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Using Committees -- Vibrant Clubs

A committee is a team with a common goal. They work under the leadership of a chair and are supported by the club leader. A committee chairperson may be the vice president of the club (who oversees all committees), may be appointed by the president of the club, or may be a member who volunteers for the task. No matter who the chairperson is, there are responsibilities that must be fulfilled if the committee is to be successful.

Effective committee work is an important 4-H club function. Through effective committee work, club business meetings can be more efficient and allow more time to meet the educational, recreational, and social needs of members.

The Iowa 4-H Club program plan should always include youth voice from members. Youth voice should be included in planning of activities, events, and education as well as financial decisions. Provide opportunities for youth to be involved in financial decisions and plan for educational opportunities to help 4-H youth understand the club finances, guidelines, and appropriate use of club funds.

Pages / Length: 3
Publication Date: 05/2022

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