squash, and others.
Container vegetable gardening
Includes information regarding: container construction, size, and capacity; crop selection and planting density; summer care (location, watering, fertilization, tomato tips). Lists suggestions for 12 container garden vegetables (more than 40 cultivars) including: carrots, cucumber, pepper, spinach, and tomatoes.
Vegetable Production Budgets for a High Tunnel
Figure high tunnel profitability for vegetable production with the systems and budgets described in this publication. The information is based on the detailed production records of five farmers growing crops such as bell peppers, cucumbers, eggplant, herbs, lettuce, and tomatoes.
Growing Organic Vegetables in Iowa
Organic production and consumption has increased over the past 20 years. Learn how to raise organic vegetables - including strategies for composting, pest management, and disease management.
Rainwater Catchment from a High Tunnel for Irrigation Use
Make high tunnels more profitable for crop production by installing a system to catch, store, and reuse the rainwater from periodic rain events. The authors describe system components, give approximate costs, and detail year-round maintenance procedures. Also described is a drip irrigation system.
Weed Management in the Home Garden
Describes three methods of weed control for the home gardener; includes tips for using mulches effectively.
Starting Garden Transplants at Home
Learn how to start annual flowers and vegetables at home, to enjoy them earlier in the growing season. This publication tells you how to select seeds; choose potting mixes, containers, and seed; and later move seedlings to the garden.
Annual Fruit/Vegetable Progress Report 2004
This publication is a summary of research results of vegetable and fruit crops at two locations in Iowa: Muscatine Island Research Farm and Fruitland and Horticulture Research Station in Gilbert.
Production of Vegetables, Strawberries, and Cut Flowers Using Plasticulture
Using this book, growers, educators, and gardeners learn to use plastic as a work-reducing, product-enhancing tool. Topics include: Plastic mulch. Drip irrigation. Fertigation. Season extension. Windbreaks. Crop establishment. Weed management. Soil sanitation. Managing used plastics. Strawberry and cut flower production systems are described in depth. More than 100 photographs and illustrations, 24 tables, and equipment supplier lists complement the text.
You can now find this educational resource on the following product page:
Tomatillos (Spanish version)
You can now find this educational resource on the following product page:
Pumpkin Production Guide
The pumpkin Production Guide is a must-have for both new and experienced pumpkin growers, serious gardeners, and agricultural advisors. The 152-page guide covers the basics of pumpkin production and cutting-edge research. Twelve chapters offer practical information for preparing the field, evaluating varieties, and choosing the best cultural practices; groundbreaking insight into fruit set and pollination to help growers maximize yields; descriptions for identifying and controlling weeds, insects, diseases, and wildlife pests; ways to maintain postharvest quality; and sample budgets and marketing ideas. Over 115 color photos supplement the text.
PDF - English
PDF - Spanish
Tomatillos are a traditional part of Mexican cooking. Discover information on tomatillo cultivars, planting, fertilization, care, potential problems, and harvest and storage.
PDF - English
PDF - Spanish
Grow garlic in your home garden. Learn about garlic cultivars, planting, fertilizing, maintenance, potential problems, and harvest and storage.
Spanish PDF
Harvesting and Storing Vegetables
Harvesting vegetables at the right stage of maturity results in nutritious, high quality products. Consumers can capture the peak flavors of asparagus, Brussels sprouts, melons, garlic, rhubarb, squash, tomatoes, sweet corn, and many other vegetables. This publication provides detailed information for storing more than 30 types of garden vegetables, including recommended storage temperatures, relative humidity, storage life for fresh vegetables, suggested methods for extended preservation, and types of storage facilities.
Selling Fruits and Vegetables
Before investing resources into growing and selling fresh produce, use this publication to first help evaluate personal skills, market conditions, financial resources, and overall project feasibility.
Watering the Home Garden -- Use of Trickle Irrigation
Hardy vegetable crops draw upon water and nutrients in the soil in order to quickly establish their root systems and sustain rapid growth. This publication illustrates conserving water using soil mulch, hand watering, and sprinklers, and provides detailed pictures and instructions for installing a trickle irrigation system.
Nonchemical Pest Control for the Home Lawn and Garden -- Reiman Gardens
Nonchemical pest control alternatives include some new developments along with some old-time practices. Effectiveness varies. Learn about 17 alternatives.
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